Chapter 11

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Strange feeling

"(Y/n)! Come down, the breakfast is ready." you heard a muffled voice you know way to well. It was your mother who woke you up. With a heavy sigh you decided to sit up and stretch your body before leaving to the floor. For a short moment you had to think about the direction you had to go. Right or left. This confused you at first, but then you remembered again. You know the feeling when you walk into a room to search for your keys but suddenly forget what you wanted to do? This was how you felt right now.

Also, your body felt tired. Whatever you have dreamed of, it made you exhausted. Maybe you could lie down for a few more minutes after breakfast. Yeah... That would be nice.

Slowly you made your way down to the kitchen, where your mother sat at the table with your father. In some way it confused you to see them. You kinda expected someone else to eat with you. But whom? It was always just you, your parents and your younger sister. Frisk was sitting at the table on her usual place eating her pancakes with a soft slime. Seeing her begin happy made you smile as well. She was such a good child. Oh how you wished to be like her.

"You're late... Again!" your mother stated with a strict voice and your father nodded in approval.

You could feel it in your bones that the day would be not as great as you'd liked it to be. One more fight was building up – again. It was early in the morning and your parents started to piss you off already.

Without saying anything you sat down and started to eat your own pancakes. They tasted pretty well and familiar, just as if you'd have eaten some in the last few days. But you didn't.

After the breakfast you decided to play a little bit with Frisk while your mother would clean the kitchen. So the two of you went to the living room and started to draw something for each other. She asked you to draw her a Hello Kitty and so you did your best fulfilling her wish with some crayons. At the same time she drew something else. What it was you did not know. Frisk didn't want you to see it till she was ready.

Your sister was never someone who spoke a lot. Her voice was one you heard only if it had to be heard. Firstly everyone though she was mute, but after some visits to the doctor she got better. But still – she did not like to talk.

You are fine with that, because when no one is around she speaks to you sometimes. The bond you two had was more than the one of sister. You could tell you were best friends, although Frisk was way younger than you.

That's why you didn't want to move out. Leaving Frisk behind felt wrong on so many levels.

You shock your head to help ignoring your bad thoughts. Rays of sun light shone onto your skin through the window. It was a warm summer day and you missed the snow - but not only the snow. There were so many things you missed but couldn't tell. College was one of those things. You wanted your break to end. Days at home always were so long and boring.

Frisk ripped you out of you mind as she pulled on your shirt. You saw her holding a small crayon painting in her hands, which made you grin. That kid really had some fantasy. She could be your own daughter, since you went to art collage since two years now and no one else in your family was talented this way.

"So, what have you drawn?" you asked nicely taking the picture in your own hands, so you could have a closer look.

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