Chapter 12 - Bonds and Confessions

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I feel like I am floating. Darkness surrounds me but the world seems comfortably lit at the same time. The darkness is comfortable and warm. Part of me wants to stay here forever but a smaller part is screaming at me to leave. I continue to fall and eventually black out for a couple of moments.

Now I am standing on invisible ground. I look around and see nothing but myself. Soon footsteps can be heard. I turn and see myself running towards me. No, he seems a bit different. He slams against an invisible wall and starts pounding on it while shouting at me in a panic. I can't hear him. I start to walk towards him but a voice stops me.

"Is there really anything there for you? Stay here where it is safe and warm." It says. I turn and see a shadowed version of myself. He stalks towards me.

"Here you can be safe and happy. Out there all there is is pain and sadness." He says. He continues while circling me.

"Out there there is nothing. You will have endless trials, bound by your 'destiny' to complete. Such a heavy burden. To be bound by the thread of fate to endure pain, suffering, loneliness, and death all in the name of serving a so-called 'Goddess'. Does it not infuriate you?" He sets his hands on my shoulders.

"Does it not fill you with such fury? To be bound to a wretched fate? That princess will abandon you in the end like she always does. Leave you in the chains of being a 'Hero', only to be called upon when she needs saving. Isn't she a selfish one? To leave you all alone. Discarded at the end of every journey. Only to care about you when you are dead. Begging to be forgiven. Every life. Every existence. Even at the end of this one." He says.

"Here there is a comfort. Here you can be warm. Leave the others to get what they deserve. And, if you want, you can let me take over, to punish them with your rage." His offer seems tempting. I let my head hang as I think. I turn and look at the other me. He continues to try to reach me.

"He is a pest isn't he? Maybe I should dispose of him?" My shadow says. Then something pierces one of the legs of the other me. He shouts in pain then continues pounding desperately on the wall. He then pauses once he sees my expressionless face. He runs his fingers in his own blood then begins writing something on the wall in Hylian. My eyes widen and I come back to myself when he finishes writing the word in his own blood.


That's right. I promised to return. I start to walk towards him when it feels like the Gravity has suddenly increased and I slam on the floor. I try to get to my feet to no avail. So, I resort to crawling. Hand, hand, foot, foot.

"I'm sorry for this, skychild." Ghirahim says and places his hand on my chest. The diamond at his side begins glowing and pain ricochets through my body.

Hand, hand, foot, foot.

I can feel the bond begin to form. The pain increases and I can't scream.

"Keep going." I say as Ghirahim begins to pull back.

Hand, hand, foot, foot.

"Promise if you fall you'll come back." Ghirahim says.

Hand, hand, foot, foot.

"I promise." I say.

Hand, hand, foot, foot.

"I promise." I repeat to myself. Hand, hand, foot, foot. I reach the wall. I reach through and the other me pulls me through. I am filled with relief as I am all the way through the wall. I turn and look at my shadow who has a mix of fury and sadness on his face.

"Save me a spot for later. One for Ghirahim and Zelda as well." I say and give my shadow a smile. Then I turn and walk away. And the world goes black.

Ghirahim's POV

I hold my skychild as he sleeps restlessly. I begin to worry as hours have passed since he passed out, he is nearing the end of the deadline. I once again run my fingers along my diamond nervously and it glows a bright, marbled, gold. Showing I am bound to the skychild. I smile sadly. He begins to move a bit in his sleep and snuggles up to me. A chuckle rises in my throat. He really is a cuddly one, isn't he?

"I promise." He mutters in his sleep. I begin to get curious why he said that of all things. I must have spaced out in thought and I snap back when I feel something strange. I open my eyes and see Link kissing me. I close my eyes and kiss back while holding him close.

He came back.

Link's POV

I wake up to see Ghirahim staring off into space, lost in thought. So I take this opportunity to surprise him. I kiss him and feel him jump slightly under me, then he kisses back while wrapping his arms tighter around me. He eventually pulls back and squeezes me while burying his head in my neck.

"I love you." He mumbles against the skin of my neck. I pause for a moment. Do I feel the same way? I look at him and my heart flutters. Ah screw it. I wrap my arms around him and give him a light squeeze in return.

"I love you too." I say truthfully. He freezes then pulls back.

"Do you mean it?" He asks. Surprise written all over his face. I smile and peck him on the nose.

"Yes." I say. I feel like a burden has been lifted. A smile spreads on his face and he kisses me.

"Thank you." He says.

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