Chapter 7

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Cozy Nights

Soon, you and Sans made your way to Alphys, telling Papyrus to stay with Undyne. The good brother he was, the tall skeleton didn't ask to go with you and Undyne had no problem with him staying with her. Also Papyrus nearly cried as he escorted Sans and you to the river-man – or the river-woman, whoever it was . Saying goodbye wasn't easy but you mastered it pretty well. Firstly the tree of you hugged, then you went on the wooden boat and left the brother to themselves, knowing Sans wanted to talk to Paps in private.

"GOOD LUCK SANS AND MYBROTHERS HUMAN! TAKE GOOD CARE!" was what Papyrus yelled as the boat started to move on the water. It made you smile as Sans grabbed your hand and waved to his brother. The hooded figure started to sing a song, but you didn't payed close attention to it looking in front of you as the climate changed.

There was one thing that always made you laugh in the hotlands. Hotdogs. "Do you remember how you'd always sell me so many hotdogs that I can't carry them?" you softly laughed at the memory. Sans looked amused.

"Yeah. Ya bought always so many. I don't even want to know why." he shook his head chuckling but still squeezing your hand a bit harder.

Good memories always survived longer than bad. With the time some bade timelines started to fade before your eyes. It was a real miracle in your eyes. Maybe someday you'd be able to sleep normal at night without fear of nightmares. In a faraway future but it was reachable with Sans by your side.

As you reached the hotlands Alphys was already waiting for you. Sans explained everything to her and asked to prepare the evacuation just in case Frisk can't hold Chara under control. Also you told Alphys about the timelines and resets which were caused by your great determination. She listened to your every word and believed you. For sure she watched how you got friends with Undyne.

Then Mettaton came, but this time Sans and Alphys told him from the beginning you were a good human and so he helped with the evacuation.

You strayed at the lab for two days before Alphys reached a breakthrough with the help off Sans. Somehow he wasn't as lazy as he'd always be around the lab. You could tell he was interested in this kind of science.

Right now you were sitting on the ground in front of the big monitor which finally found your sister. You could tell she was in the forest before Snowdin taking a nap or something. In her hands she hold onto a toy knife.

"So the genocide started again, I guess..."

All of a sudden Sans was sitting beside you with a bowl of instant noodles and a pink blanket he probably got from Alphys, who was sleeping right now in the second floor.

Causally Sans laid his arm around your waits, gave you the noodles and then with the help of his magic he pulled the blanket on your both shoulders. Tired you rested your head against his shoulder.

You could not hold the sigh back any longer. "Yes... Frisk bought us some time though."

"She looks so peaceful. I haven't seen her this way for a long time." Sans stated and you nodded in agreement. When Frisk slept it was her, not Chara, even with this knife. "I just hope for her to don't remember the horror that took place."

Once again you nodded taking a spoonful of noodles. They tasted awful like always butt you needed to eat ant this was the only thing Alphys had at her place. "I hope so too. Also I wish you could forget it too."

"No way am I forgetting ya."

"Sans, is it possible to overwrite the bad SAVE with a good one? Or... I don't know, maybe erasing Chara from the CODE? I've been to your laboratory for some time now and I don't get it. How is it you know so much about everything? You are the only one aware of the resets beside me who makes them."

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