Chapter 15

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Jonah (the unknown from the last 2 chapters.)

I got dressed and sauntered down the stair well to the living room. I sat there and waited for the others.

Last night i called in a meeting with my 5 closest friends and owen. We talked about our approach on Chris and his friends. We mentioned Grace the whole time and Owen didn't seem the recognize the name so it was all good. He actually seemed excited to use his powers of control. I'm not sure exactly what he is but all i know is he can control people with his eyes plus his growl if he is angry can be much worse than even the highest ranking alphas.

I don't know what Grace's powers are but she is strong when she is with Coddy. Thats one thing i need to do separate them and take grace down with multiple people. We kept talking until dinner. Tomorrow morning was the date. We will charge in on them when they least expect it.


I grabbed my clothes and threw on some shorts and a T-shirt. I brushed my hair and walked out of my room. Everyone was waiting for me in the living room. All six of my men and around 12 of Frodo's men, including the devil himself.

I led the way because i was the only one that knew it. The sun was rising. This means that they were waking. Knowing Chris he is gonna try and get in a run or something. I just need to find them out in the open so they cant hide her.

I admit im kinda afraid of her. Honestly i know i shouldn't be but what ever. She wont scare me as long as we have Owen he will take a lot of energy out of her. He loves to do that in training one moment the opponent is jumping up and down the next they are falling to the ground weak.

As we got closer their smells became more distinct, especially Grace. She obviously is bouncy this morning. We all started stalking up to the edge of the forest very slowly. Their silly screams and yells were extremely loud. I barked lightly and told my boys to fan out just a bit.

I watched Grace. She ran around happy as a clam. Her music in her ears. She must not be able to hear us? I steadily got into a crouching position. I was ready to strike at any moment. Her eyes suddenly flew in my direction. I stilled completely. She looked at the woods narrowly. She then took out her headphones ever so slowly.

Coddy walked up to her and whispered something in her ear. She looked at him and whispered something back. After a couple of minutes Owen, who was standing beside, me moved his leg and a small twig snapped. He looked at me suddenly and you could almost imagine him saying 'crap'. We both immediately turned to Grace. With in seconds she shifted and growled at our direction. Her eyes seemed to lock with mine. She took a defensive stance forward and growled once again. Coddy ran up to her while to others got pretty close to her.

"It's just a wild animal Grace calm down!" he yelled.

Yet she continued to stare. I used my wonderful mind connect and told everyone to take a few steps out into the clearing. I took the first few and watched as Chris and Coddy and the few others with them transformed. They then took there stances beside her.

My men and Owen all walked out. Grace and Chris's eyes seemed to fly to owen with in milla-seconds. Yeah yeah he was tall and all but come one. He dwarfed me. After they continue to stare i started the fight. Attacking Grace, neck first.


HEYYYYY. ok so i thought this chapter was pretty bad. Sorry but i have self confidence problems. I'm so happy the cold weather is moving in!!!!!!!! I love it! <3 if you wanna know why i write short chapters let me tell u

I work off my iPad

I'm only 13 and in the 8th grade

I'm not good at stretching out my scenes

So sorry.

I also wanna say thanks to all the wonderful people who vote for me and read my book:) i love yall especially if you give me feed back just saying. I also love all my fans because hell i gotz some awesome fans just saying some people should be jealous


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