Chapter 3- What Have You Done Now Ronaldo

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  Cristiano's Pov

Nuno smirks as I sit back down at the table. "Always girls falling over you, right Cris". I follow the owner as he practically pushes the woman to their table at the back of the restaurant and out of sight. Seeing Nuno look at me I say "some guys have it I guess, lets order" I reply quickly to end the conversation he wanted to start.

After a lovely pasta, we head out to the car. I see a group of school girls coming over and decide to stop. Even though I'm having a bad day, I can make someone's day. Máe had continued to ring me over lunch. I still haven't thought what I'm going to say to her. After taking a few pictures, Nuno asked if I heard something. Looking at him I shrugged a no and we kept walking towards the corner where I had parked my car. As a turned I heard this crash noise.

I look towards my car and see a small brunette wearing a black skirt trying to calm down someone in front of her. As I keep walking I see glass all over the ground. "Don't worry, Lucy its Mich's car" I hear the obvious crazy blonde yell. "No, it's not. It's my car", I say as I stand behind the brunette.

"What the fuck is going on" I yell. The woman in front turns towards me. "I'm so sorry I don't know what is wrong with her" she says. Looking at my car which was now missing the windows on the doors I shout back "I don't care, look what she did to my car" pointing to it. "Hey don't yell at me, I'm not the one who did it and I am trying to calm her down" she bites back." Well your doing at great job" as I indicate for her to face the blonde who was now hitting the nearby street lights with what looked like a baseball bat. Who has a baseball bat in England? I hear Nuno on the phone hopefully ringing the police.

"Tina's not like this, she thought it was her boyfriend's car", the woman in front of me continues. "Hey lady....."I begin to say, "Don't lady me" she bites back wagging her finger in front of me. Bang, bang, she jumps and I put my hands on her shoulders as we both turn towards the blonde with the baseball bat. Well there goes my back window. Brilliant! I think. "We need to stop this bitch" I say. I hear a huff from the voice in front "Tina, look at me you need to stop, please, the cops will be here soon.

She stops to look at us just as the bat was about to hit another street light, but I know she's not listening its obvious. "She's coked up" I shout and the tiny brunette, what's was her name....turns to face me shrugging my hands off her shoulders. "No she's not. She doesn't that sort of thing. "Sorry to tell you darling but she's drugged up" I say. I hear Nuno shout and point towards the blonde. I quickly wrap my arms around her waist and pull "my friend doesn't do that sort of thing" girl with me just as half a baseball bat comes flying past us. "Does your friend try to kill you all the time, darling I say to her. "Don't call me darling and get your hands off me" she says shaking herself out of my grasp. As my hands move off her tiny waist I notice that most of the street has appeared to watch the drama. And a couple of paps.

Just what I need, great I think to myself. "You really know how to choose friends" I say to her. Mouth, shut up. If looks could kill, I'd be dead now I think. I see two police cars pull up and they quickly handcuff the crazy blonde whilst "daring" pleads with them not to hurt her."I should have smashed his house, Lucy" the bat lady says. Bingo, Lucy that's her name. Finally nice to put a name to the tiny woman in the figure hugging black dress which showed off a cute bott....."Excuse me Sir" I hear bringing me out of my daze. I notice a middle-aged policeman standing in front of me. "You really should think about how you treat ladies, footie boy" he smirks. Seriously was he having a laugh? Just as I was about to yell back at him.

"It wasn't his fault officer", Lucy appears beside him. "My friend got the wrong car" she continues. I look smugly at the officer. She looks like she's about to cry when suddenly her face turns to clear anger as she looks behind us. "What have you done now, Ronaldo" I hear a voice say. "You cheating, lying bastard, this is all your fault" Lucy says as she begins to hit him with her black handbag. Nuno manages to stop take her bag as I pull her back from the guy. "Easy tiger you don't want to end up in jail with your friend" I say to her. "You asshole Mich" Lucy shouts ignoring me. "What's with all the glass" he smirks. He being Mich Richards who plays for Manchester City.

Typical there's no way all this will stay quite. "Your apparent girlfriend did this" I say. "Wait Tina did this" he replies. "Ya she went to smash your car but did mine instead" I mumble. He begins to laugh and I gentle rub Lucy's arm to calm her, but she walks out of my arms towards the officer. "This is priceless, couldn't happen to a nicer person Ronaldo" Richards's scoffed. "I'd shut up if I was you unless you want to get hit by half a baseball bat" pointing back towards Lucy who looked like she wanted to push him in front of the cop car as it drove off with her friend.

Nuno taps me on the shoulder indicating that we should move away for Mich. "Miss", the policeman says. "Lucy,Lucy Smith she says sweetly as she extends her hand to him. Why couldn't she be that nice to me? Looking at the three of us the officer begins to explain how we will have to give a statement about the incident as he puts it. Which he expects will take some time. "Do you need a lift to the station" he asks us all. "We'll get a cab, thank you" Nuno suggests. I give him a good thinking look. The last thing I needed was the paps getting a picture of me getting into a police car.

"No, thank you officer, Lucy whispers."You do understand that your friend is in very serious trouble Ms.Smith" the officer notes to her "there is the damage to public property and if Mr. Ronaldo here presses charges for the damage to his car she could be facing serious jail time" he nods towards me. "I'll see you all at the station" he shakes our hands and heads to his car."Heres you bag back" Nuno says as he hands the bag to Lucy. "Thank you" as she rummages through the bag and pulls out her phone.

Lucy begins to walk away and I shout after her "you ok to drive". "I'm fine" she snaps back and walks away. "You ready to head Cristiano" Nuno says as he stands next to a cab "head home first before going to the station and maybe give Jorge a heads up" he asks." Ya I guess so" watching Lucy get into her car. "I'm really glad we came to lunch cousin, great idea" Nuno jokes.

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