Chapter 6

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"Ya sure don't need any help? Because for me it looks like you need some help."

The voice made you paus. Amusement couldn't be overheard but somehow it made the corners of your lips curl up. As you didn't turn around a skeletal hand was placed on your shoulder and the reflection got clearer. There were two instead of one figures as you supposed to be – two skeletons to be more special.

"I know, laugh at me. I'm a crybone..." you whispered with your voice low, so only Sans who was standing right behind you could hear it. Shame lay over your face as you didn't have the courage to look at him. You've just run away like aa coward. But.. wasn't it what you always do? Hiding behind the next reset, hoping for a better future without showing any afford to reach your goal?

Yeah... You are a coward. And you know it very well.

"C'mere", was all Sans said as he turned you around and took you into an embrace. Papyrus watched you two closely without interrupting, knowing he wouldn't be any help at this moment.

After a short while you broke the silence, your hands tightly holding onto Sans' hoodie. "Why are you here?"

"Ya told me to take care of Paps, so I brought him with me, so I could take care of you too." the short skeleton answered with a small smile.

"But what if..."

"What if what? Some of us get killed? You'll just reset this whole life and try again, like you did till now." Somehow there was a cruel undertone to his voice. You knew Sans hated the resets more than anyone else.

You pulled away to see the lights in his eye-sockets disappeared. "Don't say that!" you protested while giving him a hurt gaze.

"It's the truth and you know it. You are the one who is in charge here, so why are you afraid? If you and your sister hadn't fallen down there wouldn't be any resets."

"B-BROTER..." Papyrus warned Sans, knowing he was crossing the line.

His words hurt you more than a dagger to your heart, and there were a lot of daggers in your chest so you knew the pain very well – maybe too well... "So you came here to tell me I'm the real problem...?"

Sans sighed, his arms still around you. "That wasn't intended but yes, in some way you it's your fault. Don't take me wrong. I don't blame you. It is as it is but still, you and your sister are the trigger to the resets. It all started with you two." Then his face softened and the with light appeared again. "I'm here to help you end this madness for our all sake. Do as I say, not as I do. I gave up long ago. But you. With you it's different."

It was your time to speak: "To be honest: I'm tired Sans. The resets require so much... energy. My DETERMINATION is at the end. I can't take it any longer. If I had to live through one more timeline after meeting with you again it would kill me... I'm so bonely without you..."

"That's why we are here, right Paps?"


You saw how Sans grinned brightly at you. He helped you up and you knew, this timeline was a special one. Here really everything was possible. Inwardly you cursed your former breakdown. You whished the brothers hasn't seen you like that. No one liked to show their weaknesses and your weaknesses were your lack of hope and dread about your friends.

"Sans... Papyrus..." you murmur softly, so the skeletons would look at you. "Thank you guys. I love you."

"THE GREAT PAPYRUS LOVES YOU TOO LITTLE HUMAN!" was how Papyrus responses patting your head. Sans however blushed lightly a blue blush and smiled at you – this time it was a heartwarming smile, not one of his grins.

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