Chapter 12: Bonding.

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Devon looked around her empty room, her bedroom was plain but Madison had told her Diana had taken all of her old toys up to the attic and even though she didn't know why she didn't ask about it; she didn't want to know anything about her past. Just as she set her suitcase down on the sparkling wooden floor Sabrina came bouncing into the room with a grin on her face as she fell onto Devon's bed.

"Look at this! The rooms are huge, we've never had rooms like this." Sabrina still amazed with the size of the house as Devon was too busy noticing the pink walls. She hated pink, everybody knew that but she certainly wouldn't tell any of her family that as they'd already given her an amazing room.

"It's nice, but I hate pink! Do I look like the type to love this colour?" Devon's nose scrunched in disgust while Sabrina only smiled at her best friend knowing she lie jet he house too, even if she would admit it.

"What'd you think about everybody? Their rich, do you thing their going to be stuck up?" Nor Devon or Sabrina had ever seen rich people in person so they stereotyped them for stuck up well spoken people who looked down on poor people like they were rubbish, Devon always hated people like that.

"I don't know, they seemed nice... It was a little awkward, don't ya think?" Devon asked her best friend incase she was the only one who felt the uncomfortable tension in the room but when she nodded she let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank God it wasn't only me!" Devon muttered, she didn't know how she felt having all those people around her; all holding a look of admiration and love in their eyes. Devon never had anybody look at her like that.

"Devon, Sabrina? We're going to a restaurant so Diana said just leave your suitcases in your rooms and you can sort them all out tomorrow." Madison walked into the room with 3 others behind her, a smile on her face at the fact she had a sister her age who was laying on the bed with Sabrina. Devon dressed a lot like Madison with her ripped jeans and leather jackets and both of them hated dresses.

"Alright, who are you? Do I have to meet MORE people? I hardly remember anybody's name down there." Devon sighed in confusion, hating all of the names thrown at her while Madison chuckled at her.

"Both of these are my friends, Abby and Alex but this is our cousin. You seen him before? Braedon." Sabrina waved slightly to the two girls who looked shy as Devon only nodded her head.

"I don't think I'll remember that but if I get it wrong just keep telling me it, I'll remember it soon enough." All of them walked out of the room before Devon turned towards her little sister, "What do you guys do for fun around here?" A grin etched its way onto Sabrina's face but Madison shook her head disapprovingly.

"We have a lot of beaches, amusement park, a lot of shopping centres. It's a rich neighbourhood so nobody would appreciate your type of 'fun' around here." Madison warned making Devon roll her eyes at how mature her sister was.

"Wow, that was boring! Don't you guys go steal anything or get chased by cops?" Madison shook her head, never in her life had she ever done anything like that but it caused Devon to chuckle.

"Well, you guys need to start living as a teenager. We'll show you how fun our lives are."

There was a lot of their family so they had to get a large table, Sabrina throwing things at Madison as she got annoyed telling her to stop. Devon sat next to Demi and Wilmer which she wasn't to happy about as Sabrina gotten to sit next to Madison and Abby.

"Why can't I sit there? It's boring here!" Devon frowned, her eyes turning to Wilmer's to see a fake pout on his face making her laugh as he acted offended.

"How dare you? You know what, don't talk to me for the rest of this meal." Wilmer smiled at Devon while she laughed at his immaturity, it made him feel amazing at how quickly she'd opened up to him but whenever she seen any other guy it would terrify her. It made him feel like she trusted him already while Devon hadn't even looked twice at Eddie who had tried speaking to her but hadn't been successful.

"No, I'm stuck with these love birds while they are having fun. Don't touch my hair!" Devon smacked Wilmer's hand away making him chuckle at how annoyed he could get her before Devon turned to Demi.

"How do you put up with him? If you- Did you just drink my coke?" Demi only smiled eat he'd Devon and Wilmer argue over the glass of coke that the waitress had just delivered for everybody.

"Your saliva is on it!"

"I didn't even touch the glass!"

"Ew! I don't want it anymore." The two went back and forth while everybody around the table engaged in conversation accept for Diana as she kept her eyes on her teenage daughter, frowning at how much she'd missed of her life.

"Okay, are we ready to order?" As everybody ordered food Devon turned to Demi who she hadn't spoken to a lot; in fact she hardly spoken to anybody accept Madison and her friends.

"Can I have some of your drink? Your boyfriend stole mine." Demi nodded her head, quickly handing her glass over to Devon; she wanted to make Devon see how much she meant to her.

"Of course, keep it while I order another." Devon was too engrossed in Demi and her conversation she didn't notice the waitress' eyes scan over to Devon.

"Anndd, for the beautiful teenager." The woman smiled softly at Devon, a lot of people had been calling Devon beautiful which she didn't understand. Was it an American thing? Devon certainly didn't think she was beautiful, just an ordinary teenage girl who struggled with period pain, acne and hormones. Devon's hormones were worse than normal teenagers as she also had bipolar so due to her body going through change her attitude and mood could change in an instant from happy to angry.

"Uh, I don't know what they have here..." Devon frowned, finally looking the menu as did Sabrina both of them confused, "Me neither." Which made Demi instantly step in.

"They'll have number 14 and could I get another drink please?" Devon eyes met Demi's confused as what she ordered her while the waitress walked away, "What's 14?" Devon tried to search for the number until Demi spoke.

"It's a special on the menu, you used to love it as a baby so I thought I'd see if you still like it. If not I could just get you chicken wings?" Devon shrugged, not bothered by her food before her looked around the table to see who came along and tried to remember their names.

"What's the matter, baby girl?" Devon's head turned to Dallas who was a couple seats down and a small grin on her face at how much her younger sister had grown into a beautiful teenager.

"Nothing, I'm bored. Do they have roulette machines here?" Devon asked, looking around the restaurant which was filling up with people who was gossiping along with their own lives, all of the people dressed nicely. Devon had never been to a place like this, a nice restaurant but her eyes finally settled on the door that led to a play area for children along with grabber machines, slot machines and roulettes.

"Yeah, here. I know Natalie gave you money but I know for a fact you'll probably spend it all in seconds so take that and once all this money has been spent then don't waste any more!" Wilmer warned while Devon shrugged, offering a thanks to Wilmer before rushing off from the table with Sabrina, Madison and her friends.

"She hates me!" Diana spoke, finally allowing her tears to fall now her daughter was gone while everybody else only looked around in confusion from where she'd gotten that accusation from.

"Mom, no she doesn't. You haven't even spoken to her, interact with her and she will warm up to you." Dallas suggested but Diana shook her head in disapproval.

"I could tell, she smiles with Demi she Wilmer but as soon as she laid eyes on me her glare burns through me! It's as if she's reminding me that I haven't been there for her for all those years and I don't want that, I want a fresh start with her. She seems to have loved Demi and Wilmer already." In that exact moment Diana envied her own daughter.

"Mom, she's been here for a couple hours. Let her settle in and talk to you a lot more." Demi spoke softly, not wanting her mom to hate herself for what happened in the past.

"Ay, I just won $150 on the machine!"

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