Chapter 8 - Triggers and Fire

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I feel myself laying on something soft as I start to wake up. I must have passed out when we teleported. I sit up and open my eyes, looking around the room. I am laying on a four-poster bed in a large room with marble walls that is sparsely furnished. I look further around the room and don't see Ghirahim anywhere in this room. I notice I am just in my undershirt and pants and see the rest of my clothes neatly folded on the table next to the bed, and the Master Sword leaning against the wall. I get out of bed and put on the rest of my clothes and put my sword on my back before heading out the door to see where Ghirahim is. I wander the halls of this palace and soon feel like I've gotten lost. I eventually make my way to the throne room and see Ghirahim pacing in there. Thinking long and hard about something. He doesn't even notice when I come in. I decide to sit in the throne and watch him pace for a while. I finally decide to speak.

"So what are you thinking about, Ghirahim?" I ask. He jumps.

"I'm sorry skychild. I didn't notice you come in. I was just thinking about... Things." He says. I eye him curiously.

"It's nothing to worry about. Just some personal matters." He says reassuringly. Somehow I am not convinced. But I don't press any further. I stand up and look around while walking towards him and I suddenly drop to my knees, clutching my head in pain. Ghirahim quickly rushes over and tries to reach me but I am unresponsive.

"I'll just beat you within an inch of your life!" I hear him say and images start flashing through my head. All of my battles with Ghirahim, how he almost killed me several times. It's scares me.

"Stay away!" I shout, pushing myself away from Ghirahim and running to the other side of the room. I draw my sword and hold it out towards him. He looks at me in shock.

"Skychild..." He says and all I see is his previous self, the one who tried mercilessly to kill me.

"Just stay away Demon!" I shout angrily. He looks hurt but I ignore it. I turn and run. Run as far away from Ghirahim as I can get. Not bothering with the shouts he sends after me.

Ghirahim's POV

I watch Link run from me, leaving me confused. What happened that caused him to run like that? What did I do? I start to think about how has been getting his memory back from his previous lives, mainly his last one, I wince as I understand. What did I not do? I sit on my throne and think. He probably won't come back after that. I need to find a way to talk to him without him wanting to kill me. I sit there for a while and don't even notice nightfall. I begin to think more on what caused him to regain his memory like that. After a while of pondering I can't think of any specific trigger. I finally stand and use a spell to see what Link is doing and where he is. After several tries I finally reach him. He is sitting near the entrance of the fire temple in it's mountian, propped up against a rock, letting the lava 30 feet from him keep him warm. I see Fi lightly brushing his hair down as he drifts deeper into sleep. I quietly teleport and wait for Fi to notice me.

"If you are wandering, I don't know what caused him to act like this either." Fi says quietly. As to not wake up Link.

"Do you think he'll listen if I try to talk to him?" I ask.

"There is about a 72 percent chance of 'not happening' with his mood currently. Perhaps if he regained more memories, then he might be more willing to talk but, as for now, it would not be wise to try to talk to him right now." She replies.

"Why are you acting like this around me?" I ask.

"Because I know you do not intent to hurt Link. And I know how much he means to you." She says then pauses.

"You love him don't you?" She says, more of a statement than a question. It makes me pause.

"Yes. Yes I do." I reply quietly. She gives me a soft smile.

"Then I believe you will find a way to share those feelings with Link. Just keep trying but don't push too hard." She says kindly. I take a deep breath.

"Thank you Fi. For understanding and trying to help." I say.

"Do not worry." She says and I see Link begin to stir.

"Goodbye." I say then snap. Disappearing into a flurry of diamonds. I collapse on my bed when I reappear in the palace. I curl into the blankets. They still hold Link's scent. I take a deep breath and let myself fall into a sleep.

Link's POV

I wake up to hearing someone snap and Fi watching over me.

"Was there anyone here?" I ask. She shakes her head 'no'.

"Master, it would be wise to continue on and talk with the Goron elders." She says. I nod.

"Alright. Let's go then." I say and begin to salve the puzzles locking this area up.

Unknown POV

That 'Hero', did he really think that he could escape me that easily? And that demon he is with, I should take care. But I know have a chance now that they are separated. And the hero is far from Hyrule. The modern kingdom. I summon the commanders of my army and begin a talk.

"I want you all to attack Hyrule. Not the abandoned ruins, but the modern cities. Take care for the princess though. I want you to capture her and bring her back. Unharmed. She will be necessary for Lord Gannon's resurrection. Take care to avoid that demon sword spirit as well." I say.

"Yes sir. We will spread the orders among out troupes." They all say. I smirk.

"Good. And bring the princes back UNHARMED! Do you hear me?!" I shout.

"Yes sir." They all say nervously. And turn to leave.

"Wait Zant. I want you to go to the fire temple and stop the Hero. If you fail it will be on your head." I say. The man bows.

"As you wish, Lord Vaati." He replies.

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