Chapter 18 - Last Chance and Forgiveness

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I repeat last time, running through the temple and cutting down monsters in my path.

Faster, faster! I tell myself. Willing myself to go faster as I flat out sprint through the temple. Finally I crash through the doors of the temple.

Where is he? Where? I silently ask.

"I know you are here, Ghirahim." I say. I can feel his presence strongly. I feel his arms wrap around me.

"It seems you have found me, skychild." He purrs in my ear. I want to lean into him and hold him but I can't. I jump out of his grip and pull out my sword. A bit afraid because of having already seen my own demise. As I turn around all I see are diamonds fading into the background and the sound of Ghirahim's tongue clicking fills the room.

"Ah poor skychild. I only wanted to thank you for freeing me from the grasp of that vile Demise." He says then pauses, His voice becoming cold as he finishes.

"But if you wish a battle then so be it." I begin to move as I remember what comes next. Barely dodging the flurry of daggers sent my way. So I play along with my memories.

"Ghirahim! Come out you coward!" I shout. I know words like those wound his already over sized ego.

"Alright skychild. But you asked for what may come next." He says. I can almost hear the venom in his voice and I know that I baited him well enough. But no time is left for me to think as I am already dodging the daggers flying towards me. When I can pause I see him on the other side of the room like in the dream. Body angled to one side with his sword in the rearmost hand while the other is extended towards me with knives formed from shadows already surrounding it. And, of course, that over confident smirk on his face.

Like in the dream he launches himself at me after the final flurry of knives fly towards me. He disappears at the last second and slashes me across the back. I wince at the pain. I know the layer of chainmail took most of the hit but it still hurts like hell. I spin around but he disappears before my sword hits him. I look around and listen for any sound from Ghirahim. Already knowing my search is futile. I let myself relax knowing what will happen next. I feel the hilt of Ghirahim's sword hit my head and all goes black for me.

When I open my eyes again I see Ghirahim above me. Preparing to bring his blade down and end it all. A single tear falls from his eye. A difference from the dream.

"I'm sorry skychild." He whispers then drives his blade down. Through my heart. My eyes widen in pain and I cough up blood. He is quickly at my side as I can feel my body start to involuntarily twitch. His hand rests on my chest and it calms me.

"Calm yourself  skychild. It was either by my hand or another. Either way you would have died today." he says quietly. I can see the sadness in his eyes. I feel tears threaten to rise. I  know this must hurt him more than the pain I feel now.

"Ghi-" I say and his finger brushes down my lips. Silencing me.

"Silence skychild. We shall meet again in another lifetime. Now relax. It will make your passing less painful." He says with a sad smile on his face. I can see he is holding back tears.

"Thank you Ghirahim." I whisper. But, this time, before I close my eyes, I reach up and cup my hand around his face, bringing him down to me. I place a chaste kiss on his lips then release him and let myself relax while closing my eyes. I feel droplets of his tears fall on my face. I smile softly and let myself take my final breath. Feeling his sadness.

Then I am floating in darkness again.

"... you pass." I hear the voice of my shadow say with some hesitance beforehand.

"Thank you." I say.

I feel something soft below me and I know my eyes are closed. I cautiously open them to see the bare chest of said demon lord below me. And I can tell I've been crying.

"Are you alright?" I hear him ask. I sit up and wipe my eyes. I know it is the day after defeating Zant somehow. Seems the rest was part of the dream.

"Yeah. Just.. just a bad dream." I say.

"Do you want to talk about it skychild?" Ghirahim asks, pushing himself up into a sitting position.

"... I guess it wasn't necessarily a bad dream. It was more sad and uncomfortable." I say. He nods, beckoning for me to continue.

"I lived out the last day of my life before this one. I wasn't a spectator this time. I had a feeling that if I didn't finish everything there I would never have existed here." I say a bit quietly. Hiding my head. It really was uncomfortable to talk about. I feel a moment of hesitance then Ghirahim moves and wraps his arms around me in a comforting and protective way.

"I am sorry." He whispers, tightening his grip.  I lean into his chest. I can feel that is a sensitive topic for him as well. I relax and let him hold me.

"It's alright. I never said it but..." I say then pause. Feeling Ghirahim tense up below me. I know he may be expecting the worst. So I wrap my arms around him.

"I forgive you." I say. Happy to finally get to hold him again. His breath hitches for a moment and his arms tense, I worry that I did something wrong. Then he relaxes, shaking softly. I feel his fingers brush under my chin, lifting and turning my head, I see tears falling silently from his eyes as he kisses me. This time it's different. It's soft but firm, gentle but with meaning, it feels almost like he's saying 'thank you'. I relax into the kiss and he in turn relaxes.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." He says softly against my lips.

"You're welcome. I'm sorry I couldn't say it last time." I say just as softly. His arm wraps around me again, pulling me into his embrace.

"You have no need to be sorry. I kept you silent, all you could do..." He says, pausing.

"All you could do was give me your first and last kiss." He finishes quietly. I pause. It wasn't a dream then, but rather my true final moments. I can't finish that pause before he kisses me again, this time passionately. I find myself drawn into it, returning with the same passion.

What feels like hours later, we stop our kisses and catch our breaths.

"We should return to hyrule. With all that is going on, they need you there." He says.

"Yeah. We should." I reply, panting softly. He slowly let's me go. I stand after kissing his cheek and stretch. I feel his arms suddenly wrap around my waist and I jump.

"Stop doing that!" I shout. He laughs.

"I'd rather not." He says smugly. Afterwards letting me go and standing. With a snap his clothes return. I put my clothes back on as well.

"Shall we go?" He asks. I nod and put the sheathed sword on my back. His arms wrap around my waist again, in the same fashion he uses to teleport.

"Then away we go, skychild." He says, snapping once more.

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