Chapter 7: Devon Or Devonne?

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Demi's breath was caught in her throat, they'd found the woman who there little sister was supposedly be living with. All of there eyes wide with hope and fear as their call was on loud speaker, allowing everyone to hear the conversation. Nobody was sleepy anymore, Demi and Dallas stood both biting their nails which was a habit all 3 of the Lovato sisters had caught when nervous.

"Diana? Diana De La Garza? Uh... Look, I don't-" Natalie's feared stutter was cut of by an angry Diana, she knew that her daughter was there.

"You adopted my daughter! You have her. Please Natalie, just tell me..." Diana pleaded, she heard Natalie's struggling sigh as she didn't know what to say. Does she lie to Diana and tell her that her daughter isn't there? Or admit it and change Devon's life not knowing if it was for the better or worse?

"I have her Diana... Devon is with me. She's asleep right now due to it being early hours in the morning but I'll tell you my address?-" Demi sobbed in happiness as Wilmer grabbed Demi into a hug. The little girl who was vulnerable and scared was his girlfriends little sister who she hadn't seen, everybody in the room cried in bliss.

"She's there... Our little sisters there!" Demi and Dallas attached in a hug with a huge smile on their face but couldn't help but allow tears fall, something unknown filled Demi heart at the thought of her being alive. "She's okay," Dallas kissed her younger sisters head as every body in the room continued to scream out on joy.

"Thank you so much Natalie! Oh god, thank you. S-she's fine though right? S-she's s-safe..." Diana trailed off, Natalie knew what Diana was talking about so she tilted her head to look into her nieces bedroom. How could she tell her birth woman everything that Devon had been through, she had been traumatised by the events?

"Look, Diana. Uh, Devon is fragile. She has been through more than you can imagine, I don't think I can tell you everything over the phone. She is fine, for now but you can never know with Devon as her moods could change so quickly." Demi froze at the woman talking, what has her little sister been through?

"Has my little sister still gotten my bracelet? The one to remind her of me..." Demi blurted out without thinking, she'd got so many questions that she needed answers to all through the years and finally she could get them. Lying to the public was easy for Demi as she'd been doing that for so long, none of her fans knew about Devon and didn't know all of the reasons Demi had gone into rehab, they only knew some of them. Devon was the reason Demi went in rehab, she wasn't blaming her but she needed her in her life to help but when she left Demi felt the need to blame herself. Why couldn't of Patrick took her instead of her innocent younger sister? She was already damaged.

"Oh, is that the gold one that had something written on the inside of it? I never knew what that was because Devon never told me, she always keeps it on her though. I guess your Demi? The one always on TV and wears the same one?" Natalie already knew who the family was but it had been so many years before Devon was born she knew the family.

"She still has it!" Demi beamed, shouting it at everybody in the room before her face falling seeing her moms face. Sobs fell from her mouth which Demi always hated was when her mom cried- which she did all the time when Devonne was taken- so Eddie was the first to comfort her before everything went silent. Nobody thought of speaking as they all cried of joy, enjoying the feeling of having Devonne back and knowing she was safe.

"She goes by Devon, she doesn't like the name Devonne anymore and I don't know why because she won't say anything about it. I only met Devon when she was 9 years old but when I did she wasn't in a good place, she's got memories- she had nightmares- she's troubled- she's been to rehab 3 times for everything." Natalie ended the silence by giving the family information on their daughter, she decide they had a right to know before Sabrina rushed in with a smirk on her face.

"Ay, is Devon asleep?" Sabrina's smirk fell into a soft smile, she always had a soft spot for Natalie as she was the only one that had helped and hadn't given up on her. Sabrina had moved in with Natalie before Devon went to rehab after Devon literally begged Natalie to take her in. Sabrina's mom suddenly took off and left her abandoned, with her dad in prison for murder she had no choice but to go to foster care which her and Devon had been in a lot of times.

"Uh, yeah. You should go to bed too, I hate when you both stay up late but Devon's only just gotten out of rehab so she must be exhausted." Demi sucked in a breath again, she'd been to rehab multiple times and the only thing running through her mind was herself to blame. What'd been so bad that she'd gone to rehab 3 times? Demi questioned herself.

"Naa, I'm good. Do you think this times different? When she came in she looked relieved to be back, I think she's sick of seeing the rehabilitation place. Maybe therapy will finally stop the nightmares, things then might work out." Sabrina shrugged, she wanted the best for her friend due to what she'd been through and the worst part was her and Sabrina went through it together. Sabrina watched Devon stumble out of her dads house late at night with broken bones and sobbing hysterically but she never asked what had happened- she never wanted to know what happened behind the closed doors. Instead when police interviewed Devon she didn't speak- she stopped talking for 2 years which was one of the reasons she went back to rehab for the 2nd time.

"Yeah, maybe now's the time she'll figure out what to do with her life instead of wasting it. Night Natalie." Sabrina walked in the opposite direction to her bedroom which was down the hall from Devon's, she'd forgotten Devon's family was on the phone until Madison spoken up.

"Who's Sabrina?" Madison didn't understand the whole situation as there was lots of pieces missing to the puzzle but either did Demi of Dallas, the only difference was they'd had a load of years to over think the situation.

"Devon's best friend, they met when Devon and her was only 6 years old- they'd been through a lot together so Devon trusts her with her life. If something happens to Sabrina then Devon would be first to kick their ass." Demi smirked at that, her little sister was a badass and she already loved that about her.

"Natalie, please I'm asking- no begging you to allow me to see my daughter." Diana ignored everything they was saying only to ask to see her, memorising her face and features along with Demi and Dallas which they hoped looked like each other.

Natalie took minutes to reply, she stared at the lost teenage girl laying unconscious in her bed and couldn't help but smile a little at how brave she was. Thinking over everything along with thinking of Devon's feelings towards this and how it would effect her before cussing into the phone.

"You can meet her, it will take a couple days but I will send pictures of her to you. She looks a lot like Demi from what I've seen of her on TV, more Demi than Dallas. I don't know how I'm going to tell her yet so bare with me, but I'll bring her to Texas."

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