Chapter 15 - Reality or Dream?

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Zelda and Impa fought alongside Ghirahim and I until all of the monsters within the palace grounds were defeated. After the battle ended Zelda practically dragged me into the library where we would not be disturbed and had an 'Explain. Now.' look on her face.

"Where do you want me to start?" I asked.

"When you disappeared after the treasury robbery." She said looking angry with me. I've really pushed my luck this time haven't I? I see Ghirahim leaning against the wall next to the door next to Impa. He gives me a 'Go ahead.' look. I sigh.

"Well, I was the one that robbed the treasury in the first place and the reason I disappeared is because Ghirahim saved my life." I say. She gives me a disbelieving look.

"That's how Ghirahim got his other earring back." I say.

"How did he save your life?" She asks.

"Someone tried to kill me. Choke me to death. I don't know what their name was." I explain.

"We found a man who had been stabbed through the chest who says otherwise. He seems to be making a decent recovery." She says and I freeze. I feel the color drain from my face.

"What? What's wrong Link?" She asks.

"Big burly man who seems gentle and kind when you talk to him? Short brown hair?" I ask. She nods.

"He was the one who tried to kill me." I say a bit quietly. Zelda looks at me like I've gone mad.

"How could he even think to do so? He is the most kind and gentle man I've met!" She exclaims clearly not believing me. I shake my head.

"He is not like that at all. I believe he would try to hurt or even kill me if he ever got another chance." I say. She has a clear look of disbelief on her face

"Link. I think he mistook you for someone and wasn't trying to hurt you. If your story is credible." She says.

"What do you mean if?" I ask.

"How do I know that you aren't under some kind of spell that the Demon Lord has put you under? Or that you weren't tricked into giving him back that earring? I don't know even if it's really you!" She says. How could she think this?

"Zelda, I'm not under a spell." I say.

"And that's exactly what you would say if you were." She states.

"That's also what I would say if I weren't. You can ask Fi if you want to." I say.

"Who's Fi?" She asks.

"The Master Sword spirit." I say.

"Link, I think you're going mad." She says simply. I look at her in disbelief. How can she say this? I've been her friend since we were both kids.

"Zelda, I'm not lying." I say quietly. I suddenly feel a bit of a pressure on my chest and I turn to look at Ghirahim to see him knocked out. I turn back and feel someone pin my arms behind my back and shove me to my knees.

"Zelda! What are you doing?" I ask, looking up at her.

"I'm sorry Link. I have to get you free before anything else." She says apologetically.

"Zelda I'm not under any spell!" I say and I feel something get injected into my neck.

~Master!~ I hear Fi say in my head. I try to look around and feel myself blacking out. I barely catch a glimpse of my sword being taken before I pass out.

I'm back in the temple where Ghirahim wanted to bind himself to me. I see myself laying in his arms as he holds me close and brushes my hair down.

"Hold on Link. Please hold on and come back." He whispers softly as he adjusts his position to hold me better. Is this what happened when I was in that dream?

"Yes. And it is what's happening currently." I hear a voice say behind me. I turn around and see my other self.

"This is all a dream. All of it. You need to snap out of it. None of this is real. Not Zelda. Not what happened at the castle. Not even the confession." He says. I open my mouth to say something but words don't come out. He comes closer and grasps my shoulders firmly. He has to lean down a bit to level his eyes with mine.

"You need to wake up. As I said last time, time is running out. You are nearing the deadline. If you pass it you won't be able to return. Now think! What was unusual about this that wouldn't happen normally?" He asks. I think.

"Zelda trusted the words of another over my own. She didn't listen to what I had to say. I'm not sure if this counts but, my clothes changed. Into something you would commonly see in a modern military. The man that tried to kill me was alive and I'm sure that wouldn't normaly happen with how well Ghirahim fights." I say. My other self nods.

"Good. Concentrate on those things." He says.

"What do you normally do to wake yourself up from a dream?" He asks. After seeing me think. I sigh and take a deep breath.

"I know this is a dream." I say. I can feel the air change and it feels sinister.

"I won't... You can't... I will not... Let you leave." I hear a voice say.

"Yes. It's a dream skychild. You can do this." I hear Ghirahim say.

Then it snaps. And I am laying in my bed in Hyrule castle. with no memory of the previous encounter but a lingering voice in my mind.

"Come find me." It's Ghirahim's voice. I look outside. It is pitch black outside and I don't hear the occasional shuffling of feet that is normal during the day. I go to the door and try opening it. It is locked. I try harder and hear a gruff voice from the other side.

"Sorry kid. The princess ordered that you be kept in your room until further notice." He says. I go back to my bed. I hear the guard move and silently go back to the door. I grab my watch off the desk next to the door. 11:39pm. I wait and wait. At midnight the guard leaves and there is a two minute window until the next arrives. Wait, wait. 2:00am there is another switch with another two minute window. I look around my room. I have been locked in here before and I have a spare key that I can use to unlock the door if I were to get stuck in a situation like this. I lift up a space of carpet under my bed and lift up the board beneath that. I reach my hand in and carefully move it around until I feel the cold metal of the key against my fingers. I pull it up and confirm it is the key I am looking for. Score. I carefully replace the panel and lay the carpet down so it blends seamlessly like before. Now for something to knock the guard out after the next shift. I look around and find my old baseball bat. Score two. Cook up a plan and wait. After the next shift I wait and then turn on the shower to pretend I am showering. I take off my clothes except for my boxers so I can move quickly and not get soaked. Plus I can take a bit of a shower while I am at it. After a couple of minutes I purposefully slip and land as loudly as I can. I then silently get out and dry myself off partially before hiding behind the door of the bathroom. I hear a knock at the door.

"Link. Are you okay in there?" I hear someone ask. I don't ansewer. He knock again with the same message. And a third time. Then I hear the door unlock and he comes in.

"Link? You okay?" He asks and I wait a couple of seconds before letting out a fake groan. I can hear hurried footsteps as the man rushes over. He opens the bathroom door and sees the disturbed shower curtians. He goes over and flicks open the curtains. By the time he realizes what is happening I give him a firm whack over the head with the baseball bat that will certainly keep him out for a couple of hours. I turn off the water, change into some dry boxers, and put my normal clothes back on. I then sneak out and head straight for the secret passageway that few know of that leads into the dungeon.

Hang on Ghirahim. I'm coming.

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