Note: Read me

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Hello all. 'Tis I, the night owl of the east!

Actually I'm just gonna get to the point.

This is going to be a bit of a yaoi (boyxboy, gay, you get my drift) story. More fluff that anything. PG-13 will most likely be the highest I go on the romance factor so don't expect any lemons (sex scenes)!

Also sorry if update times seem a bit jagged on my stories, I have a severe problem with writers block and have a few stories I am waiting to finish writing the whole thing before publishing.

You may get previews though. Not sure on that one yet.

Anyhow. The world setting is a bit influences by an Anime called HunterXHunter where you have the known world (maps 'n shit) and you have the gourmet world (uncharted territory. (Spoilers! Farron forest and the original Hyrule kingdom are there.))

Also I do not own the characters nor the artwork (unless I say otherwise) they belong to their respective owners. The plot, however, IS mine. So don't steal it or I'll beat you within an inch of your life! (If you don't get that reference then you NEED to play Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)

Also if you can't grasp what is going on then you need to play Legend of Zelda (primarily Skyward Sword but the others will help a bit with understanding Link and Zelda).

Another thing. At the beginning of every chapter it will be Link's POV (Point of view) unless it says otherwise. Regardless of whose POV the last chapter ended in.

Also random question but what is the proper way to pronounce Demise's name? Is is pronounced like Demise (De-myze) or Demise (De-mes)? I never got that.

But that is all for now so fly high my owls!

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