Chapter 18 (MY ENDING...)

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We all know this time would come... The ending... My last chapter(not really) tears..tears.. :(


Coddy :::---:::

I'm so scared...

"Come on Coddy we got her trail." yelled Chris.

I shifted and started running in their direction. I suddenly smelled her! I started running faster, everyone following behind me.

'keep in mind they might have look outs' i said using my mind link.

'We got that idea boss.' snapped Chris.

I kept running, i didn't need anything to slow me down. Eventually after around an hour or so, the boys got very tired. I for one was full of energy.

' I'm going on.' i stated before bolting off into the woods. Toward the direction of her scent and toward RedWood pack land. I wouldn't expect them to bring her to the pack house, but i guess that's a fort or something. Maybe i should get to the border and wait for the others. I'm sure they got the pack protecting her.

Once nightfall came about i shifted and climbed a tree. I laid down and fell asleep. I have no ideas who territory I'm in but i think i should keep out of sight.

"Are you sure the scouts saw someone or something running through the woods?" whispered a male voice.

"Yes I'm sure!" the other one snapped.

I quickly flung my eyes open and lifted my body very slowly. They kept walking and looking all around, as if something would pop out and attack them. I climbed down ever so slowly, hoping they wouldn't turn around. I creeped a couple of steps and *snap* a small twig snapped under my right foot. I internally cussed myself. The boys turned around and looked at me with death glares.

"Who are you?" one of the men said.

"I'm the one your looking for i guess." i said with a bored look.

"Well it guess since your not leaving, your mate does miss you." he said chuckling.

I growled at his statement. My wolf demanded for her. I only gave in. I shifted out of fury and love.

Owen :::---:::

I'm so sorry. I kept thinking those exact words but i could never speak them. I loved my sister but i betrayed her, without knowing. She could forgive me right?

*mumbles and groans*

"Are you ok Grace?" i whispered.

Her eyes perked up. She looked at me with scared eyes and anger. I cringed at the thought that my own sister might hate me...

"What. Are. You. In. A. Cage. For?" she asked very slowly and hoarse.

"Well I'm kind of a enemy now." i said quietly.

"Why would you be an enemy? You helped them." she questioned.

"Well I'm your brother..." i said as quickly as i could. From the expression on her face i could tell she was shocked and relieved.

"My long lost brother" she said with a hint of happiness.

"Yeah. Grace I'm sorry." i said with tear stained cheeks. I didn't even know i was crying.

"Ok well you can say your apologies after we break out of this place." she said before kicking the cage side. SHE DENTED IT! She freaking dented something without breaking a sweat. She did this a couple times more until she could squeeze out. She game over to me and looked at the cage. As if testing what she should do. She took the lock in her eight hand and put her left on the cage. She pulled it back at lightning speed and it snapped off. She let it go and it fell to the ground. It bounced and rolled.

Then she looked at her hand and shook it lightly. I climbed out and stood straight up. I looked down at her and ruffled her hair. She squirmed away from me and laid her back down. I chuckled and stopped when i noticed her glaring at me. I walked over to her and engulfed her into a bear hug. Hey i love my sister.

"We have to go. I will take out one guard on the right if you take out the one on the left." she who Sefer before using her ninja skills to get to the door.

"Yes Sir." i whispered back and walked up behind her.

She got right up to the door and had her hand on the knob. Suddenly the door opened. Jonah stepped in first with a gun to Grace's head. David followed behind him and so did the rest of his posse. I growled at them and so did Grace. Jonah looked at us and smirked. I shifted and lunged at David. Grace just stood there frozen. I lunged at his throat. He shifted and attacked me from underneath. I howled in pain as i jumped over them and jumped on Jonah.

I don't know what happened next but i hear this *BANG* and a shrill scream piercing through the air.

NOOOOO! i shifted and fell to the ground bye a bloody mess. "NOOOOO" i screamed.

Back to Coddy ::--::

I destroyed both boys when everyone caught up. I started running full speed toward her. Once we reached the clearing with the house, a loud shot rang through the air. A shrill scream followed it. My legs stopped working and i flipped in mid-air and rolled onto the dirt. My whole body was engulfed in pain. I couldn't move. Everything felt like it was going to burst. I let out the most piercing howl. My love... The darkness once again welcomed me.

Grace :::---:::

It was as if my life was being drained, but at maxi speed. My limbs wouldn't respond to my movements. I couldn't even open my eyes. I feel my mates presence, and my pain engulfing him. I can hear my brother screaming bloody murder, before becoming one himself. I can't respond to their crys'... I can't tell them... Why can't i move, why can't i respond?!?!?



I'm sure some readers are going to murder me for ending it like this. SOO i decided to be awesome and write a epilogue. Plus i dont wanna die any time soon. It will be her funeral. I seriously want you people to read that because the epilogue will be awesome and a GREAT surprise for every reader. I want to thank all my awesome readers and all the people who supported me during this.

I wanted you all to know i am doing the epilogue and then I'm leaving this story alone. I might update it within a weeks time... I don't know exactly. I have school and I'm finishing up my Kara Divine story. If you are reading Kara Divine, when i finish that i will be writing a romance. Just a plain romance. No super natural stuff at all! I want to take a break from all this even if i love it. I will give out more information about what happens after that story when i make my last chapter.

Thanks again readers. I owe y'all a whole lot. I mean 761 reads and 34 votes. I never thought that when i started this it would ever go that far. :)

I know i have written alot so far so i will make this quick and snappy. I want all you readers to search wattpad code 2541133 for a awesome story. It's by Coddy1996 i love his story! Wattpad rated it R... I don't believe it should be rated that, but I'm not wattpad obviously. The story is called And Counting... I seriously think Its good although it is only 2 parts at the moment.

Goodbye i shall be posting soon...

-Katie :) <3 love y'all.

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