Chapter 24: Take Me Home.

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Devon walked towards the house she hated, being out in Texas made her forget about everything that was waiting for them back there and her and Sabrina knew everybody was waiting for them at Diana's house since their cars were there.

"Here we go." Sabrina muttered, Devon only hummed in response as she was too tired to communicate. The day had been awful, Devon and Sabrina spent the last remaining part of their day trying to figure out how to take down the drug dealing gang but they knew it'd never been done before. They were the biggest drug trader in the UK, so how could 2 15/14 year olds take them down?

It was simple really, Devon knew everything about the gang since she used to be in it. How they'd move around places, when they'd attack and most importantly the people that ran it. They'd come to the conclusion that they would ring Natalie to bring them home, even if Diana had gotten custody she'd have to wait a couple weeks or months for it to be finalised so until then they was planning to bring them down in that amount of time. Honestly, Devon didn't have a doubt in her mind they wouldn't take them down without dying, she knew they would. Even if it meant she'd die, at least Sabrina got to continue her life. Devon dragged Sabrina into everything even if she didn't mean it, so she had been trying to get her out of it since she was 10 years old when they discovered her.

"Where have you two been?" Dallas rose her eyebrows, the family staring at them with stern looks across their faces but Devon ignored her.

"I'm going home with Natalie, I don't wanna be here." Devon trudged up the stairs, not caring if Sabrina followed, she needed to sleep desperately and being there wasn't helping the situation.

"What? Sweetheart!" Diana rushed after her daughter while she walked into her room, leaving the door open so Diana could follow.

"I don't like if here, maybe it'll be better in a few months but I wanna go home now." Devon reasoned with her mom while she only sighed, not wanting her daughter to leave so soon since they'd hardly spent time together.

"Okay, can I spend at least one day, just me and you together? Tomorrow and then if you still want to leave you can but I'm still waiting on the forms for me to legally get custody back on you." Diana asked, siting down on Devon's bedroom that nobody had touched since she was a little girl because Diana always knew she'd come back.

"Just me and you... Alright, I'll stay for another day." Devon announced, making Diana smile.

"Thank you beautiful." Diana turned to hug Devon who was laying on the bed, she fell beside her, a glint in her eyes that told people she was satisfied.

"I'm sorry I ruined the day for you guys, and I know I shouldn't have gotten angry at Madison. I couldn't help it." Devon lay her head softly against her moms chest making Diana's eyes widen at how comfortable Devon was being with her, a warm feeling spread her heart.

"About that... Sabrina told us you need medicine but it's too much money? I had ordered you all of them you'll need and they came today, there downstairs. But I want you to promise me something." Devon's eyes met Diana's.

"You'll take them when you need to, never not taking them on purpose." Devon nodded.

"I promise."

"Why did Devon react like that? We're not stupid and we know something is happening that your not telling us. So what is it?" Demi narrowed her eyes on the girl who only shrugged, not knowing if she was suppose to tell them but from her and Devon's conversation earlier she decided against it.

"Nothing, she misses home." Sabrina lies easily however the smirk on her face denied her words.

"Bullshit, she hates it there. Did she tell you what she told me in the car this morning? I've even rang my manager to see if she can stay with me even when I'm on tour." Sabrina's head shot up at this, "You can't!" She blurted out. All day her and Devon had been making plans for when they'd gotten back but Demi was ruining them.

"Why can't I? Tell me Sabrina."

"I just did, she misses home and she doesn't want to stay with you now." Sabrina also narrows her eyes on Demi, she didn't care if she was a multimillionaire or not, as long as her life and Devon's life was safe.

"She's not going home..." Demi responded while Sabrina only rolled her eyes.

"You've still got to wait 2 months until you can legally be her guardian, unless she tells everyone she wants to stay with you then she will go back."

"I'm trying to help you both."

"No, your making it worse." Sabrina bit back at Demi, nobody in the room daring to interfere as they noticed the tension between the two was building.

"So it is something," Demi smirked in victory.

"Fuck off Demi, stop trying to be the super sister and act like you want to help Devon. Your feeling sorry for her because you missed so many years of her life, she doesn't need your money or your pity." Sabrina glared at the woman before walking out, Demi sat in silence, anger rose within her and she clenched her fists before Wilmer came to her side; comforting her.

"Babe your mom can't have custody over Devon for a few months so there's nothing you can do in between, as soon as she does we can take her back her and help her." Wilmer kissed her forehead as he leant against her because they hadn't spent a lot of time together since Devon's arrival but he understood why.

"It frustrates me, she doesn't know what she wants! She's lost and I want to help her but she's solving it by running away, it's stupid. If she stayed here I could put her into therapy, make sure she's given her tablets and keep her mind of drugs. Why can't she see that?" Demi sighed in defeat.

"She doesn't think anybody is able to help her, don't forget Demi, she's still trying to trust us." Wilmer watched as Demi abruptly stood up and marched upstairs to see Devon, ready to let out steam by telling her exactly what she thought of the situation but once she reached her sisters bedroom she noticed how Devon was curled up against her mothers side who held her close and smiling down at her.

It was the first time Demi had seen her mother so happy and in that moment all anger fell from her face as her lips curled into a smile at the sight.

The first thought that entered her mind was 'maybe mom persuaded Devon to stay' and she couldn't of been happier.

The next morning arrived quickly, and before everybody awake Diana had woke up her daughter, told her to get ready and they left the house in a hurry at 7am.

"Did I mention to you that I hate being woken up?" Devon frowned as she rubbed her tired eyes while Diana laughed at her from across the table. They were both at a small breakfast diner in town eating pancakes and coffee.

"No but Sabrina did on your first night here, I thought we'd leave quickly so we didn't have to tell everybody where we're going." Diana smiled as she took a bite of her pancake while Devon only drank her coffee.

"And where are we going?" Diana only smirked.

"You'll see when we get there. We've got three different places to go today and I thought hard about whether or not you'd like them but I promise you will- or hope you will."

"You know that you don't have to try so hard to make me stay here? Don't push it so hard. Just enjoy it being me and you, like you would around Demi, Dallas and Madison." Devon noticed the way Diana was acting- anxious- and she didn't like it, so she wanted to calm her moms nerves by saying that and she did.

"I've waited so long to see you again that I'm scared to let you go. You don't know how many times I cried myself to sleep, each day it dragged because I had only 3 out of 4 of my girls with me. Each time Demi and Dallas would ask to ring you but each time I did Patrick would say you was either at school or asleep," Devon gripped the cup in her hand tighter than ever. "I tried so hard to see you and seeing you so grown up and independent has been killing me. Knowing you don't need me anymore because I wasn't there when you needed me most but I promise you I'll be there for you now." Devon couldn't help but ran into her moms arms, falling into her lap as they both squeezed each other and cried.

"I need you, mommy. I need you now more than ever."

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