Chapter 31- Trial Date

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  Lucy's Pov

"Try to relax" Cristiano whispered as he placed his hand on my stomach and gently smoothed it. How can I relax when he's touching me like that? I can't believe I showed him the pictures. It felt so normal talking to him downstairs. He seemed interested in seeing the pictures. And he didn't push me when I didn't want to talk about Tina. Although Tina wasn't the only reason I couldn't sleep.

I look at the clock and it's almost six in the morning. Cristiano's hand is still on my stomach and a couple of his fingers have crept under my top. I gently lift his hand off me and quietly head to the bathroom where I take a long shower. How will today go? Will Tina talk to me? I head back to the bedroom to pick up my clothes. Cristiano is still asleep and he looks so peaceful lying there.

"Bom día" Cristiano mumbles when I head back to the room. "Hi" I say. He sits up in the bed and runs his hand threw his hair. "You're up early?" he says. "Couldn't sleep so I thought I would get up and dressed" I say. "It's not even seven yet. What time do you have to be at court?" he asks getting out of the bed. Oh put on shirt already I think. "I'm meeting Josh at 9.30" I say playing with the button of my jacket. "There is no need to be nervous. I'm sure Tina will be happy to see you" he says. "Well the last few week of silence tell a different story" I say.

"Come sit" he says as he takes my hand and ushers me to the couch. "Take this" he says handing me the TV remote. "Sit. Watch some TV and stay there till I'm ready" he says. "Cristiano I don't want to watch TV" I say. "Just wait for me ok. You don't have to be anyone for hours yet" he says and head to the bathroom. "Stay" he says. "I'm not Marcosa" I shout after him. "If you were I doubt you'd listen to me" he says and heads through the door. Who says i'm would now. Although I will this time.

I flick through the channels not focusing on what was on. "Lucy stop thinking and worrying" Cristiano says coming back a while later dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt. "Tell me to stop thinking or to relax again and I will throw some pillows at you" I say standing up. "There's my little fighter" he says laughing.

"Bom día" Dolores says when we reach the kitchen. "Máe what are you doing up this early?" Cristiano asks her. "I'm making breakfast. What are you two doing up? You don't have training for a while" she asks. "Lucy has a meeting early and I couldn't sleep" he says. "Aww couldn't sleep without her son" Dolores says rubbing her hand through his hair. "Máe" he squeals embarrassed.

"Think he smelt the food Dolores" I say sitting at the table. "Scrambled eggs, Miss" Cristiano says placing a plate in front of me. The thought of eating now makes me feel sick. "You need to eat" he whispers and I take a few bites. "I should go" I say. "You have plenty of time Lucy" Cristiano says placing his hand on my arm. "I have a long drive" I say. "Cristiano leave her alone. The sooner she's finished work the sooner she be free all weekend" Dolores says. "Answer the phone Cristiano" I say as he's phone rings. "Hello. Hold on a second" he says into the phone. "It will be ok" he says before giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I wish I could believe Cristiano I think as I drive to the court. "Take it you slept as much as me" Josh says when I find him on the steps outside the court. "Do I look that bad? You're the second person to tell me I look rough" I say. "No you look great. I just know what you are like when you are stressed" he says. "Has Tina arrived yet?" I ask. Tina was been escorted from the rehab my one of the councillors. "Dad went to check" he says. "How is he holding up?" I ask. "Same as us. But then she does speak to him" Josh says looking sad.

"Hey guys I'm sorry I'm late. But I do have good news" Elena yells running up the steps. "What news?" Josh and I say together. "Tina is pleading guilty" she says smiling. "And that means" I say urging her to keep talking. "That means you" pointing to me "won't have to give evidence about Tina smashing up everything and she'll be just sentenced. No trial" Elena says. "Look happy ye two" she says. "We are Elena. We just want to see Tina" Josh says. "Well let's go in so. I saw her this morning she looks good" she says as we head into the court house.

Elena was right. Tina did look good. Her hair was shorter and her face and eyes looked healthier. Not that she looked at us that much. So much for thinking it was going to be ok. When Josh and I tried to talk to her after she the judge had sentenced her she ignored us. Actually she told her councillor she didn't wish to speak to us. All these years I know her and she doesn't want to know me.

"That's it. She is going to talk to me whether she likes it or not. I'm going to London tonight. You wanna come?" Josh says as we walk back down the steps outside the courthouse. "Yeah I do. We haven't done anything but help her" I say. "Hey guys. That went ok" Elena says behind us. "Yeah thankfully she won't be going to jail" I say. "Lucy how about you meet me at my place around 3 and I'll drive to London" Josh says. "You two are going to London" Elena asks. "Josh wants to talk to Tina and he's not going to take no for an answer" I say. "Oh I love a forceful Josh" Elena jokes. And Josh waves goodbye and leaves. "I should go pack a bag or something" I say. "Lucy you couldn't do anymore for Tina. Her trashing footie hunk's car and everything else wasn't your fault" Elena says. "I know" I whisper. "But you don't think it. Don't get your hopes up, Lucy. Tina might not want to see ye" she says.

I was on my way back to my apartment when I realised my overnight bag was at Cristiano's. Shit so was my purse. Things are a real mess. My best friend won't speak to me and I really need her. I arrive at Cristiano's house and head straight upstairs. I need to pack. I need to ring work and check on things. I need to figure out how I will make Josh feel better. I need to do so much I think as I take each step.

I walk straight into the room and start to take off my jacket and find a pair of jeans before I pull them on. "Lucy" I hear behind me and look up.  

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