Chapter 4 - Nightmares and Hallucinations

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"Hello again, skychild. Or should I say Link." A familiar voice purrs. I jump out of the grip without thinking and whip myself around to see... no one. I notice I dropped the box and the earring but am a bit weary because of what just happened. I carefully bend over and put the earring gently, back in the box. I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders and I turn my head to the side to yet again, see nothing.

Shivers roll down my spine. Real or fake? Real or fake? I once again feel arms wrap around me and a head on my opposite shoulder.

"I am not currently here skychild. Calm yourself." The voice says. I look down and only see a translucent outline of gloved arms.

"I need you to close that box and keep it hidden. I may have already been detected. But don't let anyone see that box. Not even the goddess child." He says and I close the box.

"Thank you Link. You may want go take an early leave. From what is happening I may need that soon. Give it to me next time you see me." He says.

"Why should I trust you?" I ask.

"Duck behind that large painting to your left now." He says and I pause.

"NOW skychild." He growls, releasing his grip and shoving me. I roll behind the painting and see dee the outline move it so I am nearly invisible to anyone in the room before disappearing. I near the door burst open and footsteps rush in. I pull back further and hold the box close.

"There is no one here ma'am." I hear someone say. The man I dueled earlier.

"Check further. It has to be someone powerful judging from that presence." Another voice says. Impa. I curl tighter into my space. I hear rummaging get closer and closer and I clamp a hand over my mouth to avoid making noise.

Then I hear something. A jingling sound almost.

"Looking for someone, Sheikah?" I hear Ghirahim ask. Then the sound of someone suddenly turning around.

"Demon! What are you dong here?" She growls.

"Oh nothing much. Looking for something of mine I lost a while ago. Seems someone has taken it though." He says with a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Don't fuck with me demon. What is the real reason? After Zelda?!" She says. Ghirahim scoffs.

"Like I'd be interested in that unbearable goddess child. I was looking for something I lost in battle. Old hag." He says sounding annoyed at this point.

"You little-" she says then I hear a voice in my head.

"Run now, skychild. Run for the lost woods." He says. I pull up my hood and burst out of my hiding spot, booking it as fast as I can out of there.

"Who? After that man!" I hear Impa shout and soon hear several pairs of footsteps behind me. I take a shortcut through the library and swoop up my backpack, putting the box inside. I burst out the other side and narrowly miss being tackled by someone. Suddenly I am glad for all the training I have done. I take a sharp turn down a hall and bout halfway down, more men come from the side I am running towards. I turn around and see men pulling out tazers. I jump out a window next to me and narrowly miss being hit by said tazers. I land and roll earning a couple of gasps from people and yet again, a few more guards chase after me. Luckily I know the castle grounds well and I lose the guards in a matter of seconds. I head to the side of the wall closest to the lost woods and scale it quickly. As I land I here some more shouts.

"Over here!"

"I see him!"

"He's not getting away!" I continue running and make it go the tree line and head a bit further in before being tackled to the ground. I kick the person off and flip up, backing away from them. It is the man I dueled earlier.

"Link! What are you doing out here?" He asks.

"Try'in to save my ass." I say and put some more distance between us.

"What were you doing in the treasury?" He asks.

"Nothing." I say simply. And he stops for a couple of moments before motioning to the bag I have slung across my shoulders.

"What's in the bag?" He asks. I grip the bag's strap subconsciously.

"Nothing." I say and he takes a few steps closer, his expression getting darker.

"One more time kid. What's in the bag?" He demands. I turn and run only to be tackled again. I flip myself over before I get pinned so I am laying on the bag and get kneed in the stomach. I wheeze as the air is knocked out of me and I continue to struggle.

"What's in the bag? Maybe a certain gift for a demon lord?!" He asks and I freeze for a moment, giving the man enough time to wrap both hands around my throat. He starts to squeeze and I claw at him in an attempt go get him to let go. In response his grip gets tighter. I start to gag and I try go claw at his neck with one hand while trying to get his hands off my neck with the other. A black tunnel starts to close around my vision and I can feel my strength leaking away and try to say something without thinking.

"Please... help." I say with it barely coming out as a whisper. The man looks at me mockingly and releases his hands slightly to tease me. My eyes flutter shut and I feel someone slump on me before passing out.

Ghirahim's POV

After Link runs I smirk as the sheikah warrior sends people after him. She turns and faces me a couple of seconds later and glares.

"What are you so smug about?" She growls. I chuckle.

"Well as much as I'd like to stay I have some business to attend to. So I must bid you-" and I give her a theatrical bow. "Adieu." I say before snapping and dissapearing.

I reappear in the forest a little ways in, waiting to meet up with my skychild.

Something isn't right. I think after about 10 minutes of waiting. I start to pace thinking the boy got lost when I hear something faint in my head.

Please... help...

I hear the skychild say in my head. I don't even question. How he reached me and I teleport to him. I land a few yards away and I spot him under a man weakly clawing at him in an attempt to get some air. Something in my mind snaps and I quickly summon one if my swords as I run over, and stab the man straight through the heart. He slumps onto my precious skychild.

I push him off to find Link unconscious and not breathing. I quickly place a hand on his chest and push down hard and swiftly. He gasps, taking a few deep breaths before moaning in pain and rolling onto his side in his sleep. I sigh in relief and let my sword dissappear before picking him up and snapping reappearing in my house in the city. I carry him to my room and lay him on my bed, removing the bag from his shoulders. I open the bag and see an elegant box inside. I go to take it out but it burns as soon as I touch it. I hiss in pain and set the bag down. I proceed to sit on the end of the bed and wait for Link to wake up.

Well... This turn of events was unexpected.

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