Chapter 9: Risk.

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Devon hadn't been home at all that night, she was smoking a joint at the back of the house due to her nerves shot for the call to come any minute. Natalie had rang Demi telling her it was okay to ring any time which she heard squealing in the background but only kept a frown on her face. Devon hated meeting new people.

"Hey, I thought you was getting of the drugs now you came back." Sabrina held her smirking composure which was one of the things Devon loved about her , no sympathy towards her because both of them knew how horrible it was to get sympathy.

"I never said joints, I need this to calm me down. God, I don't want to do this! What if I mess up on the phone or start screaming at her because honestly that's what I want to do, I wanna scream at her for putting me through this. Where was she? I need answers." Devon stressed while tugging her fingers through her curled hair while Sabrina watched how nervous Devon was; she wanted to make a good impression and it made Sabrina smile at how she cared about what they thought about her.

"Devon, there all really nice. Hey! Guess what, that woman we searched up from the name 'Demi Lovato' is your sister; well one of them. You've got a rich sister! Who would of knew?- but that doesn't matter." Sabrina added quickly, noticing the annoyed look on Devon's face; she didn't care about money. Most people that had money was stuck up, selfish and that's not what Devon was so it only made her mad that they couldn't of been there for her.

"Devon, I've watched you fall down so many times, laying on the floor lifeless and I thought you were dead but what if this is a change? You won't ever know until you take the risk, I'll be with you and we only need each other right. Remember that's what you told me when we was hiding from drug dealers from getting us at only 6 years old, you got me." Sabrina hated showing any kind of affection but when it came down to Devon she loved her best friend more than anything and loved giving her the best advice to not waste opportunities as she was always bad making decisions.

"Devon, the phone." Natalie's voice spoke through the house while Sabrina gave her a small wink, "Thanks Bri, who knew you could shed a few years." Devon stuck her tongue out at Sabrina who rolled her eyes.

"Oh god! My baby is growing up." Sabrina dramatically faked crying making Devon laugh at how terrible her acting was before walking inside where Natalie was smiling like crazy again the phone.

"Yeah and- She's here." Natalie cut of the conversation while handing Devon the phone while she only sighed in annoyance, she didn't want to talk to them; she didn't care what her moms name was or how many sisters she had. Devon thought the logic was they wasn't there for her growing up which is why she doesn't class them as family.

"Devonne? Devon baby is that you?" Devon cringed at her full name, she hated it with a passion making her clench her teeth together in anger before hearing mutters on the other end,

"I wanna hear too!"

"It's on loud speaker it can't fucking go any louder."

"I wanna hear her voice."

"Does she know my name?"

"Hey..." Devon trailed on, she didn't know any of there names so how could she start a conversation of that but even from that little word she heard gasps and squeals from her real family making her want to laugh at how of one little word they'd all seem fantasised, "She's got a London accent!" She heard a girl whisper.

"Hi sweetheart, uhm, this is your mom. Do you know my name?" Devon only raised her eyebrows at how many possibilities it could be, Natalie told her in the morning but she'd forgot everything she said.

"Uhm, Denise?" Devon guessed, she swore it was that until she heard a soft chuckle. The voice was comforting and soft, it almost made Devon forgive the person fighters and then.

"No sweetie, it's Diana. I'm Demi your older sister, you've probably seen me on TV-" Devon rolled her eyes at how cocky Demi sounded from that so without thinking she cut her off, "No not really."

"Oh, well uh I'm your second oldest sister while Dallas beside me is your oldest. Then we have Madison, she is only your half sister but she's around your age; 13?" Devon could practically here the smile in Demi's voice but all she wanted to do was see how they looked in person. (Madison is 14 I know that but it'll fit with the story.)

"Hmm." Demi only hummed in response before Natalie walked past with a huge grin on her face as if to ask how it was going until Devon noticed Andrew holding baby Esmai and Sabrina hiding in the kitchen listening to the conversation.

"I don't wanna talk to them anymore." Devon shoved the phone back in Natalie's hand making her raise her eyebrows in confusion, "She couldn't even find me but she had another kid? Cancel the flight I don't wanna meet her." Devon's voice was blunt making Diana's eyes widen at how she didn't want her daughter angry at her.

"No sweetheart, you don't understand-" Suddenly the line cut off, Demi immediately felt guilt for telling her so quickly while Diana only walked back to her bedroom ignoring everybody's calls; she only wanted her daughter but she hated her. Devon walked outside, she always loved walking as it helped clear her mind so from the soft sigh that escaped her lips it allowed her to feel free. Maybe Devon was jealous of Madison she didn't know but it only infuriated her that she got the perfect life.

"What happened? I thought I saw you smiling. What did your mom say?" Sabrina chased after Devon, panting out of breath when she finally caught up but Devon only chuckled, "You need to go to the gym." Sabrina playfully hit Devon's arm knowing she was kidding before Devon's face turned into a frown again.

"She had another kid! Only one year younger than me, it didn't take her so long to move on did it." Devon snorted, anger filling her eyes while Sabrina only shrugged her shoulders.

"How do you know the story after you left? I know you was took when you was two years old so you was too young to understand, maybe if you would of stayed on the other line and asked her then she could of told you about when you was younger. Dev, your smart but when it comes to decisions your dumb so I'm telling you your getting on that flight with me and meeting your birth mother no matter how much you throw a tantrum like a three year old!" Sabrina was always the best one when it came to making rational decision as Devon was too stubborn; she hated apologising and hated being wrong.

"I know it's hard for you but Devonne I'm trying to help you! Why try to do everything alone when you know you need family around you, haven't you learnt that over all the years?" Devon flinched at her full name before pushing Sabrina away from her and storming of to the house trying to get away from her friend while she only followed.

"No because that only leads to getting hurt and let me tell you I've experienced pain so many times!" Devon spat back, her anger getting the best of get while Sabrina only rolled her eyes at how immature Devon was being.

"Why do you waste every chance you get in life?" Sabrina groaned as they both walked back into the house, Devon trying to escape Sabrina's interrogation. Natalie also stalking after them once seeing them, trying to see why Devon was so angry.


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