Chapter 10

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"Brother, let her go she won't run away how could she run from a alpha if she isn't one herself? You know someone who isn't a alpha can't run away from a alpha." pleaded Casey.

"No. She will be chained to me so she can't run from me. I believe she is stronger than she looks." he said harshly.

The party is so boring. People just give me death glares as HE drags me around! I was starting to get bored and fall asleep until... A few howls erupted the party noises. I knew those howls...


He flung me out the house and into the back yard. I was about to scold him for that but I knew it would be no use. As he came to a stop i flung to the ground in a heap, not like he cared. My arm slung up as i went down. I felt searing pain in my shoulder more then i ever imagined for such a short trip down. I pushed my self upward but I fell back down. I whimpered when i pulled my arm even more, it hurt a lot! The wolves growled baring their teeth and took defensive stances. I took this as my chance and flung at my captor. He fell to the ground and tried to pry me off him but i knew it would be much harder than he will ever had imagined. I was sending punches at his gut while keeping him in place with my legs. It was kinda awkward when i noticed the position i was in on him but this wasn't the time to be shy. Hell broke out with my friends over on the other side of the clearing. The fight has begun.

I held his arms down and glared into his eyes and said "GET THIS CHAIN OFF ME!"

His eyes went wide and he desperately lifted his arm. I left my guard down and he slammed my stomach and i went flying back. He got up and stood above me. I got up slowly making sure my back was to him. I growled and felt his shiver from the chains. The rest of his 'pack' shifted and kept their eyes on my rescuers. His close 6 friends kept watch of me and got closer. My wolf sensed this as a major threat. I began to shift.


Well there went the chains. I opened my eyes to this shimmering in the air and howled. I kept my eyes on my captor. I had no need to learn his name, he was not important. He moved back very fast stumbling every few steps. I could almost laugh at his feeble excuse to get away.

My train of thought was stopped when one of his friends growled at me. I turned to face them. They all took a couple of steps back. I'm sure my eyes are Bright Blue now since their reaction was far different than i imagined. I jumped at the closest and got intercepted. I slid sideways tumbling on the dirt. I stood up wobbly a bit at first. My howl broke the noise. Every wolf in the clearing looked back at me. Many shifted back including my boys. A young teen boy walked toward me very slowly. I shifted and looked down at him with sympathy in my Blue eyes. He seemed to tense when his eyes made contact with mine. I took the next step forward and kept looking at him. He bent to the ground and knelt before me.

"Stop" i whispered to him.

He looked up at me and said "I can't. You are the one my father told me stories about"

I was shocked. Stories? His father knew about me? "Dear one I don't want to be bowed too"

"Yes, Tom she doesn't want to be bowed to so get your butt back here before I kick you out of our pack to Fend on your own." my captor growled.

To my surprise the boy held his ground in front of me. The man transformed into a wolf and lunged at him. I transformed and jumped over the boy blocking him. I growled at the alpha. He looked at me surprised but his eyes soon reflected anger. He lunged at me and jumped at him. We fought with claws and teeth until we landed. He was on top and kept snapping at my throat. I growled barring teeth and used my hind legs to claw at his underbelly. He jumped off me and used a paw to check his stomach. Flood was seeping out. I almost felt like i could shift and barf. Drip drip drip. Ugh. He looked at me then at his pack. He stepped forward. I shifted and looked at him with saddened eyes.

"I know when to stop fighting. Do you?" i said

He growled at me and took another step froward. I stood my ground and dared him to take another step. He shifted back and stared down.

"Yes I know when to stop fighting." he said quietly.

I turned around and started making my way to my boys.

"I did not give you permission to leave my territory." he growled at me.

"I do not need it" i said. I heard some gasps from his pack.

I looked at him and shook my head. He can not keep me in a territory that is not mine. I ran to my boys and engulfed them in a group hug. Coddy picked me up and spun me around and kissed my cheek. I felt my face heat up, I looked down and he chucked. I held hands with him and started walking with Jacks arm around my shoulder. I heard a couple of growls behind me and turned around to find Tom(the kid) having a stare down with the alpha. The last thing I heard before they ushered me out was the alpha saying "I will take care of you later"


{I've never done his story so imma tell you what happened from the time they found Grace to the time they left}

"I can smell her!" yelled jack in our mind link.

"I can too!" yelled Tripp and patrick at the same time.

Seconds later we burst through some thick bushes. I growled at the people in the clearing. They all looked at us, some with fear some shock others on the verge of shifting. After about a minute of a stare down, a tall man came storming out dragging grace with him. When he stopped she flung to the ground. He didn't even care! Was he even part human at all??? She tried to get up and failed badly. Her whimper was like a rip in my heart. I really wanted to go and comfort her but i stopped the urge. I growled lowly only at the alpha. At the exact moment Grace pulled him down and climbed on top of him and started to throw punches at him. My head snapped at a young wolf advancing toward me. I growled and lunged at him.

Everything after that seemed to go by in a blur until, Grace's piercing howl broke all the fighting. Tripp stepped off the wolf he was attacking, Patrick stepped back from his attacker, Jack let go of the wolf he was holding in a death grip around it's neck. It dropped to the ground with a thud. I could hear it's shallow breathing, at least it was alive. We all shifted back and took a few steps back.

A crowd surrounded Grace. I couldn't get to her so me and the boys stayed into the shadows just in case. We didn't wanna invade anymore and start a fight. If anyone tried to take Grace we would take them out like a light.

'Do you think we will get back before Chris goes crazy?' asked Tripp

'Well duh.' said Patrick

'How are you so sure?' i questioned quietly 'Does Chris even like her?'

'Well i believe so. Why is Coddy jealous?' jack asked while laughing.

'In a matter of fact i believe she might be mate.' i growled back

They stared at me gasping. I turned my head as i head a few footsteps coming in our direction. We all took a few steps forward as Grace invited us all in for a bear hug. After word i picked her up and spun her around. When i set her down i kissed her cheek. Shocks of electricity passed through my body and i craved more. She blushed and looked down. I smiled and chucked, her reaction was soo cute. I grabbed her hand and turned around walking with her small hand in mine and Jack's arm around her shoulder. I heard a shuffling of feet/paws and a few growls. We all spun around and saw a young wolf standing up to the human alpha. The last thing we heard before we ushered Grace out was "I will take care of you later."

Ok so as i mentioned earlier i dedicated this chapter to my friend Peyton because she keeps begging me to update. Silly girl. Haha. I hoped you enjoyed it. Please give me feedback because out of the 367 reads and 16 votes i have before i uploaded this only like 4 people have ever given me feedback and like 2 i know personally. vote if it's good :) thanks again readers -Katie.

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