Chapter 5 - Slip and Fall

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I hear rhythmic heavy breathing. And I am laying on something soft. I feel a hand wrapped around mine almost protectively and a familiar presence.

Then the events from before I was knocked out come back into my head.

I almost died.

So either someone saved me or I moved to a permanent residence in the afterlife. I cautiously open my eyes and see I am in a dimly lit room. I look around further and see someone sitting on a chair next to the bed, slumped over and almost snoring. And I know even with my vision being blurry that it is Ghirahim. I start to push myself up and my head starts to spin so I lay back down to be met with the grip on my hand becoming almost vice-like then letting go as Ghirahim begins to wake up. He sits up slowly blinking then he looks at me and I feel like we are having a stating contest.

"How do you feel?" He asks looking genuinely concerned.

"Like my head is spinning." I say honestly. He nods.

"Not short of breath or anything?" He asks. I shake my head no.

"I can tell I'm gonna have a hell of a headache soon though." I say.

"That's to be expected." He says. I try to get up again and feel like I'm going to pass out again when I feel one hand take mine and the other wrap around my back to help me up.

"Thanks." I mutter, propping myself up on the headboard. I feel the bed shift and I see him sit between my feet and the foot of the bed. I stare at him. He has the same outfit on as in my dreams plus the red cape.

"How do you know so much on so many topics?" I ask.

"You have to do something while waiting a few centuries for a certain skychild to return." He says lightly.

"Why did you never tell me who you were?" I ask.

"Various reasons. Primarily because you didn't ask. But also because I wasn't sure if you were the one I was waiting for and because, while it may not seem like it, there at many looking for me. So revealing my identity to just anyone wouldn't be wise." He says. I nod in understanding. I then remember what he said about returning the earring to him and look around for my backpack. And I feel something plop in my lap.

"Here." Ghirahim says. And I see it is my backpack. I open it up and see the box is still inside.

"Why didn't you take it?" I ask.

"The box has a bite of it's own." He replies. I take out the box and hold it out to him. He pushes my hand away and I don't miss his backing away slightly. I instead open the box and carefully take out the earring and hold it out to him.

"Thank you, skychild." He says, taking the earring and putting it in his other ear, and I just noticed he already had one in. I feel a surge of power in his presence. It gives back to normal after a couple if seconds and he lets out what sounds like a sigh of relief. I look a at him.

"So what now? I can't go back without being suspicious since it seems a couple of days have passed and I can't just wait for Zelda to come back." I say. He closes his eyes and seems to concentrate on something for a few moments before opening them again.

"It would be wise to try and find that sword spirit, Fi. The sooner the better." He says.

"Then what are we waiting for?" I ask.

"For you to recover. We should wait for a couple of-" he says and is cut off by something slamming into the door. He looks out the curtained window and I join him. I see Impa and a few Royal guards with her trying to break down the door. I see her start do turn her head and I duck behind Ghirahim so she doesn't see me. I then feel an arm wrap around my waist.

"Check that. We are leaving now." He says and snaps his fingers. We are suddenly inside a wooded area. The lost woods. Where I almost died earlier. I feel a bit of a familiar pull in one direction and I start to go towards it. Ghirahim following in suit. After a few hours of walking I decide to take a break.

"Let's stop I need to rest for a few -AAUGH!" I shout, sitting on a log and instead falling into a pit.

"Link! Where are you?" Ghirahim shouts.

"I'm fine. I'm here." I say and look up to see Ghirahim floating on air.

"What?" I ask myself and hear a voice.

~He can't come, Master. Only you can enter here.~ It says. I look around and see a hallway. A long, dark hallway. I look up and see a frantic demon lord above me. I can't hear him anymore.

~Master, you must come. Do not worry. You will be with him soon enough.~ The voice says. It sounds clearer than last time, and female. I look up one last time before going down the dark hallway.

Ghirahim's POV

I heard Link shout and barely saw him disappear into the ground before I tried to go after him. I looked around for hours and hours so that by the time I stopped the sun was rising. I collapsed to my knees in exhaustion and I used my magic to try and reach him.

I can tell he is alive and unconscious but I can't tell where. I slowly get up and make my way over to a good tree and slid down it. Resting on the ground. I used another spell like what I had used a few nights prior and tried to spy on Link. All I could see was swirling rays of light and darkness as if someone was blocking me. Though I could sense he was safe and unharmed. Content with at least that I closed my eyes and let myself drift into my usual dreamless sleep.

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