Chapter 15

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Heroin appears

At Grillby's was warm as always. Monsters were looking at you at first, but as soon as Sans and you sat down before Grillby himself they went back to whatever they were doing. Somehow you felt at home sitting there next to Sans asking Grillby for two portions of fries. Sans looked at you surprised but waved his feelings of.

"Wanna some ketchup?" he asked with a bright grin as always. To tell the truth you thought about his question. On one side your food would be full with ketchup but on the other hand Sans could laugh at you. Choices, choices.

"No thank you." you said back with a gentle smile upon your lips.

"Nah, more for me then."

You giggled as the skeleton drank the ketchup like he'd always do. You didn't like his weirdness – you loved you to tell the truth. Over and over you knew he was the one you wished to spend your life with. He was a skeleton, you were a human. It'll be hard on the surface, you knew it. People aren't as open for new things as you were. You mother was a good example.

"What ya thinking 'bout?"

Suddenly you train of thoughts was disturbed. "Ehm..." you muttered not really sure what to say. "It's nothing." finally you whispered.

For a short moment you saw how Sans' pupils disappeared. It was just for a millisecond and if you wouldn't know him as good as you do, you wouldn't even notice it. "For nothing ya look kinda down." he chuckled.

You shook your head softly and eat one of your fries. "I'm just missing someone – nothing more."

"I see."

After this no one spoke for a while, so you could concentrate on what to do next. After all you were going to meet Undyne – and she is always the hardest part in every timeline. Thus you have to be prepared. In the recent timeline both skeletons knew for sure you were a nice person who didn't want anything bad happen to the monsters. But right now you couldn't even tell if Sans was trusting you. All the time you could feel his stares on you. Of course the short skeleton that used to be your skele-boyfriend wouldn't let harm to get to you. After all he promised it to Toriel and even in genocide he gave you a chance to turn back before the fight began.

The fight that brought nightmares upon you ever single night.

But now was not the time to suffer from the memories. Not when life gave you another chance to make it all better. No one remembers your crimes. Everyone is happy. So why dwell in the past?

"You think a lot, ne?" asked Sans and ripped you once again from your inner world.

You nodded your head quickly and looked at him apologetic.

Sans chuckled at your expression. "Whoever waits for you up there must be a lucky guy." Then he lifted his arm to call Grillby to the both of you. "Make it on my tab. We have to go."

As Sans jumped off to the ground you lifted your body as well, while it felt really heavy. Since you remembered the underground you knew that Sans wouldn't remember you... But... his words hit you right in to the heart. How can he think you have someone else on the surface? Maybe this was how it had to be? Maybe this is what you deserved for firstly: doing more than one genocide run, and secondly: messing with the code as you erased your safe file and Chara.

Saving... Did you still had the power of resets? Somehow you wished you could still save at some points. Then you remembered one of these points where before the inn.

End of Time ( Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now