44. Books Ahoy!

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Emma's POV

"Swan," someone whispers. My heavy eyes crack open. "Sweetheart," I open them a bit more and see Killian with a small smile, trying to wake me gently. "Come on, love. Lunch time." He unbuckles my seatbelt. I sit up and rub my eyes. He chuckles. "How was your nap?" He smiles and backs away from my door. He offers his hand. I take it and stand up sleepily. I stumble from standing up to quickly. He catches me. "You alright?" He puts his hands on my arms.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I yawn.

"My tired, Swan." He smiles and kisses my forehead. I hide my smile. I grab my bag and shut the car door. "Did you sleep well?" He asks, as we walk I to a small café.

"Good, but I don't remember falling asleep." He offers his arm which I gladly take. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"It was about half an hour after we left. You just started to doze off so I let you. You're adorable when you're asleep." I don't even need to look at him to tell he's smiling. "What do you want?" He asks, looking at the menu.

"Um..." I pause. "Salad and a hot chocolate."

"One cheeseburger, a salad, and two hot chocolates with cinnamon." He says to the cashier.

"You remembered." I smile. "I didn't even have to remind you." I say proudly.

"Well, my love, we've been dating for almost two years, so I hope I'd know your favorite thing in the whole world by now." He rolls his eyes and smiles.

"You're my favorite thing."

"And you are mine." Our food comes and Killian takes the tray. We walk to a booth by a large window. We sit across from each other. Killian divides our food. We count the cars that go by as we eat. Killian takes my hand and brings it to his lips. Two men collide making one fall, knocking over my drink and spilling it all over me.

"Really?" I try to clean it up with napkins. I look up and see Killian about to strangle the guy. "Killian."

"Apologize to the lady, mate." He says through gritted teeth.

"Killian, it's okay." He drops his grip on his shirt. I look up at the man. "Will?" I ask.

"Emma, right?" He asks.

"Yeah, where have you been?"

"Just around. I graduated last year, so I've been around." He ruffles Killian's hair. Killian looks as if he's about to murder him.

"Well, it's nice to see you again." I smile.

"You too. Uh... sorry about the spill." He scratches his head.

"It's okay, it'll come out."

"Well, I best be going."

"Alright," he walks away. I look back at Killian who you can see the steam coming off of him. "Hey," I take his hand. "Calm down, it was just a drink." He looks up at me.

"He has no respect for a lady." He huffs.

"It was a accident, Killian."

"He needs to watch where he's going." He stands up.

"Killian, what's wrong with you?" I stand up. "It was just a drink, it will come out." I take his hand.

"I'm sorry." He sighs. "You're right. I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry." He looks at me.

"It's okay, but I've never seen you that angry."

"I never want you to see that again." He sits back down.

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