Chapter 10

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End of Time

With every hour that passed you became more and more restless. You couldn't stop thinking even if you wanted to. After all the time you still could not belief that the end came closer. Sans noticed your behavior but didn't say anything. In the last two days no one spoke about Chara and Frisk – it was kind of a taboo.

The two of you tried to make some good memories, so you spend every minute you had together and it felt really good to you. Knowing that Sans loved you filled you with determination to fulfill your plan.

And on the third day it was time to do so. Sans went to Asgore once more – this time you asked him to deliver a letter to the king while you would prepare some nice lunch. What Sans didn't know, the letter was for himself. Yeah... It was that letter you wrote on the first evening in new home. Asgore would read it and give it so Sans afterwards, knowing it was for him. This way you would have enough time to meet with Chara.

Right now you were standing before the elevator which came from the core. The city beside you looked so empty and grey like every time you walked this small hallway. Memories of your friends filled you with DETRMINATION. There was no way to stop you. Of course you were afraid all the time. This horrible world was terrifying you. Like a child you wished to wake up from this nightmare and find yourself waking up on Sans' lap.

A stick in your hand was your only companion, as you waited for Chara. What an irony. This stick was the first object you had in the underground. It was kind of a friend to you and it felt right to hold it tightly right now.

If you'd walk down the stairs and followed the path until you reached the door to the golden alleyway, where normally your judgment takes place, you'd reach the place most familiar to you. So many times your life ended there. But also good memories were attached to the Judgment Hall. One time even you told Sans about your feelings knowing you have to face Flowey again. If you remember correctly it was the last timeline you were in... just shortly before your strange reset.

Maybe you have overused your power and that's why two timelines collided? Genocide, obviously, was the worst route you could ever choose for your life. How can anyone just go around killing everyone? How can anyone be so heartless?

Once again tears rose up and you bit down on your lip.

If you could, you'd love to end this nightmare in the golden hallway, but that was way to near to Asgore and you didn't want Sans to interrupt your fight.

[*Obtained DUSTY JACKET]

A shiver run down your spine at this memory. From today on there won't be any scarfs or jackets you'd need to carry. The skelebrothers will be safe and sound. You remember how Sans said one time, "Don't leave me here alone", but all that's dead and gone and passed today.

The arrival of the elevator was announced by a soft "*Ding!" and within seconds the door opened. A wide grinning child with a knife in their hand stepped outside, their eyes on you.

Stick against knife – sister versus sister – life contra death.

This was it. The end was so near you could grab it.

"This is new." stated Chara "So you want to fight here instead of the Judgment Hall? I'm fine with this. Where is that bonehead of yours?"

Your jaw hardened. "None of your business."

"Ah... So he doesn't know. How cute~. Do you think you can win against me?" They took a step toward you, the knife now pointing straight at you. "Don't get me wrong, but your weak."

End of Time ( Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now