Chapter 11 - Concerned Demon

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I once again woke up to a persistent Demon Lord. At this point I was confused on what to do. On one hand he seemed in love with me. Well, more than 'seemed to be'. It was kind of obvious. What the answer was.

What I am confused about is if I feel the same way. I certainly feel warm and fuzzy around him and when he kissed me... It felt right, and left me craving more. Come on Link. It's not normal for guys to like guys. Then again I've never been particularly attracted to anyone and I see Zelda as more of a sister than anything so maybe this is the way I am. I also feel a bit bad for him. Waiting for centuries. I think I'll bite.

"Good afternoon. Is your headache gone?" I hear Ghirahim ask. I notice how I'm curled up to him and try to keep the blush from rising on my face. But the headache is mostly gone.

"Mostly. Thanks for earlier." I say. Mentally slapping myself for what happened.

"That's good. I know who it is that is blocking this place." He says and I perk up.

"Who?" I ask. Another mental slap for being to eager. Ghirahim chuckles. Curses!

"He is a twilli sorcerer named Zant. He was known as the Usurper King in his previous life." He says. I nod as I stand and stretch. I feel arms wrap around my vulnerable waist from behind and I jump slightly.

"Will you STOP that?!" I growl and feel a head plop on my shoulder in response.

"Nope!" Ghirahim replies happily. Popping the 'p'. I pull myself away from him and grab my sword and bow and put them on my back before his arms wrap around me again. I try to pull away and he grabs my arms and pins then at my sides.

"Clingy aren't we?" I say. He nods into my neck. Then I feel something soft and wet run along my neck and I jump out of his arms.

"Did you just lick me?!" I shout. In response he sticks his tongue out teasingly.

"And you taste good." He adds mockingly. This time my face flushes and I turn on my heel before marching towards the door of out little safe room.

"Let's just go." I say hearing Ghirahim laugh from behind me. I put my hand on the door and feel Ghirahim tap me twice on the shoulder. I turn around and begin to ask 'what' when he presses his lips to mine. I feel my blush spread to my ears and he places a hand on my cheek. A couple of seconds later I kiss back and feel him smirk. Sneaky little devil. Well, tall devil. Handsome devil. Okay brain, stop thinking! We sat there for a couple of moments before Ghirahim pulled away. He gave me a smirk and flicked is tounge across his lips. I duck my head down to hide my face.

"You're really cute like that, Link." He says taking a step closer. I put both of my hands on his chest and push him away.

"L-let's just get going!" I say and quickly turn around and open the door. Ghirahim's arms plop on my shoulders followed by his head.

"But I want more kisses!~" He complains.

"Later." I say. Then he pecks me on the cheek before giving me a victorious smile and disappearing. I slap my cheeks a couple of times to regain my composure and head out to the parts of the temple I haven't explored yet.

Ghirahim's POV

I watch the blonde from a distance while smirking. He really is quite attractive when he gets flustered. I begin my search to locate Zant before Link accidentally runs into him. I check all of the lesser rooms to no avail. Then I walk to the boss door and put my hand on it before pausing.

How long will this last? This playful teasing and cuddling? What if 'Gannon', or as I know him, Demise returns and I find I am still bound to him? I'm fairly certain he won't let me escape this time if that is the case. What if I am used to kill Link? I move to the side of the door and slide down the wall then burry my face in my knees. All of this is too much. I know eventually the skychild will see through my façade just how soon will it be? I run my fingers along the diamond that is poking through my belt. It glows faintly but not brightly, telling me I am currently bound to no one. Link already has Fi though. He might not accept another sword spirit. Especially not one like me, a demonic spirit. But what if he accepts me? That would make me the happiest man, well demon, alive. But what if I end up bound to both Demise and Link? What would happen then? I decide to brush my thoughts aside and look through the door carefully. I see Zant inside.

"I know you are there, demon traitor." He says. I then reveal myself.

"I should have known you would sense me, Usurper King." I say.

"Spying for the little Hero?" He says.

"More for my own interests but, yes." I say.

"You seem attached to the Hylian." He says.

"Jealous?" I ask. Not going to deny it.

"Hardly." He spits. Teleport as he launches a spell at me.

"As much as I would like to play, Twilli, I am going to take my leave." I say and teleport to Link before he can respond. He doesn't the seem to notice me as he cuts down a few bulblins. I teleport to the room he is heading towards, a safe room, and he enters.

"Hey Ghirahim." He says. Trying and failing to keep the blush from reaching his face. I decide to tell him what is going on.

"Link, I need to speak with you." I say with a straight face. Concern falls on his face.

"Uh, okay. What to you need to talk about?" He asks.

"You know that someone is planning to bring back Gannon, or as I know him, Demise." I say then pause. He nods.

"There is a possibility that if he comes back I will be bound to him again. And that," pause, gulp. "That scares me." I admit.

"What do you need?" Link asks. Concern and caring on his face.

"A favor. A big one." I say.

"What is it?" He asks. I take a deep breath.

"I... I want to bind myself to you... As a sword spirit." I say. He pauses and I feel like he is going to reject me. I duck my head down.

"I accept." He says, finishing his long pause, I perk up in awe. That was a surprise.

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