Chapter 32- Support For Her

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  Cristiano's Pov

She blames herself. That's all I could think when I looked at Lucy this morning. She was dressed and wide awake when I woke up but her eyes showed sadness. It took all my persuasion to get her to sit down and relax.

"Bom día" Máe had said when we reached the kitchen. "Máe what are you doing up this early?" I said. "I'm making breakfast. What are you two doing up? You don't have training for a while" she asks. "Lucy has a meeting early and I couldn't sleep" I say. I figured she didn't want anyone to know where she was going. More importantly she didn't want to answer any questions. "Aww couldn't sleep without her son" Máe said. Jezz what was doing to me? "Think he smelt the food Dolores" Lucy said sitting at the table. "Scrambled eggs, Miss" I said placing a plate in front of her. "You need to eat" i whispered so Máe won't hear. I wish I could go with her today but I have training. Plus I don't think she would have let me go.

"Hey Cristiano any news from Lucy" Nuno asks when I arrive back from training. I had told Nuno this morning about Tina's case been on today. He offered to go but I convinced him not to go. The last thing I wanted was for Lucy to get more upset and angry and me for Nuno going. "No. Has she text you?" I ask hoping. Even if it was Nuno she spoke to I don't care. "No. Tina's case she be over now" he says. "Maybe it was delayed" I say. "Fancy a game of pool with Zé and I?" he asks. "No I'm going to head to my room for a bit. Where is everyone else" I ask. "Máe and Rodrigo are gone shopping or something and Elma are Katia went for a walk" he says.

I lay on my bed looking at my laptop trying to see if I had ordered that thing I wanted when Lucy came into the room. She began to rush around the room putting things into a bag and changing into jeans. "Lucy" I say. She turns looking surprised to see me. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Josh wants to go to London to talk to Tina since apparently she didn't feel like talking to us today" she says throwing her purse into her handbag.

"Lucy calm down. Talk to me" I say moving to the end of the bed and grabbing her hips. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "How did it go?" I ask as she stands in front on me wearing jeans and her blouse was only closed by one button. "She pleaded guilty so the judge just sentenced her" Lucy says. "And" I urge her to keep talking. "And she got a two year suspended sentence plus 300 hours of community service. And the judge wants her to have weekly drug test for those 2 years" she says quickly.

"You didn't get to speak to her, did you" I ask. "No she refused to talk to both Josh and I. Josh wants to see her" she says. "I'm sorry" I say and I pull her into my lap and she doesn't try to stop me. "The judge praised you today. Told Tina she was lucky that the gentleman whose car was destroyed didn't press charges" she says. "It's nothing" I say. "So you are going now" I ask. "Yeah. I'm sorry I know I said I'd be here this weekend but I'll be back tomorrow" Lucy says as I wrap one arm around her and the other on her knee. "Don't worry about that" I whisper. "I promised Rodrigo" she says looking into my eyes. "I'll tell him you'll be back" I say and she nods.

We sit there for a few minutes. My arms around her and her head buried into my chest. I wish I could make her feel better. "I'm sorry if I woke you" she says looking at me. "I wasn't napping. I was just messing around on my laptop" I say. "I should be going" she says getting off my lap. "I'll walk you down" I say. "Ok. I'll just change my top. And you might want to put a shirt on" she says walking into the bathroom. Yeah having you curled into my naked chest might not have been a good idea. I liked it way too much.

I pick up the bag with one hand and she takes hold of my other hand. "Lucy whatever he did he's sorry" Katia says as we are walking towards Lucy's car. "Yeah tell her you are sorry Cristiano" Elma yells. "Elma, Katia he didn't do anything" Lucy says to them. "Then what's with the bag" Elma asks glaring at me. Thanks sis always think the best of me. "I have to visit a friend in London. Cristiano was just helping me with my bag" Lucy says. "Yeah Elma I haven't done anything" I say. "Good. I'm glad. Have a good trip and we'll see you soon" Katia says hugging Lucy. "Bye" Lucy says and I pull her towards her car.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with them on your own" Lucy says. "I'll survive" I say backing up against the car. "Good luck tomorrow" she says. "Did I hear correctly or did you just hear you wishing me luck against your team" I say laughing. "I hope you play well not for your team to win" she says and a smile appears on her face for the first time in ages.

I place my hand around her neck and quickly kiss her. She moans as I move my hand down her back. "Why did you do that?" she stutters when we break apart. "Elma is watching" I quickly say and she looks over my shoulder where thankfully Elma still stood. "Ok" she says and opens the door of the car. "Drive safe Lucy" I say kissing her cheek and she drives off.

"Are you sure you haven't upset Lucy" Elma asks when I reach her at the door. "For the last time. There is nothing wrong between Lucy and I ok" I say passing her.

There's nothing wrong because we aren't real I want to shout.  

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