Chapter 26: Murderer.

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Diana slowly turned to her daughter, she'd been driving for 20 minutes and no sound was heard but she didn't want to ask what had happened. She knew whatever did happen wasn't good.

Devon stared emotionlessly out of the window, tear tracks on her face as her breath had only just evened out.

"Dev, what happened?" Diana whispered and for the first time in 20 minutes she finally turned towards her mother with the deadliest look on her face that Diana had seen since she arrived, her daughter looked... Like a killer and it scared her to death.

"I killed 2 men. The reason I'm going home is because gangs are after me, I'll come back after everything is sorted but for now I need to finish everything that I dragged myself and Sabrina into. But mom you can't tell nobody what happened otherwise I'll either be in jail for life or killed." Devon's face was serious and Diana couldn't stand to see her in such trouble.

"Oh baby girl, what had I thrown you into?" Diana sobbed as she reached over to touch Devon but she immediately froze up at the contact.

"I can handle it. I need to get rid of the bodies and return home, I promise I'll be ok. I never make empty promises." Devon admitted truthfully while Diana tried to stop get tears.

"I can't just sit back and watch you get involved in guns and-" Diana was stopped by Devon.

"MOM! Listen to me, you don't have a choice otherwise you'll loose me for good. I need you to lie to everybody, your good at that! Remember when you told me you'd call me everyday and I'd return back to you after a few weeks which turned to years." That statement was a cold blow to Diana and Devon knew that but she didn't care, she was angry at the world at that moment for putting her into a such horrific situation.

"Baby I'm so sorry, you know that if I could turn back time and erase everything-" Devon smiled at her mother, "You'd do it in a heartbeat. If I promise to call you everyday and night to make sure I'm ok will you lie to the family for me?" Devon compromised, a raised eyebrow while Diana slowly nodded in hesitation.

"I don't like this but yes, if you promise to call and so I make sure you haven't been hurt. Oh God, I promised I'd never let you go again after you'd returned to me and here I am allowing you to risk getting yourself killed. Why do I continue to be a bad mother to you?" Devon noticed how Diana was scowling herself and thinking of ways to help her daughter escape the situation but nothing came up.

"Wait, I want you to call me everyday and I only want you to be over there for 7 days." Diana abruptly announced making Devon's eyes widen in shock as she was attempting to open the car door once noticing they'd parked back outside their house.

"A week? I can't kill them in a week, I need more than that." Diana sucked in a shaky breath at her daughters words.

"Devon, do you know how wrong it is to hear my daughter talk about killing people yet I have to agree?" Devon watched the pain and conflict on her mothers face and suddenly leant over to kiss her mothers head.

"This is to protect other people, their bad people and their gang needs to be ruined. They tried to kill me once, but now I'm going to make sure I kill them." Diana nodded, she tried to understand the situation but she couldn't wrap her head around what her daughter was doing.

My daughter has killed people, she's taken life's away from people but I guess it's good since they kill people everyday. She's got to protect herself, yeah, she has to protect herself. Diana was quiet for a few minutes as both of them took in the situation, not wanting to go into the house.

"Fine, 7 days and each day I'll phone then I'll come back here ALIVE. That's a promise I can make to you, how about that?" Devon compromised, and with conflict in her mothers eyes she reluctantly agreed, not having much choice.

"Thank you, I promise I'll be back before you know it. Just keep this between us, I don't want Demi snooping around." Devon frowned.

"Dev, Demi's your sister and she wants to protect you." Diana didn't want her daughters not getting along so she had to fix it.

"Yeah, she also is a pop star that thinks the world is in her hands. She can't protect me from Gary, nobody ever can." Devon's voice was serious as she finally got out of the car and headed towards the door where Dallas was standing.

"How'd it go beautiful?" She smiled.

"Great, but me and Diana decided I'll return home for a little over a week just to say my final goodbyes then I'll be returning." Devon lied easily, she was good at lying, she had to be due to the place she grew up.

"Oh, I guess that'll be fine. Just know that mom only wants the best for you, she's dreamt of seeing you again." Dallas was always looking out for her mom ever since Patrick finally left them all those years ago and leaving behind a lost mother with 3 children.

"I know, I've been told. Where's Sabrina?"

"She had an argument with Demi, she went upstairs a while ago and hasn't came back down." Dallas informed but Devon only rolled her eyes, since she knew that'd happen soon. She knew how protective both Sabrina and Demi was over her and the pair would lock horns sooner or later, they didn't have nothing in common accept the love for Devon (in a friendly way).

"I'll talk to her." Devon rushed up the stairs to tell Sabrina about everything that had happened in the last hour.

"Sabrina!" Devon barged into the room seeing Sabrina on the phone and she was talking angrily to her mother.

"I'm staying with Devon! I don't know when I'll be coming back because-" Devon cut Sabrina conversation off.

"Now, we'll be home by tomorrow Kylie." Devon answered before clicking the end call button, not wanting to reply to the woman.

"I thought she was in jail for 2-3 years?" Devon frowned in confusion while grabbing her suitcase to throw all her things back in, anything that was hers.

"She got one of her 'guy visitors' paid £300,000 bail for her. She wants me home now so I can go and get more money or her but I really don't want to Dev, I can't go and sell drugs for her because all the trouble comes back to me. Why are you packing?" Sabrina asked as she stepped forward into Devon's room.

"John and Ross was here, Gary's has found us so nows our time to head back home. I'll tell you the rest on the plane but we need to hurry." Devon couldn't explain as she continued throwing her clothes in while Sabrina stood in shock.

"There here, what happened Devon? Did they hurt you?" She rushed.

"I killed them, like I said, our plans to kill them all one by one." Devon replied bluntly, not bettering to offer more.

"Oh God! Why would you do that? Have you gotten rid of the bodies?" Sabrina's eyes held fright, she wasn't as grave as Devon and she didn't understand how she go all of her courage but without Devon she would of been dead.

"No, I'll call Jacob to remove their bodies and all evidence but for now hurry. Diana already knows everything and that we're leaving." Jacob was the guy they called for everything, he kept them out of prison you removing every evidence of crime they'd ever done.

"Okay, okay! I'm going." Sabrina rushed out of the room with haste.
Short chapter since my Wattpad hasn't been allowing me online for some reason?

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