Chapter 15: Breakfast Like That Is Luxury.

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Devon didn't want to move from the comfort of her new bed, tangled in the sheets as she always moved around a lot in her sleep; she'd never slept on a bed so expensive and warm. Nor having the sun burning down as Britain didn't have much sun compared to America, Diana had given Devon the best room with much space however Devon hadn't even unpacked as her suitcases still lay in the corner of her room. A balcony just above the pool and Devon already fell in love with her room for the next two weeks.

"Devon, sweetheart. Breakfast is downstairs." Diana's soft voice brought Devon out of her comforting thoughts as she frowned.

"Go away." Devon groaned, she was never a morning person and if anybody tried to wake her up it would make her scream at them or swear. Diana frowned before leaving the room, tears welling in her eyes as she headed downstairs were everybody waited for Devon to sit with them.

"Did you wake her?" Wilmer asked, not seeing Devon behind her.

"No, she told me to go away." Diana muttered, pain evident in her voice while Sabrina only laughed. Sabrina had always been the early bird while Devon was the total opposite, it was almost as if they had nothing in common accept they'd gotten along so well.

"She wasn't being mean, Devon is alwayslike that if you try to wake her up. Usually she'll throw things at you or swear. I'll wake her." Sabrina shrugged as she trudged up the staircase while Diana let a breath of release escape her mouth that her daughter wasn't mad at her.

"Devon, get your ass outta bed right now!" Sabrina dived on top of a sleeping Devon only to have her push her off the bed, swearing under her breath at her best friend while she only laughed. Moving towards the balcony as she slid open the glass doors only to smirk when she seen the pool beneath.

"Ay, Devon. I dare you to jump of this balcony into the pool below." Sabrina challenged, a smug expression on her face while Devon's ear perked at the knew dare ahead. She could never say no to dares, even if it meant getting hurt, as a child if was the same. Devon would be a daredevil and get herself into trouble or end up in hospital a lot by doing stupid things. One of them when she was 4 years old and Sabrina dared her to jump of a 10 foot roof and onto a trampoline, long story short Devon had a sprained ankle and a dislocated shoulder.

"I can do that easy." Devon was now more awake as she moved towards the outside, looking down at the pool to see how below it really was before shrugging. The sun beaming against her face as Sabrina watched Devon back up and then run towards the edge, jumping to push off and over the railings stopping you from injuring yourself, down towards the middle of the pool with a huge splash afterwards.

"What was that?" Everybody at the tables head shot up before Wilmer sighed seeing Devon in the pool from the window across the kitchen and in the living room, she hadn't came down the stairs to get outside so Wilmer knew she'd done something she wasn't suppose to.

"Outside." He muttered before everybody took of running from the breakfast and outside seeing Devon get out of the pool, her head shooting up towards the balcony.

"Ha! I done it." Her pyjama shorts and long top she wore for bed now stuck to get body but she didn't care.

"You did not just jump off the balcony!"

"This is our breakfast?" Devon muttered, her eyes widening at the huge plate filled with delicious food while Diana rose her eyebrows in confusion.

"You've never had this before?" She asked, wondering how ever she could think her baby girl was not getting the right food and loving she deserved while Sabrina and Devon shook their heads together; not understanding why they needed such a big breakfast.

"I usually eat an apple or something..." Devon shrugged, not ashamed to explain her poor lifestyle she lived while immediately digging in to the bacon in her hand.

"Devonne... We usually same a prayer first." Madison spoke however Devon's eyebrows narrowed at the mention of her full name, memories flashed before her eyes and Demi noticed because suddenly Devon froze in her space while different emotions took over in her eyes.

"Don't call me that!" Her teeth grit together in pain from the torturing memories left behind while Madison immediately frowned at her sister who already took a disliking to her. Although it wasn't Devon's fault she couldn't open up easily.

"I-I'm sorry." Madison mumbled, not reaching her glare before Sabrina's hand clammed over Devon's before she gotten out of hand. Sabrina knew what Devon was capable when it came down to that look in her eye.

"Devon, ignore it. Come on, just breathe." Everybody's eyebrows immediately rose in be wilderness of what she was talking about, especially Demi's as she was curious to why her younger sister reacted so badly to that name but knees whatever it was; it wasn't good.

Finally, Devon dropped her glare on Madison but her eyes fell to the plate; not wanting to meet anyone's gaze as the words repeated in her head horrified her to this day.

"I'll show you what big girls do, you wanna be a big girl right?"

"Don't cry, darling! I know you love it really."

"Alright... Uh, let's all pray." Diana tried to move the topic but her eyes couldn't move from her daughters view, a worried expression placed on her face. "What's prayers?" Sabrina questioned while everybody joined hands however when Demi's met Devon's she immediately jerked away from her. Screaming in the process and gave Demi a jolt of awakening.

"Don't touch Me. Don't touch me. Don't touch me." Devon was muttering to herself, shaking in the process and making everybody start panicking due to Devon's feared state.

"What is she doing?"

"Devon, your okay!"

"Sweetheart, come to me."

"Nobody's touching you!"

Instead of running to Diana who had her arms wide, ready for her daughter Devon's eyes fell on Demi and she unconsciously fell in her arms. Gasping in shock but also in happiness her little sister finally went to her Demi wrapped her arms around her, as if in protection from the world and it calmed Devon down as had inhaled Demi's scent.

"Don't let them get me Demi." Devon sobbed while Demi realised how broken the little girl was, she rocked her until the girls breathing evened out which was how Demi knew she was asleep while everybody else had a shocked look on their faces from Devon's outburst moments ago. Diana still leaning down to the floor as she tried to scoop Devon into her arms before hand while everybody else was crouching down too but still all eyes were on Demi.

"What just happened?" Dallas whispered, her head turning to Sabrina who looked guilty; she was the one that knew everything. Demi staring down at the broken and hurt teenager who wasn't at all like she was last night, she looked confident then but now she looked vulnerable and it scared Demi. For her little sisters safety.

"I told her to take her tablets! I told her to go to therapy but she never listens! She thinks she fine now, but she's not," Sabrina shook her head. Devon hadn't had one of her breakdowns like that since she'd gotten out of rehab and wondered what had brought it on. "She has to take tablets, it helps her sleep at night. Basically it knocks her out so she doesn't have nightmares. If she doesn't take them then all flashbacks comes back, Devon told me it becomes worse at night because she's alone. She also takes them for her anger issues and disorder. She stopped taking them a couple weeks ago, thinking she's okay but I see the fear in her eyes when she looks at new parts of places. She's only seen the cruel part of the world. Also, she's suppose to go to therapy every day to let all of her emotions and feelings out their but she hates going so she stopped then too. She has attacks where suddenly she thinks she's back in a position whenever she has a flashback, she thinks she's there at that moment." Demi shook her head in disappointment at her little sister but her grip tightened in comfort when Devon whimpered in her sleep. Tears filled Diana's eyes as she stared over to her scared daughter.

"I need to help her..." Demi whispered to herself, determination evident in her voice as she couldn't allow her little sister to suffer the way she is.

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