Chapter 66- It Just Got Colder

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  Cristiano's Pov

"What did you first notice about Wayne?" Lisa asks Coleen. "His ears" Wes jokes. "Funny Wes" Wazza says. "What did you notice first about me" Coleen asks turning to look at her finance. "Ammmm" he says. "The puffa jacket" Lucy says and Coleen bursts out laughing. Nani and I look at each other not both clearly not knowing why they were laughing. Lucy explains how Coleen was first photographed wearing a big long puffa jacket over her school uniform.

"What did you first notice about Rebecca?" Coleen asks Rio. "Don't say a word" Rebecca says as Rio grins. "What I'm a boob man" he says. "What about you Ronnie lad? What did you first notice about your lovely girlfriend here" Rio asks looking at me.

Lucy turns to look at me. "Her laugh" I say. "Aww that's sweet" Coleen says. "Her laugh" Rio says in disbelief. "Yes" I say. "I don't remember laughing the day we met" Lucy says to me.
Lucy smiles at me before kissing my cheek.

"Aww you two are so sweet" Rebecca says. "Ya Lucy whatever you are doing. Keep doing it. Ronnie lad had never been so happy" Wes says. "And easy to get around" Nani says. "The other day. He was too busy texting Lucy he didn't notice me taking his car keys" Nani says. "I did. Since I stopped you driving off in my car" I say.

"I still can't believe you didn't tell us about Lucy" Rio says. "Oh change the subject already" Coleen says. Glad someone agrees with me. "What I just wanted to know. Hell he did a good job of not acting like a guy in a relationship" Rio says. "Why don't us lads clean up and you ladies go sit and talk" Wayne says looking at me. Thanks mate I think.

"It's just that the night of Wayne's birthday I was so convinced that he went home with that blonde chick he was chatting to" Rio says and the table falls silent. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Why the fuck is he bringing this up? I turn to look at Lucy who is just looking down at her lap. Shit.

"He was just talking to her Rio" Wayne says. "Ya it was you or her to talk to. Although I'm sure a brick wall would have been a better option than you" Wes says. "I thought you gentlemen are meant to be tidying up" Lucy says suddenly. "They are. Take this Rio" Rebecca says shoving a plate into Rios' hand. "Let's go into the living room" Coleen says. "Great idea" Lisa says. Lucy stands but doesn't look at me. Shit.

"Oh Rio not that it is any of your business but Ronnie lad here" Lucy says. "He actually came home to me" she says and then kisses my lips. "Yes Lucy came back from London to be with me" I say wrapping my arms around her waist. She quickly pulls away from me. But not before I noticed her stiffen when I touched her. She hadn't reacted like that in weeks.

"Let's leave the boys too it" Coleen says ushering Lucy to walk in front of her. "Make sure my knives don't get any blood on them" Coleen says to me as she passes me.

"What the fuck was that?" I yell as quiet as I could so the girls couldn't hear us as they went to the living room. "That was so uncool man" Nani says shaking his head. "What did I do?" Rio says. "You know well" I say. "Ya careful before Ronnie actual knocks you out" Wes says as we all gather up the dishes on the table. Don't give me any ideas. "Ok maybe you were right to be worried" Wayne half jokes as Rio and the others head to the kitchen. "I knew this was a bad idea" I say. "Just explain what happened when you get Lucy on her own" Wayne says. Easy as that Wayne.

When the boys and I walk back into the living room, I quickly walk over to Lucy who was sitting across from Rebecca. "Knives are clean" I say quietly as I pass Coleen. "We should get ye to do the washing up more" Lisa jokes as Michael sits beside her. "Hi" I say to Lucy as take my place on the couch next to her. She shifts slightly away from me. I kiss her cheek but she quickly moves her head out of my reach. "So did we miss anything while we were in the kitchen?" Wayne asks. "Just our world domination" Coleen says looking at Lucy and I. Lucy fails to raise a smile. I place my hand on her knee as Rio and Michael discuss formula one and Lucy crosses her legs knocking my hand of her knee. I look over at Coleen who gives me a warm smile.

"Lisa was telling us about your wedding in the summer" Coleen says. "I can't believe three England footballers are getting married all on the same day" Lucy says to Lisa. "It's a shame, as we would all love to go to each others wedding, but there is only so much time to be able to get married" Lisa says looking at her finance. "Make sure you keep Lucy near you that day Cristiano or she might try to stop Stevie's wedding" Coleen says and I the girls all laugh. "Are we missing something?" Wes says. "What can I say? I like eight" Lucy says. "But seven is better" I say and she smiles. "I keep forgetting Figo" she says before looking away.

"Thanks for dinner Coleen, but we should be getting home" Rebecca says. "Have to make sure the kid hasn't burnt the house down" Rio jokes. "Rebecca says Lorenz takes after her so I doubt you have to worry" Lucy says and the smirk on Rio's face drops. "We'll follow you out two. Some off us can't be lucky to have no training in the morning" Wes says looking at me. "Hey it's not my fault that the doctor won't let me train" I say. "He'd rather train then spend the day alone since non of us will be there" Lucy says.

"We should probably get going too" I say holding Lucy hand and Lucy nods. "Oh wait I want to show Lucy something" Coleen says as she walks out with the rest of the group leaving Lucy and I alone in the room. Lucy pulls her hand from mine and stands. "Lucy about what Rio said" I say. "They have a nice home, don't they?" she says standing at the fireplace. "Who?" I ask. "Wayne and Coleen" she says. "Ya I guess. Look about earlier" I say. "I won't be long with Coleen, whatever she wants to show me" she says. "Ok" I say. Clearly she didn't want to talk about what Rio said.

"Thanks for staying a bit longer" Coleen says when she and Wazza come back into the room. "I'm curious as to what you want to show me" Lucy says. "Come with me" she says and the girls leave the room.

"Man was it me or was this room colder after dinner than before" Wazza says. "I'm going to kill Rio" I say. "Lucy did seem a bit cool towards you alright" he says. "A bit" I say and he shrugs. I just hope she warms up when we get back to my house.

The women soon come back and Lucy and I say our goodbyes before heading towards the car. I open her door and she mumbles a thank you. As I drive towards my house I try to think of something to say but I can't think of anything. Lucy is quite and spends the drive looking out the window.

"Óle" Máe says as we get to the house. "Máe what are you still doing up?" I ask. "How was dinner?" she asks Lucy. "It was lovely. I'm going to head to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow" she replies and I watch her climb the stairs.

"I'm happy the evening went well Cristiano. You and Lucy should spend more time outside this house" Máe says. "Ya" I say. "I mean it Cristiano. You shouldn't be hiding your girlfriend away" she says. "Noite Máe" I say kissing her cheek.

Lucy is in bed when I get to my room. The room is in darkness. I quickly undress and through my clothes onto the couch before sliding into the bed. "Lucy nothing happened with that girl in the club" I say staring up at the ceiling. "It's got nothing to do with me. You are single. You can date whoever you want" she says and turns her back to me.

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