Chapter 3

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Ok so I wrote this on my iPod so it may seem long on their but idk if it's long lol.

Grace - Wow, I miss the feeling of the wind in my fur greatly and now I can finally scratch at that need. (not literal it's a phrase) I love the smells of the trees and the air. It reeks of RedWood but I have gotten over that I still don't smell like them but the smell is no longer revolting it's almost inviting. This makes my run even more enjoyable! :) As you know I'm a medium black wolf with white mitten paws. I don't think it's common for a wolf to look like me but hey no one ever said anything back home we all had funny patterns. Nathan my Brother was a white wolf with dark dark blue streaks down his back, sides, and stomach. It didn't go in his face or his legs not even his tail. He was large and very strong. I remember how the girls used to swoon over him then again they were human so I couldn't blame them. Haha! But, everything has changed that's the past now. No matter what it can't be changed. I keep on running picking up more speed as I go the breeze is amazing! How could I ever go weeks without being a wolf I don't think I would last. This is something amazing me and my wolf even agree on the same terms now a days. Although she still won't get over the loss of her mate she still holds her head high for him; I know he would want her too. Eventually I can start to hear the sound of David's truck as him and his friends are barreling out of the truck gosh they are so loud! Muahaha. I take a few more strides only to be brought down by this very large Dark Dark blue wolf with piercing chocolate mud brown eyes. He growled at me but soon looked up as David walks over. I whimper and shift proving I am no threat. The wolf growls one more time then backs off. David walks over and says "come on Grace you have work to do and also I'm inviting you to a party this weekend it's at the beach and the whole towns teenagers are invited plus some other packs."

"May I invite my own friends?" I ask quietly. He laughs so hard and in between laughs he says

"You. Have. Friends?" HAHA!

"Yes I have friends so can I invite them?"

"sure go ahead" he said still laughing. YAY! I thought to my self this is going to be an amazing party! I ran to the truck and got my things and in a flash I bounced up the stairs. On my way up I heard Stevens friend I think Will ask

"why are u finally telling her to do something social?"

"because I think it's time I start warming up to her..." thats all I heard I'm starting to wonder what he was talking about but I have more important things like calling my 'friends' to come to this party Friday night!


"uh hello" said a husky voice

"Uh hi it's me Grace you didn't think you would hear my voice again did you?" I asked in one long breath

"Woah, GRACE?" he said Excitedly

"Yeah it's me stupid" I giggled when I called him stupid

"hey I'm not stupid harsh words there Babe. So why you calling me it's been a couple of months since I had contact with my favorite little rogue?" he said amused

"Well, the family I'm staying with here in Redwood, their son finally invited me to this party friday night out on North beach. He said I could invite friends since they are."

"ah so your inviting me as a friend. Huh? I dont think I qualify as a friend haha" he laughed

"oh shut up and stop being so suck up. So you wanna come? He didn't say rogues weren't allowed although he may kick all of us out." I asked.

"Well yeah anything to see you and check up on some rivalry."

"Haha I love you so much. By the way you can bring the boys."

"Yeah I'm sure they will be asking about you now and well we all can't wait till the party." Nor can I, I thought to my self nor can I.

(Thursday morning. 2 days later)


I am so excited for the party tomorrow night I haven't seen Chris in months the last time I saw him he had shaggy blond hair that can cover his eyes. He is ripped and I'm starting to wonder how much he can bench. All I know is he could pick me up but that was when I lived in the forest and didn't really have much food so I weighed like 100 pounds tops then. I weigh barely any more than that now. I can eat but I exercise in my room to get rid of most I can. No one knows but I actually have abs not that that big huge stuff but I have the outlines and you can see and feel the muscle. I haven't seen 'the guys' a.k.a Jack, Patrick, Tripp, and Coddy. All of them are like 6 foot 2-4 feet tall they make me look like a midget but I guess I will get over it. They all are full of muscle and I love to feel abs haha. When I was and still am a rogue it was actually kinda fun to hang with the guys, they are so funny and dont tell me I'm weak because I'm a girl. They let me be my own person and show them how wrong stereo typing really is! I think David is starting to warm up to me I may be wrong but he actually was nice for a change and I really like that side of him maybe he isn't the stuck up jerk I thought he was. Also the Redwood pack dont seem like blood sucking killers but they still Hurt me worse than any wound and I will hold that against them every day for my life. Well that's all for tonight! I am so excited for tomorrow night it's almost gonna be a family reunion!!

-Grace :)


IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS CHAPTER! I honestly think it was kinda boring then again when you have to read over a chapter 1,000 times to make sure everything goes together and that names fit you see how difficult it gets and how boring the chapter starts to seem. My friend Nina started writing on this joint too her book is called Broadway and I think y'all should read it and give her advice. Its not a werewolf book so understand that. I hope this chapter was good please tell me what you think in a comment or private message me. Maybe some ideas or anything. :) thanks again and cant wait for my next post on this book and Kara Divine I know something is gonna be good! Btw I wrote this at 11 pm ist almost midnight as I'm posting this ahh I need sleep!


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