Chapter 20

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It's Ok to Go

Alphys was already waiting for you. She didn't ask any questions as a shadow loomed over her face. You sat down on a bed, then slowly laid down, so the Professor could chain you up. The sailing above you was dirty and grey. It looked like it was never cleaned. Well, the whole lab looked kinda creepy and old.

A small chuckle escaped your lips. You weren't afraid at all.

Flowy who was sitting in his pot beside you on the other bed wasn't scared either. All he did was calling you names and telling you how dumb you were, which made you laugh even more.

"Hey Alphys, it's going to be okay, don't worry. And even if something should go wrong, tell everyone that I wanted to do this on my own. You're not at fault here."

The lizard nodded her head and started the rather big machine that stood between the both beds.

"I'm g-going to inj-ject a n-needle in your arm a-and put you... to s-sleep. T-That goes for you too F-Flowey." finally Alphys spoke. Her tone was even shakier than normally.

"Just get over with it!", exclaimed Flowey.

"I trust you." you whispered and closed your eyes awaiting the pain. Before you closed eyes a picture of you and Sans popped up. It was a sweet memory from your last timeline – the evening the two of you spend at Undyne's place.

Then you felt as the needle went into your flesh. The pain was gone as fast as it appeared. Soon deep darkness took over your mind. You couldn't hear anything at all, nor could you feel the bed under your body. It was as if you were flying in pure darkness.

*The thought of breaking the barrier filled you with DETERMINATION.

I never ask for much. Would it be so wrong for me to ask to see the surface with my friends? you thought to yourself – or maybe you spoke these words out loud? Anyway, no one was there to hear you.

I'm not asking for money, pearls or even diamonds. I'm simply asking for peace.

Suddenly a burning feeling blazed in your veins. A silent scream escaped your lips as you hold your own body tightly with your arms. The feeling grow rapidly stronger and soon you couldn't stand it anymore. Something was ripping out your... soul.

Yeah.. That's right. that's why you are here after all. You are giving your soul to Asriel, so he could take the barrier down.

[It hurts, right?]

You nodded your head.

[So why don't you give up? Let it go. Let your SOUL go and the pain will disappear.]

You shock your head, no.

[Oh, why not? You felt way to much pain in your life. You were killed so often... Why don't you just give up?]

Giving up? That was new to you. Wasn't there someone who gave up as well? Who was it again?

The pain was numbing your limbs and your mind. Your vision blurred and small flakes of light danced before your sight. A you wished for was a blanked to cuddle into, just sitting near a fireplace. Slowly you were getting tired. You couldn't tell where you were, or even what you were doing there.

A hand touched your sweaty cheek and a giggle could be heard. Soon the flakes of light composed themselves into a silhouette with a grin and red eyes.

It took you into their arms.

[Just let go. It's ok to go.]


[Yep. Trust me. That's a wonderful idea.]

Is the face of Death torture? Or is it the face that sets you free?

Questions over questions – but none for you to answer.

Why even try living on when it's so painful and troublesome. For in Death there is no more pain, no more heartache, no more sorrow. No more dark clouds to darken your day, no more praying for a better tomorrow.


So yes, Death, when you call on me, I will run into your arms. I will gladly lay my head on your chest and feel save, for in this world... I am done.

Without me the PACIFIST run can start.

[Yes, that's right. Let go. Let it all free.]

A (f/c) heart left your chest and hovered above your shaking hands. It glimmered pretty and felt warm. Somehow a part of you wished for it to turn blue, so you could fly carelessly, knowing someone was caring for you. But who was that person?

The figure reached for you soul and as it's fingers touched it a shiver run down your back. You knew this person.


Suddenly everything was making sense.

You acted fast, taking your soul and ripping it into two parts. One part went back to your body, the other one vanished just like that. Then you did something you had never done before.

You embraced Chara, or at least that what was left from them. After all, you erased the from the code. "I'm sorry Chara. I shouldn't fight you. I should've just listed to you. Please, give up your vengeance. The persons you hated are long gone. It's ok to go, but you can either go back or go forwards. Let us go together forwards. The world has changed. Just look at the monsters, just look at Asriel. He needs you. Please, come with me and be there for him. Be a part of both of us."

You didn't let Chara speak or even make a move. You pulled the light into your chest, even though the pain from the soul extraction made your whole body shake.

"We all do mistakes, but we have to live with the consequences. Keep me alive so I can help my friends. Only if I live I can atone my mistakes. I have to live with the thought of genocide. Dying now would be to easy. Be a part of me and make me suffer, like you allways liked, but don't you dear going backwards!"

The last sentence was been screamed.

[You really are an idiot... But if you want, take what is left from me. I'm too tired for your shit. Finally your ACTing was useful for something. Haha, you really won that battle.... Just don't you dare hurt Asriel.]

As the words were spoken the light started to form a heart, or at least a part of it. With a "Thank you" you pulled your soul out and forged both parts together. A red-(f/c) soul has been created. it felt heavier than normally, but that was fine. You let it wander to your chest again, then let you slide back into the sleep.

Sans... I did it... I really did.

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