Chapter 1

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It was a day like every other, really. There wasn't anything special about it. You were sitting on the bed crying silently so Toriel wouldn't notice. Since your first arrival she was somehow a mother figure to you and it hurt you seeing her sad.

Even lying under the warm covers didn't help you against the cold in your hurt soul. This wasn't your first timeline, nor your second or your third. There were many of them filled with desperation and sadness, so every time you woke up you didn't want to leave Toriel's cozy house. You didn't want to see anyone. Never again!

You just wanted to be lonely.

Thinking of it, your journey started with you searching for your younger sibling - Frisk, your sister in the age of 8. There was no way you would leave her alone, so you went to get her back after she run away during an argument between you, her, and your parents. Of course you were really worried about the child since she was way too young for such an... let's call it an adventure. There is a legend known mutually to both humans and monsters that anyone who climbs the mountain never comes back down. How did Frisk even managed to go so high on Mount Ebott? It was a big mystery to you.

You didn't know how you managed to go after her. But still, you're kind of glad you did.

Although really bad things did happen to you, you wish to forget, there is still some HOPE in you.

The first timeline was pretty cool. You walked hand in hand with Frisk as you learned to know some new friends. The first of them were Sans and Papy. Oh boy, how you loved this two skeleton. Like a skeleTON!

A soft giggle escaped your dry lips as you kept on crying to yourself. You felt really weak...

In the first run everything seemed to be perfectly fine. Your sister and you made your ways through the underground without hurting anyone. Frisk had a lot of fun with Papyrus and Undyne while you enjoyed your time with Sans as the two of you grow closer and closer. Then there was the King, who firstly wanted to fight you but Toriel stopped him. That's where the first timeline escalated.

Somehow you have been stabbed.

In your chest.

By no other than your lovely sister who wanted to go home so badly that she killed you without regrets.

This was when you first saw Chara... and you would never forget those red eyes that peered into your soul.

After this the first reset came and the second timeline started. This time you woke up without your sister and there was on Toriel to take you through the ruins. There was only this yellow speaking flower - Flowey as it calls itself. In this timeline the living hell was going an. Chara took over Frisk and killed every single monster they came across. You, of course, walked the path of blood to get to your sister. The only person you could talk to was Sans, but after his brother died he kind of hated Frisk and you as well.

Fighting against Chara was the last thing you could do in this timeline before they killed you whiteout mercy.

In the third timeline you woke up before your sister and this was when you encountered Chara and it took over you this time. The first person you killed was Frisk who was still sleeping on the ground. Flowey watched you as you did so with fear on its yellow face. After Frisk came Toriel, then Papyrus, Undyne, and the rest of them. Everyone but Sans. It was him who killed you... like three times before Chara allowed you to reset the world for good.

D I R T Y B R O T H E R K I L L E R! ! !

Even now you could hear Sans yell at you with his eye glowing in anger.

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