Chapter 1 - Counseling

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Beep beep!

Beep beep!

"LINK I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED, GODDESS HELP ME, I WILL KICK IT INTO NEXT WEEK!!" My childhood friend, her royal highness princess Zelda, shouts and I bolt awake. Slamming my head onto my head board. Owww... I look around and stare at the clock.

7:17am school starts at 8:00am and I still have to shower, change, make lunch, and eat breakfast.

I bolt to my closet and practically tear a clean uniform off of the rack.

"Woah boy. The uniform didn't do anything to you." Zelda says already dressed in the female uniform. I give her a look and she just chuckles.

"Well, I'll see you downstairs after your little panic." She says and leave. I bolt to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I strip and step in, cursing myself for making it too hot.

Hero of time huh?

I manage to beat my record time and head downstairs to make lunch and eat. Zelda just watches in amusement as I somehow avoid chopping my fingers off. Yeah, Zelda and I live with each other. But we aren't dating or anything like that. Zelda's father, the king, let us live together since we are going to the same school and he trusts us not to do anything... Anyways.

Zelda has wavy blonde hair that falls to her waist that she tends to wear either partially pulled back or in a ponytail, she has sapphire blue eyes, she has the triforce or wisdom, is about 5'9", is on the school's fencing team, and is 17 years old.

I am Link, in case you didn't get that from Zelda threatening my poor behind, I have longish dirty sun blonde hair brushed off to one side, I have more ocean blue eyes, I have the triforce of courage, I am teased for my height and the fact I am basically mute (I don't like to talk) I'm 5'6", am in the school's swordplay club, and am also 17 years old.

"Come on fluff, let's go." Zelda says fluffing up my hair. When I let my hair air dry it gets really poofy and fluffy, thus the nickname 'Fluff'.

We manage to make it to school on time and head off to our classes. Well, Zelda heads to class and I head to the counselors office to talk to the counselor, Garry, again. He is one of the few that knows I can talk.

I stop at the door and knock. The door opens revealing a six foot something man with the face of the man in my dream. He smiles at me.

"Hello Link. I almost didn't see you down there." He jokes. I puff out my cheeks in 'anger' and he laughs.

"Come on in." He says opening the door wider and letting me in. I sit on the couch in the room and he closes the door before taking the seat opposite of mine.

"So has anything changed? In the dreams?" He asks. I nod.

"Yes. I finally was able to see the figure's face and get the name." Since you don't know, I'll tell you. I have been having recurring dreams that always had a scene from the full dream. Commonly the death. And as ridiculous as it sounds, I've always felt that boy was me. From a past life or something like that. We do look almost the same after all.

"So who was he and what did he look like?" Garry asks, intrigued.

"Well. As crazy as it sounds, he looked like you. Except in a white one shoulder bodysuit with diamond cut outs and white gloves. And his name, well, the full title was 'Demon Lord Ghirahim'. And he called me 'skychild'." I say. Garry looks a bit surprised but nods and disappears into thought for a few moments.

"Are you stressed about anything?" Garry asks.

"Yeah. Graduation, the Knight's trial, finals. Stuff like that." I say.

"Hmm. That might be what gave you those dreams. Though I'm not sure why I'm in there. But I was thinking about the dream and I think it is stressed induced." Garry says. I nod.

"That makes sense. I've had weird dreams before during stressful times so I don't see how this is different." I say.

"So was there anything else unusual?" Garry asks.

"Yeah. Actually. There was a sword in a pedestal that had the symbol of the triforce on it in a hidden shrine or something. It also talked to me and called me 'Master', in a polite way, and 'Hero of Time'. It also spoke of disasters and I think monsters attacking. This time I didn't see another figure. It was just me." I say. He nods.

"Generally if it speaks and it says something like 'seek me out' or 'come find me' it means that you will have a new path in life open soon. As for the monsters bit... I'm not sure about that." Garry said. I nodded and looked at the clock. It was almost time for my next class. I grabbed my bag and stood up. Garry also stood and went over to the door, opening it for me.

"Remember, if you need anything or want to talk, just stop by. I should be here." Garry says with a smile. I give him a thank you mid and head off to my next class. Thinking of ways I can de-stress myself.

'Garry's POV'

I wait for Link to leave before closing the door and flopping on the couch. It seems the sword spirit Fi is trying to reach him. Confirming my suspicions. He is the skychild. Though I didn't expect him to figure out my name. I've waited hundreds of years for Link but it seems someone is planning to wreak some havoc. The aura in the area tells me it is most likely Vaati's reincarnation. A bit stronger than the original brat.

Also what is this... attachment, I feel towards Link? This feeling that makes me want to feel his lips pressed against mine whenever he is around me? Love? Lust? I don't know. But I like it.

I decide to play with my magic a bit. I snap and diamonds sparkle in the air before fading away. I snap again after locking my office door and wind up in my palace. Far, far away from what humans and hylians know. I sigh. This place feels for empty just being here by myself. I walk to my closet in my bedroom and open it. Revealing my old outfit I miss so badly. Red cape, white outfit, white gloves. Beside it lies a special treasure in a box. I open it and look at the earring I took from the skychild beside mine. I take the blue gem out and look at it. I put most of my magic in the gem so I could go about the human and hylian world's undetected. I only have enough for basic waypoint teleports and some simple tricks left in my body. I sigh and place the gem back in the box before closing it and closing the closet. I snap again and am in my house I purchased using money I earned from my gold stash. Even though this house would comfortably house 3 people with room to spare it feels puny to me. I grab a snack and snap so I am back in my office. Good no one saw me. I unlock the door and sit back down on the couch. Ah well.

This job may be nothing but meaningless labor to me but what makes it worthwhile is my precious skychild returning.

His lips...

A smirk forms on mine as I think of ways to take him home to my palace after he takes his place as the Hero of Time. Maybe then I'll steal his kisses.

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