Chapter 7 - Onwards

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I stand and look around. The room is the same as one I saw in my dreams. I then look at myself. My clothes have changed. Jeans, a t-shirt, sneakers, and a hoodie have been replaced by loose tan pants, a green tunic and hat, leather boots and bracers, and a sword on my back. Luckily I know how to use a sword from my hobbies. I hear someone shift and mumble and I turn around to see Ghirahim waking up. He opens his eyes and looks around before they land on me, and he smiles.

"Hello, skychild." He says standing. I eye him a bit nervously because of that dream, well memory, last night. He notices and comes closer.

"Is something wrong?" He asks. I shake my head no.

"Just... A weird dream. That's all." I say. He once again notices my hesitance.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks. I try and succeed to keep the blush away as I remember the details.

"No. You don't have to worry about it." I say quickly. He still seems unconvinced and even folds his arms, giving me a stubborn look.

"Do you know where we should head next?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"Skychild..." He warns.

"I just don't want to talk about it." I say, turning away so he doesn't see me blush. He sighs and speaks a few seconds later.

"It would be wise to visit the forest temple first. Retrace your footsteps from past lives." He finally says.

"Fast or slow travel?" He asks, snaking his arms around my shoulders.

"What do you mean by that?" I say.

"We could walk the few dozen miles or we can teleport as close as I can get." He says. I pause to think for a moment.

"Teleport. Please." I say. My legs are burning like hell from yesterday. I can feel him smirk as he releases my shoulders.

"As you wish, skychild." He says, wrapping an arm around my waist then snapping. We arrive outside a sheer cliffed mountian with a large door in front. I grab the door and pull sideways, making it roll open. I am met with a face full of cobwebs when I get a few steps in. I quickly pull back and frantically wipe them off my face, hearing laughter behind me. I turn and glare at Ghirahim who covers his mouth, trying to stifle any more giggles, unsuccessfully I may add. I turn back ahead muttering things under my breath.

"What did you say skychild?" Ghirahim asks.

"I said I hate spiders." I say. True, that is one of the many things I muttered. He starts laughing again.

"What?!" I shout. Getting a bit annoyed.

"It figures." He says in a fit of giggles.

"At least there is someone who finds my misery humorous." I grumble, heading back in and slicing at any cobwebs in the way. Luckily they only went on for a couple of feet. I motion for Ghirahim to follow me and he does. We walk down the winding paths and I see a couple of strange creatures ahead of us. I slowly walk a bit towards them when I hear something behind me. Ghirahim has drawn his sword. He pounces ahead and the creatures turn towards him and start attacking, but he quickly cuts them down. I feel something around me and feel teeth dig into my skin and I yelp. I wiggle trying to get free and Ghirahim notices. He cuts at something and a screech fills my ears before whatever it was releases me. I turn around and see a giant plant with a mouth disappear into a puff of shadow and something shiny and green pops out. I pick it up and feel Ghirahim looking over my shoulder. It is a rupee. I haven't seen something like this in a long time.

"That's something I haven't seen in about 200 years." Ghirahim says and hands me a small pouch. How he got it, I don't know. I put the rupee in the pouch and tie it to my belt. I turn to keep going but stumble, having to grab onto the wall for support. Blood loss. That isn't good. Ghirahim seems to sense the same thing and walks over to where the monsters one lay and picks something up. He holds it out to me and I see what it is. A small red heart. He presses it against my chest, it disappears, and I suddenly feel a lot better. I look at where I was bitten and see no wounds. He continues on down the hall and I catch up to him. We are in a large room.

"Hey! Who are you?!" Someone shouts. I look up and see a kid standing on a beam. I see a blue light float around him. No not kid, a kokiri. He looks me up and down and his eyes widen.

"No way! YOU'RE the Hero of Time?!" He says and his gaze drifts to Ghirahim. His eys narrow and he pulls out a small sword and a wooden shield.

"What are you doing here Demon?!" He shouts. I look at Ghirahim and he seems slightly annoyed by the kid.

"Accompanying my skychild. What else?" He says smugly. The kid glares at Ghirahim then me.

"Why do you let the demon who killed you last time travel with you?" The kokiri asks me.

~Master, you would have died that day whether or not Lord Ghirahim killed you. If I am not mistaken there was an assassin sent after you who was ordered to give you a gruesome death.~ I hear the familiar voice of Fi say.

"He killed me to save me from a worse death. I would have died that day whether or not he killed me." I say. The kid still glares at Ghirahim.

"Fine. I believe you. But there is nothing here for you. You should head on to the fire temple and talk to the Goron elders. They might have something. All I know is that something bad is coming." He says, sheathing his sword and putting his shield back. He then stretches and heads towards a small door.

"Go ahead and stay the night. I'm heading back to where I'm from. Do me a favor and be careful around that demon, will ya?" He says before disappearing behind the door.

"I think we should stay the night. You still need to rest despite your wounds being healed." Ghirahim says, sitting on a bench.

"Or we could head to my palace and spend the night there." He says. I perk up for a second. Palace?

"You have a palace?" I say. He laughs.

"Of course I do. Since Demise is dead and gone, I get the place to myself." He says. I sit there and think for a moment and freeze when I feel two arms snake around my waist. Ghirahim giggles.

"Let's go then." He says and snaps.

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