Chapter 17 - Promises and Memories

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I am outside the temple I open the door and am met with darkness. I push through and I hear voices all over.

"Where do you think you are going? What will you achieve?" A dark, mischievous voice asks, piercing through the other voices.

"I need to find that person. I can't let them fade." I say. What am I feeling? Desperation?

"Why do you want to find them? They will only kill you if you find them here and now." It says. Almost growls.

Why do I want to find them? Why do I need to keep them from fading? A wish? An answer?

A promise?

"I promised. I need to keep them from fading." I say firmly.

"What was it that you promised though? Why is it so important to keep them from fading?" The voice presses. It feels familiar. I keep pressing forward. Thoughts filling my head. What was the promise? What was the promise I made? What do I need to do to fulfill that promise?

"I..." I say. Not sure. So I let my gut guide my words.

"I... I promised... I promised to return to them." I say. Their name. Why can't I remember their name?

"Oh? What was their name?" The voice asks. I can feel whoever it is behind me. Their breath on my neck. I don't look back though. I can't. I can't bring myself to look back.

I can't remember the name. That person's name. A very important name. Why can't I remember? It's like forgetting the name of someone important. A mother, a sibling.

A lover.

They were a lover, are a lover. I don't know. I ponder and finally I trust my gut again.

"Demon... Demon Lord Ghirahim." I say. Suddenly I can remember. The good the bad, all indifferent. I need to find him. I need to return to him. The voice chuckles and the darkness fades.

"Very well. You pass. But you only get one opportunity to finish this. Otherwise you get the alternate ending and you might as well never exist in the next life. ~Have fun." The voice says. Seeing as I am at the temple's entrance still, I gulp down my fear and head in.

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