Chapter 18

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The whole next day Alphys and you spent together in her lab. She run a few tests on you and checked your heath like a normal doctor would. Then you guys ate some noodles in the evening and went on with some other test. In the night Alphys took you to her true lab – some of her machines she wanted to test you with were down there.

"Your determination is g-great!" was all Alphys could say after long hours of testing. At the end of the long night she had a stuck of papers she had to go through in the next days so she could tell you more about your stats.

"T-there is a connection t-to the void..." she said as she looked on the screen before her "The analysis isn't over yet and the s-stats are over a-average by now..."

Tiredly you let out a sigh. "It's the first time that I went to the void... Well, the second if you include the time I erased the save file."

Alphys nodded her head without looking over to you. "What can you do with you're a-abilities?"

You had to think about it for a moment. "I can save and reset the time. And... Hm... I can check things out, like seeing how many HP or DF and AT someone has. And I can see my own LV and EXP." As you spoke Alphys took her notes so she would not forget anything.

"And w-what is your LV n-now?" she asked while avoiding eye-contact. If your LV increased she'd know you killed someone. Yeah, you could lie to her, but there was no point. Even so, your LV was still at 1. And it should stay there.

"I have LV 1 and HP at 20. In the last time line I only had the half of that HP."

Again she nodded.

HP... It was something that made you worry a lot of times. Officially it stands for Hit Points, but you knew the true meaning behind it. HOPE. And that was what made you sad a lot of times.

Hope is a wish and believe in your heart of good things to come. It is dreaming and believing in something that will come, hope is usually accompanied with faith. It's an eternal burning flame that will never go out as long as someone believes. And some people leaked that flame.

Suddenly your head shot up. There was something you needed to check. You needed to see the one INFO that you hoped to change one day.

"Sorry Alphys, but I have to get to Snowdin."

"O-Oh... Y-You want to m-meet Sans, don't you? I-If so he wo-won't be there."

Huh? You looked over to the yellow monster.

"He's at Mettaton's place this e-evening. It would t-take you to l-long to go to S-Snowdin. You c-can just wait here a bit and g-go to the restaurant instead."

You pulled your eyebrows together. Then it hit you. Sans was a comedian working for Mettaton. He hasn't done that for so long that you completely forgot about it. Silly you.

Fast you nodded your head. "I'd like to wait. Seeing him on the stage again would make me nostalgic and happy."

And so you waited till it was time for you to leave. Alphys wanted to tell you the way you had to take but then she remembered that you already knew it. It was practically your first time to take the very first elevator that was north of the river. Normally there would be guards that didn't let you through or in the worst case the path would be closed by a magnetic (?) field. You weren't good with such things, or better to say: you never had the time to think about it while doing a no mercy run with Chara... But that time was over once and for all.

After the kinda long elevator ride you passed the Nice Cream Guy and took the stairs. You kind of loved the MTT-Resort with all it's glory and shine. It was very Mettaton like. You spent quite some time at the dine-in restaurant or the MTT-Brand Burger Emporium, where Burgerpants works.

Oh Burgerpants. He was a big enigma to you. Even on genocide he would not leave the place. Of course he was harsh and could be creepy on times, but there is one line he told you that you'll always remember: "Listen. I like you, little buddy. So I'm gonna save you a lot of trouble. Never interact with attractive people. Unless you're 'one of them,' they're just gonna take advantage of you."

The first time you heard his romance advice he really did shock you.

Maybe you could ask him again this time? Just one more time...

Also the resort was the place Sans told you that one story that made your eyes open - a story about how he contacted Toriel through the door separating the Ruins from the rest of the Underground. He said that they used to make bad jokes for a long time, and promised to her that he would protect any human entering the underground.

Those were the two things you'd never forget about the resort.

And as you opened the heavy door you felt at home with the smell of burgers. How long was it ago since you ate your last Glamburger? It felt like forever to tell the truth. So you decided to buy one with the G that Alphys and Toriel gave you. Of course you had your bag with you all the time. There was no way to separate you from it and your stick – that one and only true weapon.

"How can I help you, O customer?" asked Burgerpants laid back as always.

"I'd like to have a Glamburger." you answered and gave him his 120G that the burger costed. You knew the price very well, since you brought a lot of them while dueling with Mettaton himself.

"Here you go, little buddy."

With a small thank you followed by a polite nod you took your food and went to the dining part of the resort. There you sat down on a free chair beside a table in the back of the hall. The room was filled with people who were dining and looking over to the small platform. Still you could see the scene pretty well. Beside you sat a rabbit-like monster, but you didn't pay much attention to her.

Suddenly the light went off and only the platform was illuminated. Then you saw that one puny skeleton that made you heart skip a bit. He did not notice you at all, though.

"Whale hello there." he started off with a pun. Small laughs could be heard overall the room. "I've got a question for ya. How do snowmen greet each other?" There was a short silence.

"Ice to meet you!"

Then everyone started to laugh.

And as the evening went on you noticed something important: 1) Sans was really good as a comedian, and 2) He was really happy. How could it be another way? In this timeline you did not kill his brother after all...

Once again you drowned yourself in pity and guilt. How could you ever forget about that horror you caused? Speaking with Alphys made you feel a little bit better but you won't get over it so easily.

Suddenly a stupid idea appeared in your mind. As no one was watching you, you used one part of your power and checked Sans stats. And what you saw make tears shine in your eyes. He had all HP... Not 1 HP anymore.

It made you so happy you couldn't hold your cry back. The rabbit woman looked over you but you just decided to leave. On your way out of the hall you made eye contact – or more eye-eye socket- contact... - with Sans. He saw your tears and a bright smile on your lips. You waved him a goodbye as you returned back to Alphys.

On your way tears of joy turned into tears of saddens...

...because you knew that you had to leave Sans alone. You had to let him go – for his own sake. And this made you feel really weak. After all, you loved him.

If you love something, set it free.

Who knew it would hurt this much to let go of him... You for sure didn't.

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