Chapter 8

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New Home

Suddenly something on the big screen moved. Alphys, Sans and you were staring at the monitor hoping for some signs of Frisk begin her cheerful self. But as your sister opened her eyes and a smile appeared on her lips you knew it wasn't Frisk any longer. Chara finally awoke. They stretched themselves and walked down the path to Snowdin. Right now you were so happy that everyone was evacuated, so Chara wouldn't hurt any monster.

The anger on the usually tranquil face of your sister grew with every step they took. Dread hushed over your own face watching Frisk like this. In an sudden outburst of rage the girl kicked against a tree, the punched the air. You wondered if Toriel was still alive...

Abruptly Chara turned with her face straight to the camera. It felt like she was staring right at you, like she knew you were watching. And then... she spoke... to you.

"Hide like you wish. You're going on my nerves with all this resets. Just give up (y/n), you lost a long time ago. I'm not going to kill you this time. I'll make you suffer, make you see your friends die for a last time before I ERASE you from this world, so you would never cross my plans. Have fun on your last days. There won't be many when we finally meet."

With that she turned away and walked straight to the waterfalls where she'll be for some time now. But when she arrives you'll have to fight against her – against your own little sister...

Every hero has to make a serious choice and this was yours. In this world it is kill or be killed. Begin hurt was better than hurt others, nice people could live with just that. Somehow you'll save your sister, even if it meant you had to take Chara into your SOUL and... erase yourself with it.

"Alphys, please tell me Undyne and Papyrus are safe.'", you begged.

Real heroes never fear the pain or death, but you did. You were afraid of dying for real. Chara was about to erase you. There won't be a way back, then.

"Y-yeah, t-they are. With Mettaton they are in a safe place with t-the o-other monsters."

"Good. How long do you think she'll need to come to the hotlands?

"Maybe two days, maybe l-little longer."

Two days and Chara arrives at the hotlands. Till then Alphys has to be with Undyne. So... this was your goodbye, you guessed. Till now every battle you lose was just another day, since you woke up on the golden flowers every single time.

There won't be any flowerbed to wake up on the next time. You had to try to survive alone against Chara with your 10 HP. Suddenly you cursed the ten. It was like, two or three hits and you'll be dead.

"Thank you for everything Alphys. You should better leave. This is not your battle."

"Yeah, (y/n), is right. This isn't your fight. Ya'll be better of helping the others." said Sans and before you could turn to him he shook his head. "This is our battle, ya know that, sweetie."

Sweetie? It was the first time he gave you a nickname. Naturally your cheeks were covered in a soft pink blush. "Sans..." you tried to talk some sense into his skull, but he refused to even let you speak up.

"We're going together through this. I got ya back."

"And I got yours." was all you could say.

The real hero stands to the end, but you already see yourself lying on the ground bathing in your own blood. But even then, you'll take Chara with you. There was no way of telling Sans what you were planning. He'd just stop you or he'll try to protect you and gets hit by accident.

End of Time ( Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now