Chapter 22: Instagram Comments.

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Demi embraced the crying teenager in her arms, it'd only taken several minutes of the man checking Devon's heart beat, taking blood tests and so much more to check however Devon had completely broke down and ran to Demi who somehow new she'd be like that.

"It's fine baby girl, your doing so well." Demi soothed in her little sisters ears while she shook her head, dejectedly.

"I hate it, I hate it, I hate it." She muttered over and over again to Demi while the doctor still sat on the chair with a pity look on his face and still holding the needle, he had to take blood from Devon and Demi decided that the quicker it was over with then the better.

"You can sit on my knee the whole time, you can grab me as tight as you want to get rid of the pain. How about that?" Demi kissed Devon's forehead for comfort as they sat back down together before the man started the procedure again, this time Devon cuddled not Demi's neck breathing deep breaths as if trying to calm herself while she gripped Demi's hand each time the man touched her.

Finally, after over half an hour of getting checked and tested Devon was finally done and could go home much to her fortunate.

"I'll have these samples back to you soon, when the results do come back we'll give you a call. Thank you so much Ms. Lovato and your a brave girl Devon." The man smiled at the girl while Devon only shrugged in response before walking away from the two.

"I'm sorry, like I said on the phone earlier, she can be difficult with new people." Demi apologised as did watched her little sister leave uninterested.

"It's fine Ms. Lovato, and I'm sure her tests come back okay." Demi headed out to the car were Devon was already sitting with earplugs but Demi's eyebrows rose in confusion because Devon told her just this morning she hasn't got a phone which was why Demi was going to get one on the way to the Paint balling place.

"Hey baby girl, I was thinking of getting you a phone now? So I could ring and text you when in away." Demi shut the door to the car before noticing Devon had her phone with a small grin on her face as if asking if she could use mine.

"I won't use it a lot but it'd be cool to have one." Devon said, fastening her seatbelt while Demi continued the drive. "What song are you listening to?" Demi questioned as she pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

"One of your songs, I don't think body say is a song for your sister to listen to." Demi burst out laughing at her sisters disgusted face while she gave her a pointed look, almost like a scolding.

"It wasn't meant for you anyway," Demi shook her tongue out childishly at her, "but for my fans to listen to."

"Why would they sit and listen to that?" Devon scrunched her face up in confusion while Demi shook her head at her innocent sister who didn't know anything about famous people. If was honestly surprising paparazzi hadn't shown up to see 'Demi Lovato's Little Sister'.

"You don't really understand fandoms or celebrities do you?" Demi laughed when Devon shook her head, "It's weird to know that your actually loved by millions. That you have people that love to watch what you do and dream of meeting you." Devon admitted as she stared at her big sister with jealous in her big brown eyes.

"And now you too, look at the comments on Instagram from our picture." Demi nodded towards it but Devon had to search through all the apps to finally get the right one, she'd never had an iPhone so she didn't know how everything was but when she got the picture up it had over 2 million likes already and Devon couldn't help herself bug look through the comments even when in her mind she was telling herself not to.

- Oh my god, she's so pretty.
-She just looks like you.
-Can she come on tour with you and I n your meet and greets? I wanna meet her too.
-I'm in love with her already.
-I think I've found my future wife.

"What's the matter baby girl? Why're you upset?" Demi tried to keep her eyes on the road but look at her little sister at the same time too.

"It's weird. They don't even know me but they're asking if they can meet me, why would they want to meet me? I'm not famous, nor pretty but yet they still talk about me like I'm someone important." Devon blurted from her mouth, she didn't mean to but she accidentally said what she was thinking.

"Devonne, why're you saying things like that? Never talk about yourself like that, do you know how much I want to keep you with me? I've even trying for the right time to ask mom if you can stay with me for awhile. I adore you baby girl, just like so many already. They may not know you but they already love you because your so beautiful, your important to me because all I've been talking about is you. I've been texting every person of my tour team and telling them how much you mean to me already, I fucking love you and I want to help you through everything your going through right now because you don't deserve that. You deserve so much more in life than what you've been given and that's what I want to show you, how to be loved and how amazing life can be." Demi had stopped at a red light whilst in the middle of talking and hadn't stop kissing Devon all over her face to show how much she cares for her.

"You want me to stay with you?" Devon's eyes widened in excitement while Demi chuckled in amusement, "Is that all you heard?" Nodding Devon jumped across the seat to grab Demi in a massive hug even shocking Demi herself. Devon hadn't given anybody a hug except from Sabrina and Natalie but she couldn't help but feel the need to with Demi.

"Y-Your hugging me! Your actually hugging me but I thought you'd freak out because I called you your full name which I didn't actually mean to (I was just angry for a moment because you thought that about yourself)." Demi was unable to form any words but hugged her sister back with the same amount of love and adoration.

"I want to stay with you Demi, please don't leave me." Devon baffled Demi by saying, when the green light turned green Demi had to pull to the side of the road because of the words that came from Devon's mouth.

"Devon baby, why are you saying all of this now?"

"I don't wanna go back because then I'll get involved with drug dealers once again, each time you leave a gang they pull you back in, you can't really leave unless you leave the country. If I go back drugs and alcohol will be brought back into my life and then each night I'll be hiding from cops because I was a witness to a murder. I can't go back Demi, I don't want to see people killed anymore! I could help them but I can't." Devon couldn't stop herself, if she wants to get out of there for good then she'd have to tell someone and the only person she trusted was Demi.

"It'll be okay baby girl, you don't have to. I won't let you." Demi gripped Devon close to her until she was sitting on her lap and was sobbing in her arms but neither of them cared.

"It won't be! I don't want Natalie to know, she'll blame herself for not noticing why I wasn't home until 6am then wouldn't go to school. That's why I was expelled from school or I just left." Demi noticed how Devon gripped her shirt for dear life as her breathing slowly started to calm down.

"She won't, this is between you and me but I promise that you won't go back there. You won't be able to stay with mom because your not allowed until she has full custody so I'll make sure you stay with me to make you more comfortable." Demi said, running her fingers through Devon's hair which she learnt helped calm her down quickly.

"But your on tour what if-"

"I'll talk to mom and the family, my manager and my team about everything. Let's just forget everything right now and go paint balling but first to the apple shop."

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