Chapter 3 - Hello again

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I begin to wake up and my eyes fly open when I hear a snap. All I see are fading diamonds in front of me. I stare, dumbfounded and slap my cheeks a couple of times to wake myself up. I decide my brain is messing with me and I head to the bathroom.

After a while if laying on my bed I sit up and look at my clock. Its about 6:00 am. Zelda should be up in about half an hour. Knowing her. I head downstairs and make breakfast since I can't sleep. After a half hour I hear footsteps from the floor above me and Zelda comes downstairs soon after.

"This us a surprise. You usually aren't up until noon." She says plopping down on the couch. Yawning.

"Couldn't sleep." I say. She nods. Every once in a while I'll have a hard time sleeping so I usually come down and make a nice breakfast when that happens.

I finish making breakfast and I put the pancakes I made on plates and head out to the living room to see Zelda trying to keep herself from falling back asleep. I chuckle and lightly kick her leg. She looks up at me and takes the plate I am holding out go her and begins to eat. After a while of us eating in silence she decides to speak.

"So what did you want to look up Link?" She asks. I shrug.

"Just something that may help with figuring out my dreams." I say. She nods.

"Is there anything new in your dreams?" She asks. I nod.

"Do you want to tell me?" She says. I shake my head 'no'. She shrugs, used to my acting like this. She stands and stretches before picking up her dishes and walking over to the kitchen to put them in the sink.

"If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here." She says ruffling my hair. I hear footsteps going up the stairs and I look at the clock. 7:30. Dang time passes fast. I go put my dishes in the sink as well and head up to my room. The image from earlier this morning flashing in my head. I shake my head and grab my things. I head to my desk to grab my sketchbook and quickly notice is is open and misplaced. I look at the page and see that it is my sketch of the boy and that man facing each other for the first time. Strange. I brush it off and head downstairs to meet Zelda. We both wait outside with our bags for a car from the palace. When it arrives we put our bags in and head off to the palace about an hour away.

I plop down face first on my bed in the palace. I hear some of the guards talking as they pass by. Seems I'm still popular here. I sit up and head to the shooting range to shoot a few targets like I used to.

"Sorry kid. I can't let you in. You're too young." The man at the counter says. Seems he's new.

"Lay off him will ya." A woman says. Impa. Zelda's body guard.

"It's been a while Link. How've you been?" She says. Propping herself up on the counter.

"Wait. This is Link?! I thought he was supposed to be older." The man says. I shoot daggers at him with my eyes. I'm not THAT short. Impa laughs.

"You talkin' about his height? He claims that he's not short but fun sized." She says. I shoot daggers at her next and she laughs again.

"Go on through kid." She says flicking her head back. I shoot her a 'stop calling me a kid' look and head through. I head to my locker and put in my code. I grab my earmuffs, and my gun case before closing said locker and going over to the range. I shoot a few rounds and like usual, I don't miss a shot. Satisfied I start to head back.

"Hey you're Link right?" I man asks. I turn around and see a tall, muscular man. I nod.

"Mind if I challenge you to a few rounds?" He asks. I shrug and head back over to the range. After a while we both head back. The man being in a close second. Seems he's practiced.

"Congrats." I say as we start to go our own ways. And he stops.

"Did you just speak? I thought you were mute." He says in surprise. I shrug my shoulders.

"Don't like to talk." I say. And he nods.

"Ah. I see. I had a sister who was like that for a while. Thanks for those few rounds though." He says. I smile and nod then we both go our separate ways.

Once I arrive in the library I head over to the history section and find a few books on ancient Hyrulian history and a book about the legendary Hero of Time. I sit and a table and begin to read through them. The first couple of books weren't much help. The fourth book mentioned sword spirits but didn't go into much detail on that subject so finally, I was left with the book about the Hero of Time. I flip through it and read a few things. Most are a bit surprising. He always had the Triforce of courage on the back of his hand. I look at my left hand and stare at the Triforce birth mark I've had my whole life. He usually finds his way to gaining the Master Sword which only he can wield without sustaining injury. I look at the sketch of the sword and confirm it is the same one from my dream. What surprises me is his name is almost always Link. Like my own. I also read that the last incarnation of the hero was a boy from a kingdom in the sky called Skyloft. He awoke a spirit in the sword named Fi. It also goes into some detail of some of the enemies he faced. I stop for a couple of moments when I reach another page. This one catching my eye.

"It is said the boy faced another sword spirit several times in battle. Not much is known about him other than his appearance and his name." I look at some of the sketches taken by this hero and compare then to my own. Many are almost identical. The last three are full body sketches of the spirit. I am dumbfounded when I look at them. The first two show the man I saw in my dream. One us with a red cape and the other without. Its the third that catches my eye. It is a faint outline of the man and a large amount of diamonds fading around him. Just like what I saw in my toon this morning. I notice another thing. The man looks almost, no, exactly like my counselor at school.

"While presumed dead it is unconfirmed. If alive he could live for many thousands of years more...

... He held the title of 'Demon Lord Ghirahim' and commonly referred to the Hero as 'Skychild'."

I stop and think. This has to be a coincidence that my councilor happens to look like him... right?

"After a battle with the Demon lord, said demon lord lost one of the two earrings he had. It is believed to be in the palace treasury as it was given to the Goddess' reincarnation by the Hero, when she re-founded the kingdom still known as Hyrule."

I decide this has to be a coincidence but I head to the palace treasury to be sure. I slip in past a couple of the guards and begin looking around. After a while I decide that that last part wasn't true when a strange box catches my eye. I open it up and and met with an overwhelming aura. I look inside and see a shimmering blue gem on an earring. I recognise the aura. It is the same as my counselor. Meaning he is indeed Ghirahim. I freeze as I feel two arms wrap around me and a head rest on my shoulder.

"Hello again, Skychild. Or should I say Link?" A familiar voice purrs.

Hello again, Skychild (Fully Updated)Where stories live. Discover now