Chapter 6 - Hero of the past

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I walked down the dark, straight tunnel for what seems like hours. The voice telling me to keep going. I start to get nervous that this is a trap intended to kill me but I keep going. After a while something catches my eye.

Is that? It is! It's literally a light at the end of the tunnel. I keep going and the light slowly gets bigger. Very, very slowly. After another at least 20 minutes of walking the light has only grown to be twice it's original size and my legs are burning from the endless hours of walking.

Come on Link. Just until you reach it. Hold on until then and you can rest. I tell myself as I feel my eyelids getting heavy. Ghirahim must be extremely worried by now. I keep walking and the light gets bigger faster and faster. I make it through the end of the tunnel and look around. The room is exposed to the outside world and the growing light through the trees tells me it is sunrise. I look around and see I am in some kind of abandoned temple. I look behind me and see the tunnel has disappeared. I look straight ahead and see a sword in a pedestal. The Master Sword. I get closer and inspect the blade. For not having been used for several centuries it is in extremely good shape. I track out and touch the face of the blade and I feel it resonate deep in my soul.

"Master, it seems there is a 87 percent chance you are in need of rest." I hear a voice say behind me. I turn around and see a humanlike female figure with blue skin and a divided cape. One side a light blue and the either side a deep purple. There is also a large blue, diamond-shaped gem in her chest.

"Thank you for finding me Master. I am Fi. The sword spirit." She says.

Draw the sword O Hero of Time. Another voice says. I feel like I can trust it and I draw the sword. And everything turns black.

Ghirahim's POV

"Princess, I advise against this! This is a Demon Lord we are talking about!" I hear the familiar voice of a certain sheikah shout.

"Let me go Impa! I am going to find where he took Link!" Another voice shouts back. I open my eyes and see the Goddess child and her guardian arguing about 15 yards from where I am sleeping. Ahem. WAS sleeping. I decide to break up this argument before it annoys me further.

"What exactly was the point of disturbing me?" I ask. Well, growl. The Goddess child released herself from her guardian's grip and angrily walks towards me.

"Where is Link?" She asks.

"You have just as much of a clue as I do, Goddess child." I say.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" She snaps.

"It means he disappeared down an invisible hole and I now have no clue where he is." I say honestly. She opens her mouth to speak again and Impa decides to butt in.

"He may not be lying Zelda. Ghirahim, will you answer my questions with complete honesty?" She says. I think for a few moments. My anger dying down.

"Very well. Ask away." I say.

"Who gave you the second earring?" She asks.

"Link." I say. True.

"Link wouldn't give you anything." Zelda says.

"Says the Goddess when she knows he's given me more than an earring." I say to myself.

"What else has he given you?" Impa asks, hearing my comment.

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