Chapter 19: Family First.

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As soon as Devon left the house Demi turned to Wilmer, a glare on her face while he sat looking utterly confused at why she was mad at him. Without words she signalled for him to go out of the room because her family would listen, Wilmer followed behind Demi without questioning as she walked into the kitchen.

"My baby sister doesn't want to sleep in the same room as me because apparently you don't like it," Wilmer's eyes knotted together at the new information, "What?" Demi ignored Wilmer and continued, "I just got to see her again Wilmer, don't EVER think you have the right to make my little girl uncomfortable!" Demi's eyes screamed 'run' at the moment due to her anger.

"Demi, I don't know what your talking about? If never do such a thing to Devon no matter what, does she think I hate her?" Wilmer frowned at the thought of Devon hated her, he didn't understand what he did to her to make her think that but for sure knew he had to solve it.

"She said it looked like you didn't want her to sleep with me, she's only just adapting to being here and my little girls protection is far more important than anything else right now." Demi wasn't thinking about her and Wilmer's relationship at the moment but more about her little sisters feelings.

"I was looking at her to see how she's getting along here, I still haven't had time to talk to her! Why wouldn't I ever not want Devon to feel safe?" Wilmer's anger was rising each time Demi screamed in his face.

"I don't fucking know Wilmer but don't disrespect my little sister." Demi took off, not bothering to hear anymore of his words as they were unimportant but Wilmer sighed. He understood why Demi was so protective over her but he knew it was a low blow for her to rake everything out on him.

"Devonne, stay out of trouble! Promise me?" Alberto smiled, he had a thick Spanish accent which Devon laughed at a lot but she never let him down on promises. He meant a lot to her when she was younger, he was the person she could run to when her father hurt her.

"I promise, later Al." Devon walked out, followed by everybody else but Sabrina carried the food. Everybody knew she only wanted to carry it so she could eat it but didn't say anything on it.

"Why can he call you by your first name?" Madison asked, a pout on her face but Devon didn't even turn to face her, she only shrugged. "I allow Al, I know he doesn't hurt me. I didn't know you so I panicked." Devon answered easily, looking around smiling. She didn't want to admit but she loved America, everything was so peaceful, different.

"You like it here." Madison seen Devon's eyes sparkle as looked around, it was the first time Devon bad been out since they'd first arrived and took of running to the beach and Madison watched as she felt as ease there.

"It's nice, it's new. A lot of expensive things." Devon felt uncomfortable, all her life she'd grew to believe she didn't deserve a rich lifestyle and now hadn't changed. Having a rich family didn't mean she'd automatically have an amazing life and all of her nightmares would stop, none of that'll happen.

"Then stay here... With us, your family. You'll have to move here eventually because moms signing papers soon to get full custody of you back, it takes a while to be finalised they said. She really wants you to be with us, we all want to know every little detail about you because I feel like right now your a stranger to me and I don't like that. Your my sister, it shouldn't be like this." Madison tried to reach Devon's eyes but her head stayed on the floor, as if it was interesting.

"I try not to think about it for now, I hate trusting new people and trusting all of you wont be easy. You think it's so easy for me to move places and bring you all into my life? Well it's not, I tried that and look what happened." Devon lift her top up but not so you could see her breasts, allowing Madison to see the huge scar across her stomach. It was the biggest out of every one, the bullet wound. The bullet got lost in her stomach and they had to either do surgery quickly to find it and risk her dying of it or risk her dying if not because it could reach her heart as it wasn't far off. Either way, there was a huge risk of dying and Devon accepted that each time she was close to dying.

"Jesus," Madison breathed. "How did you get that?" Madison questioned, her hands leaning out to softly graze upon it but Devon was quick to flinch away and immediately pull her top back down. Not liking anybody touch her scars.

"Oh, we're home." Devon was glad because she really needed to escape Madison, the teenage girl was much smarter than her and more perspective. She was right about wanting to know everything about Devon because since they'd left the house she'd asked her many questions.

Madison knocked on the front door as her friends and Sabrina now catches up to them however Devon took one look of the food and stared at Sabrina, with just one look Sabrina knew what she had to do. Pushing the food into Abby (Madison's friend) hand Devon and her took off around the back way, looking towards the pool where it awaited, glistening and instantly Devon rushed forward to jump into it. Not looking forward to going back inside to eat, she couldn't eat, she never could. You don't know what people have put in that food.

"Do you like them Devon?" Sabrina asked as Sabrina swam to the side, coughing a little as she landed in the pool awkwardly while Devon swam around in it. Did Devon like them? She didn't know, she didn't know if she could trust them.

"I don't know, do you?" Devon questioned, raising her eyebrows in Sabrina's direction as she now sat at the edge of the pool. Sighing once staring at the best friend, the teenager would never trust people easy and she had every reason not to but sometimes she wasn't very observant.

"Devon, look around you. They want to care for you, they've waited for this day; did you hear Madison before? Yeah, okay I was eavesdropping but when it involves you I have to. They love you, they want to protect you. They'd never hurt you Dev, do you really think they would?" Sabrina turned to stare into the window of the living room where everybody sat getting plates for their food and talking.

"No. But when I do move here, your coming too otherwise we'll run! I'm not leaving you to go back into foster care, we'll run anywhere, just like when we were younger." Devon said, remembering the days where both of them would disappear for days to be alone, just them both of them; it made Devon grin of the memory.

"I won't let you ruin your moment for me Devon, you've got your family. What you've always wanted, you used to cry as you used to ask me where your mom was and I didn't know so I'd say she's probably on her way here with a load of sweets." Devon shook her head, having enough of being in the pool and retreating back to Sabrina's side on the edge of the pool.

"I can't leave you, I never will." Sabrina laughed a little at how stubborn Devon was, always putting Sabrina even before her family. They became silent as Sabrina leaned her head on Devon's shoulder, silently wishing they'd remain in that moment.

"My moms been back to jail, this time they said its serious. She rang me a couple hours ago, she needed me to help her get out on bail but I told her I'm in America with you. She told me what a stupid bitch I am and ended the call, how funny is that? I have to tell my own mom where I am in the world because she can't be arsed looking after me. No, she's out selling drugs and sleeping with fucking old guys." Devon sighed at the mention of Sabrina's mom, it was true. All Sabrina's life her mom was, well to put it plainly, a prostitute. The only way her mom earned money was to sell drugs however she'd only go and spent it on more drugs for herself, none of the money she earned would ever get given to Sabrina.

"How longs she in prison this time?" Devon muttered, cuddling into her best friend for comfort but neither noticed the whole family staring at of the window at them. Listening into their every word they spoke.

"They don't know, it's bad. Maybe 2-3 years, they caught her with a lot of heroin and cocaine. Pretty serious." Sabrina shrugged, not interested in talking about the situation with her mom.

"So your going to be in foster care for 3 fucking years at the most, are you kidding?" Devon frowned, hating the thought of Sabrina being alone.

"Dev, I'll be fine without you. Your going to move here in a little over a month anyway, don't you wanna get to know your sisters? I heard Demi said she'd love to take you on a tour? I have no clue what that is but it sounds cool." Sabrina tried to lighten the mood but it fell when Devon only stared blankly at her.

"Sabrina, I'm serious when I tell you we can get out of here! Leave our stuff behind, I don't give a fuck what my family want, they lost the privilege to get to know me many years ago."

"We need to stop running Dev, I'm not letting you run from your family. You need to face them, start with getting through these two weeks, maybe you'll enjoy it by the end?" Sabrina shrugged but Devon knew she was hopeful thinking so she didn't reply.

"Come on let's go in, we can make up an excuse that you can't eat."

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