Chapter 14 - A plesant bath

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I woke up snuggling Ghirahim. Whom was already awake and watching me sleep.

"Good morning skychild." He says looking slightly amused. I try to figure out what it is and find my shirt at the end of the bed. Ah. This is why I have a lack of pajama shirts at home.

"What?" I growl. Reaching for my shirt.

"Oh. Nothing. It was amusing seeing you wiggle out of your shirt in your sleep." He says chuckling. I shoot him a glare and go to put on my shirt before realizing it smells awful.

"Need your clothes washed, skychild?" He asks with a bit of a perverted smile on his face. I shoot him a glare.

"Would you mind getting my backpack from your house if it is still there? It should have a change of clothes in it." I say, getting up.

"And where is your bathroom?" I ask a bit more politely.

"Left out the door, third door on the right." Ghirahim says then pauses.

"Do I have to get your backpack though? I was enjoying the thought of seeing you parade around-" and I cut him off.

"Don't say it!" I shout.

"Nude." He finishes. And I blush making an annoyed groan then turn to head out the door.

"And YES. I am sure I want you to get my backpack." I say. He has a smug look on his face.

"And if I don't?" He says and I turn to shoot another glare at him.

"Then bound to you or not, I am running you through." I say. His amused look disappears and he looks disappointed.

"Fine." He says getting out of bed. I leave and head to the bathroom while he goes to get my backpack. I enter the bathroom to see a large bath filled with steaming water. I catch a glimpse of a piece of paper and see my backpack by the bath. I pick up the paper and read it.

"The stairs are at the other end of the hall. I'll see you downstairs when you are finished. I'm not much of a cook so I'm having a friend come over to cook for us. We will be heading back to Hyrule after since there seems to be a bit of a disturbance there. Go ahead and take your sweet time though.


I sigh and take off the rest of my clothes before slipping into the bathtub. The warm water is the perfect template re to relax me and I catch some herbs floating in the water out of the corner of my eye. So this is how Ghirahim used to live? Even just being like this it seems luxurious. I sigh and let part of my head go under water. Leaving above my lips out so I can breathe. Even the scent is relaxing. I spot a small waterfall at the other end of the bath and head over. I see a variety of clear glass bottles on the rim of the tub. I open one and am met with a scent that smells like Ghirahim. Shampoo it seems. I open another and it smells like the forest. A relaxing scent. I pour a bit into the palm of my hand and let the waterfall run over it. I set the bottle down and rub my hands together. The liquid lathers, confirming my suspicion. Most likely shampoo, but at the least it is soap. I pour some more and run it through my hair. Going through the process of washing it. I find some conditioner and use that as well. After that I wash my body then sit down and relax. Enjoying my soak. I get out and put on the extra change of clothes I have after drying myself off. I put my backpack back in Ghirahim's room next to my sword and shield. I sit down on the bed. Not wanting to go downstairs yet.

"You there Fi?" I ask. The sword glows and I am soon met with the spirit sitting next to me on the bed.

"Yes Master?" She says.

"Do you think Ghirahim is trustworthy? If he really means what he does?" I ask. Fi gives me a light smile.

"I know you are confused Master. But the answer to both is yes. I believe he is trustworthy and I believe that he does love you, and his actions reflect that. If that is what you meant." She says. I think then nod.

"Thank you Fi. That's relieving. How long can you stay in that form?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. Hours at least. But I do feel more comfortable being inside the sword." She says.

"Okay then. Is there anything you enjoy while being in this form?" I ask. She nods.

"Cooking, volleyball, and reading. Though I am not very good at the first two." She says. I nod.

"Ghirahim is probably waiting for me but thank you for the talk." I say, standing. She gives me a smile then does something a bit unexpected, and hugs me. She pulls back a couple of moments later with a soft smile on her face.

"There was a 89 percent chance you were very stressed and concerned. So I gave you a hug as a source of comfort and because you needed it." She says gently. Then disappears back into the sword. I head downstairs and find Ghirahim waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He holds out a hand.

"Shall we go eat?" He asks. I nod but don't take his hand. Which he instead wraps around my waist, thus making me tense up a bit. He leads me to a dining hall where there is a large table, clearly meant to seat a couple dozen people, and a meal for us both. He allows me to sit at the head of the table and takes a seat next to me. We have a salad of some sort and some kind of meat prepared in a fancy way. I notice Ghirahim is already eating so I take a bite. It tastes amazing. We continue eating in silence and Ghirahim finally speaks after we've both finish our meal.

"Come. We should get your outfit. We will be hearing back to Hyrule afterward." He says, standing and yet again, offering me his hand. I stand and follow him and he once again wraps his arm around my waist. He stops and snaps. We appear in his bedroom and he snaps again. My Hero's clothes appear on the bed. All clean.

"I'll let you ready yourself. Skychild." He says, placing a peck on my lips. Making me blush slightly. He leaves and I change. Neatly rolling up my other clothes and putting them in the backpack. I then exit and Ghirahim is outside, leaning against the far wall. He wraps his arm around my waist a bit differently, a sign we are going to teleport. He snaps and we appear just outside Hyrule palace. The place is in disarray. I see monsters appearing and dissolving into smoke as they get shot at. Ghirahim suddenly backs away from me and a light envelops me. Changing my outfit. My outfit is still the same green but it now looks like a modern military outfit. The hat and the Master sword are still the same. But my combat knife has been replaced by a pistol. Ghirahim looks a bit disappointed.

"Curse the Goddess. I liked the other outfit better." He grumbles.

"What, you don't like this one?" I say. He wraps an arm around my waist and kisses me roughly.

"I didn't say that now did I?" He says with a mischievous smirk on his face. I then break away and head in. Sword in one hand, pistol in the other. I prioritize the use of my sword over the pistol and am cutting down enemies quickly.

"Ghirahim!" I hear Zelda shout. Running towards him with an angry look on her face. I put myself between them and catch Zelda's shoulders.

"Hey I'm fine. Let's not beat up the Demon Lord today shall we?" I say. She looks at me in shock then looks me up and down. Her eyes lock on the Master sword and widen. It glows faintly then returns to normal when Zelda touches the blade.

"Link... You're the Hero of Time?" She asks.

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