Chapter 2 - Visitor (Updated)

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Tap tap tap.

Tap tap tap.

Tap... tap.

I got a couple of glares from people around me as I lightly tapped my pencil on the table. Finally class ended and I head to one of the boy's rooms that was not used often. Perfect place to clear my head.

I walked in and turned on a sink to let the sound help in clearing my thoughts. I stated at my reflection for some time thinking about the shrine from my dream. It seemed familiar.


I jumped at the sound and surveyed the area. Just my imagination.


I once again looked around. I'm just paranoid aren't I?


The third came through clearer. Okay. So either this voice is real or I am soon taking a one-way trip to the looney house.

"Y-yes?" I asked quietly. What am I doing? Answering something like that.

~You heard me?~

I blinked. Okay. Maybe I'm not going insane. Or maybe I am.

"Yeah. Who are you?" I asked quietly.

~I cant say. You need to come find me. I am in the lost woods. Goodbye master. ~

I was about to tell the voice to wait but the presence already left. Now I was faced with a choice.

Do I tell Zelda or not?

I turned off the water and walked out. Heading for the school's exit. Then I remembered some history books in Hyrule Castle that I may be able to use. I just have to ask Zelda if I can come with her back to the castle when she leaves tomorrow for a priestess ceremony. I hope she'll say yes...

And without thinking I walked straight into said princess. I had a bit of a panicked look as I helped her up. And an apologetic one afterwards.

"It's okay Link. What did you want to talk to me about? I know that look." Zelda said politely, teasing at the last part. I made a sign that said 'when we get home' and she nodded. So we begun our trek home.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Zelda asks, plopping down in the couch adjacent to the one I was sitting in. No longer in her uniform and instead wearing sweats, she looked lie she could finally relax. She even ditched all manners and laid on the couch diagonally. One foot on, one foot off. I snickered at her pose that was a direct contrast to normal. Zelda, being Zelda, could tell I was laughing at her pose so she flipped upside down in an even more ridiculous pose thus causing me to laugh harder. She finally switched back and had a serious face on.

"So what did you want to ask me?" She asks again.

"May I come with you back to Hyrule castle? There is something I want to look up in the library." I say.

"Sure. I don't see why not. We're leaving tomorrow morning though. Knowing you, you should pack up tonight so I can wake you up tomorrow without you rushing to pack." She says.

"Ha ha. I'm not that bad." I say.

"Yes you are." She says in a teasing yet serious voice.

I open my mouth this speak but then think of all the times I've woke up late and snap it shut. Giving a hmph in frustration. Zelda giggles and before long, we both head to bed to get some sleep.

Ghirahim's PoV

After school as I am packing my things up for the day I feel a familiar presence. Fi. I immediately stop what I am doing and follow the presence. I stop outside a boy's bathroom and hear the last words of Fi before she dissapears.

~I cant say. You need to come find me. I am in the lost woods. Goodbye master. ~

Did she notice me that soon? Judging from what she said. I'd guess yes. Knowing her at least. I hear water shutting off and soon Link walks out not seeming to notice me. Mumbling something about the Hero if Time and needing to look up sword spirits.

It seems if he follows through with that he may discover who I am. I hope he doesn't purposefully avoid me after that. I enjoy the skychild's company. Hopefully I don't have to take him away so soon.

I decide to head back to my palace and I put in my earring. The other one is in the Hyrule palaces treasury. Thanks to the Goddess child.

Getting curious I use some of my powers to spy on this new Vaati. It seems he has a large army and in planing to bring back a certain bastard King. Gannondorf. Having been annoyed enough by that I decide to spy on my skychild. He is sleeping with a couple of bags by his door. A smile begins to creep across my face as I realize his cute he is when he sleeps. He lays on his side with his eyes softly closed and lips sightly parted. His hair slightly cascading down his face and the blanket slipping down his arms. I think I'll pay him a visit.

I close the spell and snap. My current outfit being replaced by my old one I love so much. One more snap and I am in Link's bedroom. I sit on the windowsill and watch him before taking a bit more of a look around. I look in his closet to find some empty hangers and several school uniforms. I peer in a door and see a bathroom. A small one but a bathroom nonetheless.

I start rummaging through the contents on his desk and open a strange looking book. It is filled with sketches. All quite beautifully well done. I recognise several of them and even some of the scenes they depict. I see a sketch of where I first faced him. It shows the skychild with his sword drawn as he faces me. I flip through a few more. Fi, the Goddess, skyview, some of the islands, his... bird, Farron Forest, the Zora temple, death mountain, the gorons, and others.

I close the book and set it down as I hear the skychild begin to stir and I snap. Disappearing in a flury of diamonds. Not knowing he saw me.

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