Chapter 8: Panic.

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Demi smiled at the screen of her moms phone, a photo her younger sister smiling at the screen took over making Demi smile at how beautiful she was. Demi knew she'd gotten blonde highlights in her hair but she suited them well, curls fell over her shoulder as her unusual white and straight teeth for a 15 year old. No make up on her face due to her freckles showing over her cheeks and nose, then her hazel eyes took over as if staring right at Demi with a sparkle in her eye but Demi seen through it. Broken was what was held in her eyes.

"She's beautiful." Madison spoken, leaning over Demi to see her half sister too who was just a year older than he while Dallas was still in shock along with her mom whose tears swelled in her eyes at the sight. Wilmer only rose his eyebrows, how could he of missed the thought that if was his girlfriends little sister? It annoyed him because he could of helped of maybe even got her home to them and due to the cheesy smile on Demi's face it made her ecstatic.

"I'm in love with her already..." Dallas finally spoke, taking her eyes of the screen of her younger sisters face while they all sat around the kitchen table. Everyone was silent until Demi's phone rang abruptly making everyone turn to her while she picked it up confused.

"Demi, you know you've been back home longer than you should? You was suppose to stay for two weeks but it's been almost 3." Phil's voice boomed through the speaker making Demi sigh as she turned to Wilmer for help, she'd forgotten all about her job due to her too caught up in the truth of her little sister.

"Look Phil, I've got to stay her for a while longer. My little sister; we've just found out where she is and she's coming here in just a few days. I'll try to be in the studio as much as I can but I'm not leaving Texas yet, Wil are you going back to California?" Demi asked but immediately Wilmer looked at her like she was dumb.

"Of course I'm not, your little sisters coming back home your not going back to work and neither am I." Wilmer's voice was stern which made Demi smile as she turned her attention back to her phone, she knew Phil wouldn't be happy but he'd make an exception.

"Fine, you can be there for a few weeks but then back here, wait, a sister? Another one, Demi this will get to the press if they see her. They'll follow her everywhere!" Phil realised Demi's words quickly so he thought of the worst possible and so did Demi as she didn't want her sister to be noticed. If Devonne was going through a lot she can't be in publics eye.

"Tell Holly to deal with it." Demi ended the call with a quiet sigh until another picture came through on her moms phone making everybody rush up.

"When is she coming again?" Madison asked, she wanted to meet Devonne because it seemed cool having a sister only a year older than her. Demi and Dallas was already grown up and moving on with their jobs but her was always alone still in high school, meeting Devonne was nerve racking as she wanted her to like her; enjoy each towers company so they could hang out more.

"Two days, that's TOO long!" Demi groaned, she wanted to hurry and meet Devonne. Everybody in the family was still wrapping the head around the fact Devon was coming back to Texas after so long; honestly it scared Demi too because she was only a baby then but now she's a hormonal teenager.

"Don't worry, it'll be here in no time!"
Two days later.

"I'm not going!" Devon's voice echoed around the house due to her screaming, while Sabrina, Esmai and Andrew sat eating cereal ready for the day to continue. Natalie had been trying to persuade Devon to go since 6am explaining that her birth mother had gotten in touch but it made Devon immediately freak out.

"Devon, I know you don't like change but it may be for the better. I'll be with you for the first couple hours but then it'll only be you and Sabrina, she agreed; why don't you wanna meet your mom? Haven't you missed your real family?" Devon rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen followed by Natalie.

"Oh well thank you Mr- fucking-Phil! It isn't Sabrina's family that's she's meeting, it's mine and I don't fucking want to. Where have they been? They want to see me once I get help, where was they when I was lying in pool of my own blood." Devon's words held despise in them and it caused Natalie to flinch but Natalie seen how vulnerable Devon was, she was scared of being broken again. Devon was starting to get better and didn't want to bring more people into her life so it terrified her more than anything.

"Devon stop swearing! I know your scared but I'd never put you into a situation you wouldn't want to; you trust me right? Good, I'm trying to help you. Taking a risk but I promise if you don't like anything that's happening there I'll bring you straight back home. This is your home don't forget that!" Natalie's soothing voice made Devon calm her nerves but was still raging, memories flashed through her mind at the mention of her mom.

Devon was told she left her.

Devon was told she died in a car crash.

Devon was told she didn't want her.

Devon was told so many things about her mother that she didn't believe anything in the end not knowing what to believe, nor her sisters because she was told she didn't have any. The thought of meeting them freaked her out more than anything.

"You told them you would take me to meet them without my permission, I don't know anything about them! I DON'T EVEN KNOW MY MOM OR SISTERS NAME, I'M NOT MEETING THEM." Devon growled on anger and Natalie knew she had no control due to the anger enraging her body so before she knew it Devon threw the glass mirror in front of her at her shoulder allowing it to smash against her.

"Devon!" Sabrina shouted along with Andrew making Esmai scream out at the noise but Natalie didn't flinch she only rushed towards her with open arms.

"Dev, I know your angry but maybe talking over the phone with them first would help?" In an instant Devon realised the blood gushing down Natalie's arm but she didn't even care and was more bothered about her was what amazed Demi so she fell into Natalie's hold with a quiet sob.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Devon breathed, she never usually cried because she always hated crying in front of people. Whenever she did cry she always remembered her dads voice in her mind,

"Big girls don't cry! Stop crying." He'd say that whenever he hurt her then she'd scream so when she got older and would get hurt she would only keep herself quiet, every hit she got only became something she'd grown used to so much that she didn't even flinch. Devon stared bluntly whenever she'd feel pain, she lost all emotion.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's okay to cry in front of me, ignore that voice because your allowed to cry Devon. If you don't want to meet them I can call it off, I can tell them to not get in touch but they might take us to court if so?" Natalie's voice was soothing, Devon had told her everything which she'd learnt to do in rehab; say what your thinking and feeling because it will letting people help you is the best feeling in the world.

"I-I'll go."

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