Prologue - The Dream

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I see a teenage boy running through the corridors of some temple in chainmail, a green tunic, and a pointed hat. He seems stressed about something as he cuts down a monster in front of him. He finally crashes through the final set of doors and looks around the room. Cautious even after confirming it's emptiness.

Anywhere. He could be anywhere. A voice fills my head as if they are my own thoughts.

"It seems you have found me, Skychild." A voice says as a figure wraps his arms around the blonde's shoulders. He jumps forward and turns around, only to be met with diamonds fading.

The blonde draws his sword and readies for battle and the previous voice clicks his tongue.

"Ah poor skychild. I only wanted to thank you for freeing me from the grasp of that vile Demise. But if you wish a battle then so be it." The voice says, his voice becoming cold in the last sentence.

Knives fly at the blonde and he rolls and jumps. Dodging with ease.

"--------! Come out you coward!" The blonde shouts. I can't hear the name fore some reason. Chuckling fills the air.

"Alright skychild. But you asked for what may come next." The voice says. Suddenly a flurry of knives fly forward and the blonde barely dodges, the blades nicking him. A figure stands on the other side of the room, body angled to the side, one hand forward with floating knives encircling it, the other back with a black sword in hand. I can soon see the appearance of the figure. A man about 6'1"-6'3" clothed by a tight white bodysuit with diamond cutouts. His pure white hair flops over his left eye complimenting his near-white skin. Purple lines his eyes and white lipstick covers his lips neatly. A blue gem dangles from his right ear and a confident smirk on his face.

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