Chapter 9 - Elders and Sorcerers

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Strange. After the first few rooms the fire temple seems almost devoid of monsters. Even the village was empty. I find a door that seems simple enough but after looking at some carvings Fi confirms that this is one of the rooms where the Goron elders would likely be. I open it and head inside. There isn't any light. I feel nervous and take out my sword, before finding a torch and lighting it. I look around the newly lit room, expecting there to be a somewhat smug Goron sitting in the middle of the room but, it's empty as well. I further inspect the room and find a large chest. I open it and see something wrapped in cloth. I carefully unwrap it and find it I'd a bow and quiver of arrows. I hold the bow and it snaps as I touch it. A dark smoke comes from it and I hear laughter in my head. Illusion maybe? I look at the bow in my hand and it is whole. Like nothing happened.

"Fi was it me or did this bow snap earlier? I ask. No answer. I reach for my sword and find the sheath is empty. I look around thinking I put the sword down and the light all of a sudden goes out. I quickly adjust and try to sense a presence. I can feel a dark presence in front of me and I back away.

~Not much of a hero if you misplace your sword that easily are you?~

I shiver at the coldness of the voice. I knock an arrow on the string of the bow and all of the torches light. Leaving nothing in the room. Nothing. Not even the pots and boxes here previously.

"Fi?" I ask. Hoping she can hear me.

~Survive this and you will have the honor of fighting me hero!~ The voice mocks. I hear something slam against the door. Several somethings.

~Master, there is a door to your left! Run! Hurry!~ I hear Fi say. I see the door she is talking about and run through it. Outside I am on a ledge. But there is a platform close enough for me to jump onto. It's a bit far though. If I miss I will land in lava. I hear the door in the room behind me break and the cries and footsteps of several dozen creatures run in. No choice I'm jumping. And I jump. Barely making it as a lava geyser shoots up behind me. I hear the screams of several creatures as they attempt to jump off after me. I decide to hop across a few more platforms so that it would be harder for them to reach me. Jump land, jump land. I land on the fourth platform and an arrow barely misses my arm. I whip around and see several bulblin archers aiming at me. That changes my mind as I practically sprint across the rest of the platforms and reach the main path. Then a sharp pain pieces my shoulder. I quickly roll behind a pillar and see an arrow sticking out of my shoulder. I decide to snap it since pulling it out would be a bit suicidal. Pain ricochets through my arm every time I move it. I look around and see my sword lying on the ground. Laying there in plain sight. I reach out a bit to try and grab it but yank my hand back when a couple dozen arrows land in unison where my hand was. I feel the bow and quiver at my back and I think of a plan. I look around the other side of the pillar and the bulblins don't seem to notice me as they are all trained on the side of the pillar the master sword is on. I hide back behind the pillar and knock an arrow. Then I pull the bow back and aim at one of the archers. The one that looks like he is in charge, and let the arrow fly. It hits the guy and he goes down into the pit of lava. The others look confused as I hide again. Seems like their brains have been replaced by battle experience. I repeat my previous actions before one of the bulblins spots me and I almost loose an eye. I take the opportunity of them being distracted to roll, grab my sword, and hide behind another pillar without being shot. I pull out the blade and inspect it. This isn't the master sword. I can sense it. I see dark smoke begin to come out of it and I push it away from me. Then bulblins begin to come out of the smoke. I am trapped. About 20 of them encircle me and I am backed against the pillar as they come closer. One comes closer than the others and it raises it's club. I close my eyes and brace myself for the impact when I hear the sickening sound of metal skewering flesh.

"I know you'd prefer to be alone, skychild but that's not going to happen if you just try to get yourself killed." I hear Ghirahim's voice scold. I open my eyes and see all of the bulblins laying on the ground, disappearing into a cloud of black smoke one by one. And a very disappointed looking Ghirahim holding the Master Sword by it's sheath, handle first towards me. I quickly unsheathe the sword and point it at Ghirahim. He simply puts down the sheath and backs away from me.

"I don't want to fight you, skychild." He says. I keep the sword pointed at him regardless.

~Master, Lord Ghirahim is not an enemy. I know how you feel from the past but he has changed. He won't try to hurt you.~ I hear Fi say. I feel myself wavering. Is that the way it really is? I know that Fi won't lie to me if it would hurt me in any way. I finally lower the blade and pick up the sheath. I then sheath the sword and put it back on my back.

"Fine." I say quietly. Then turn to Ghirahim.

"Then what do you want?" I growl. He takes a step closer.

"May I?" He asks. I assume he wants to get closer to me so I say yes. He comes closer and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"This is what I want." He says before leaning in to do something unexpected.

He kisses me. And my reaction is also unexpected.

I liked it.

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