Chapter 8

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Here it is enjoy and in case you haven't noticed i messed up in the titling of the chapters (there are two chapter 3s haha) please vote if you like it i know everyone asks but i want honesty. I will ask this same question in the end btw. Thanks... here it goes Chapter '9' but since i messed up chapter 8 here it goes.

Grace :::--:::

My eyes opened slowly. The black consumed me and it took a few seconds to see some images of the room I'm in. The walls were baby blue, there was a desk across the room and a couple of chairs in the furthest corner. At first I didn't notice the figure across from me but when i noticed him, fear, the only feeling i felt right now. Once my sight came back fully i looked up at him. I tried to struggle; but chains held me to the bed and wall. I'm not sure why the chains were connected to the bed AND wall but it really wasn't the time to think about that. The figure moved closer to me. The light shining in from the window came across his face. I was no longer as scared. His features were calm and a bit concerned. He was tall, 6 feet at least, he had shaggy blond hair with golden eyes. His face was clean and he had a smile plastered on his face. I looked at him and nudged my self further, closer to the wall.

"Are you afraid?" he said with a low husky voice.

"No" i said trying to convince him other wise.

With lightning speed he jumped on the bed and crawled over me. He looked into my eyes. His golden eyes burned into mine. I was dazed for only a meir second shook my head realizing he was talking, he said "Are you sure?"

I shook my head slowly and he smiled. " Why am I here? And speaking of here where am i?"

He held his gaze on my eyes and sighed. His smile quickly reappeared. "Well after my attack I couldn't just leave a poor defenseless female out especially if she can help my dear brother Christian."

My eyes went wide and my whole body shivered. He reached down and cupped my face and whispered "There is no need to be scared dear. Soon we will confront Chris and you can go back to living where ever you lived before."

I growled at him, making sure i let out all of my anger. He stiffened slightly and slapped me across my cheek. I whimpered and let tears fall from my eyes. I couldn't cup my face so i couldn't sooth my slap. He grinned and got up making sure he put alot of pressure on my stomach. I screamed as more pain engulfed me.

I woke up sometime later with the man no where in sight. I sighed in relief. I tried to sit up but the chains limited my movement. I shivered and looked down. My shirt was lifted slightly, and cold air was seeping through chilling me. I kept looking down at the purple and blue bruises that formed on my stomach. They looked like various sizes of circles. They didn't hurt now but they did the moment they formed. I wonder why he does this to me i mean i haven't done anything tov biz him have i? If I did what could i possibly of done i don't even know him!! I tried to fall back asleep. With all my will power i tried to close my eyes. But, i kept opening them back up. Sadly the dark finally scared me.

I woke up sometime later, with this new pain in my side. He must of beat me while I was out. I reached over and ran my finger along a gash. Wait, I Ran MY finger? I looked down and noticed the chains were now off my wrists. They were already healing. That's a relief. I used my hands to brush my hand through my hair and tried to take out some knots. After a while i got up noticing my legs were also released. I got up and limped around the room. I came to the door and knocked on it loudly. It opened really fast and i fell back and slammed into the ground. I looked up and noticed HIM. The one who brought me here and the one who hurts me.

He kept his eyes locked with mine and said "I'm sorry"

i stared at him shocked. I don't know if he meant it or not... I reached my arms out and tried to get up. I fell back onto my back and gasped as i lost my breath.

He helped me up and asked me why i was knocking. I told him that i wanted to get a shower and all that. He called this girl who seemed about my age and told me to follow her and if i tried to run away they would chain me back up and beat me once more. I nodded and followed the girl slowly. Once we got to what must be her door she motioned for me to go in; she followed behind me. The door clicked and i jumped. Her eyes looked at me with sympathy I returned it with a small smile.

She went over and sat on her bed and said "For starters I would like to know all about u and i also wanna know what my brother did to u"

I sighed and thought to my self she is never gonna believe me.

Chris ::--::

I woke up at my house. Alot of people were staring at me. I shot up quickly and fell back into the couch, from my sudden pain. It finally dawned on me, as i started to remember the fight. I kept remembering someone rescue me but i don't know exactly who the full memory hasn't come back to me.

I sat up slowly and looked around the room. I asked Coddy "where is She?"

He looked at me and looked down quickly. His face was expressionless when he lifted it. "They took her" he choked out.

I tried to get up but they all held me down. "I have to find her" I screamed! They still held me down.

Coddy and the others took steps back and said "We know we are her guardians too"

I fell back onto the couch and clutched at my chest. I screamed started screaming. They crawled over to me and kept asking me what was wrong. "Find Her She's Being Hurt!"

They nodded and ran out the door. The last thing i heard before i blacked out was

Coddy's piercing howl.


Ok so I'm sorry it's short and sorry it took me so long to upload. Like i said in the chapter before i have been through alot school wise and mentally. I'm doing better in school thank goodness! I don't really have any books to recommend right now but i am reading some and wow some authors are amazing writers.

BTW i want to think all the people that have been voting on my book it means alot. Really it does. If your reading this i want to thank u because votes and number of reads makes me write more...

Please comment on my wall and give me ideas or maybe recommend some books/stories. Fanning is awesome and i love all my fans :)

Thanks :) -Katie-

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