Chapter 21

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Nearly the E-N-D

Everyone knows the feeling of waking up after a long, good dream. It's always the same. You wish to sleep longer, but you have to wake up. That's how you felt right now.

Slowly you lifted your heavy eyelids and the strong smell of anti-bacterial cleaner filled your nose. Your mouth was dry and you smacked your lips a few times. You even tried to say something, call for someone, but there was no use in trying. No word left your throat. You were laying down, in a bed it seemed, and the room was bright, different from the room you went to sleep. Light from the window reflecting off the white walls, making you want to close your eyes again. You felt like you had slept for years, but you were still tired. What an irony.

You heard the beeping of a machine and slowly turned your head towards the source of the noise. The muscles in your neck were stiff and sore. Even your chest felt heavy and some tubes were connected with your arms. But still – a soft smile was present on your dry lips.

You saw someone sitting in a chair by the window, sleeping it appeared. It was no other than Alphys who was sitting there, her head slightly angled as her eyes were shut. Your smile widened even more. She was such a cutie. Probably you worried her sick.

You really loved her as a friend, or maybe even as a sister.

Love is an incredibly powerful word. When you're in love, you always want to be together, and when you're not, you're thinking about being together because you need that person and without them your life is incomplete.

How you wished to see Sans right now. You wanted for him to hold you and tell you that everything was alright.

You heart pounded.

Bubumm. Bubumm.

It was different from the time before you took Chara in. It was an overwhelming feeling, as if you could feel it with your soul. You could feel how the world felt, how everyone's heart was beating as one. This is also how it felt to take in someone's soul. This is how Asriel must have felt when Chara died and he went to the surface.


Rapidly you sat up in your bed and looked around the room. It was on the second floor of Alphys' home. An anime was playing in the background on a TV and some shelfs were filled with books.

You decided to get up and leave without waking Alphys up. There was still a barrier you wanted to take down. And, of course, you wanted to find Asriel. Was he alright? Everything went well, or did it not?

No, you could feel a part of your own soul inside of his body, just like you could feel Chara inside your own.

The monsters you passed watched you awe but you didn't mind. Some of them whispered something under there breath, others pointed at you with their fingers. To tell the truth you were just following your feelings that lent you towards your soul inside of Asriel. There was no time for you to take care of people you didn't really know.

And before you realized it you were standing inside of the throne room. The scent of flowers filled your nose and you toke in a deep breath. In the middle of the room was a sitting goat-boy that didn't look familiar. The Asriel you knew was a small child, around the age of Frisk. But this male was around your age, with long horns and clothing similar to the king, Asgore, who was taking care of the flowers a little bit to the left. Even Toriel was beside him with a cup of tea in her hand and a soft smile on her lips.

Suddenly she looked over to you.


The cup fell to the floor and shattered into thousands of pieces that spread across the whole room.

"My child..." she whispered, eyes wide open.

As she spoke the boy in the middle of the flower field looked up. His eyes also widened, but then he grinned at you. Toriel run toward you, pulling you into an warm emprace. Soon warm tears dripped onto your exposed neck.

"You are awake.... How..." you could hear Toriel say. Then she stared to sob hard. "Thank you! I-I don't know h-how to t-thank you for b-bringing A-Asriel back!" You've never seen her so desperate.

"You took your sweet time, (y/n)." commented the boy who had to be Asriel. He came by your side and looked down on you. Somehow he still resembled Flowy in his features, but was the sweet childlike Asriel you knew. "Now calm down. You're a pain in the ass, you know? We kinda feel the same feelings and you're making me sick right now."

Ok... maybe he was more of the flower than you imagined...

"I'm glad you are all alright." finally you spoke up.

By now Asgore came to you too. He looked kind of awkward down on you. In this timeline it was the first time you two met after all. "Howdy, so you are the fallen human. It's nice to finally meet you. Everyone was speaking in high tune of you."

He paused for a moment, looking you straight into your eyes. "Please... Young one... This war has gone on long enough. You have the power... You could save my son, I know you can bring us all out of here. I'm reminded of the human that fell here long ago... You have the same feeling of hope in your eyes. There is an ancient prophecy among our people... One day, a savior will come from the heavens. ...I believe the one that was prophesied was you. Somewhere in the world outside... There must be a way to free us from our prison. It pains me to give you this responsibility."

You nodded. After all that was all you came for. To break the barrier. Toriel let go of you and you crossed your sight with Asriel. "I know you can feel it too. It's as if the heart of everyone is beating as one. We can do it Asriel. Together we can free your people."

"Not so fast there cowboy."

Suddenly a voice let you freeze in your truck.

"You were out for two months, saved the prince while risking your own life, now you will break the barrier and then what? Will you reset again?"

The last sentence made you stop to breath. Slowly you turned around. There he was, his skeletal hand inside his jacket pockets.

"Alphys told me everything." he went on with his speech. At that moment you felt as if only you two were in the castle. You felt lonely and anxious. Sans came up to you, his expression showed no emotion.

You knew it. He would hate you if he knew about everything. You were a real monster.

Suddenly he embraced you. Just like that. He buried his face into your neck and pulled you close to him. "Ya don't know how worried I was because of you. I can't lose ya now. Not when I just could let my hands on you. Why didn't ya make me remember earlier?"

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