Chapter 103-No Proposals Just Yet

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  Cristiano's Pov

"I did tell you how great today was. Didn't I?" Jack says. "Only about a hundred times" I say into the phone Marcosa jumps next to me on the couch. "Ya well thanks again. And not just for letting me meet the rest of the team" he says. "Elena seemed very happy" I say. "You were right. She is my girlfriend. I shouldn't have waited so long to tell her that" he says. "Glad someone takes my advice" I say. "Ya well she's really happy right now. So I plan on enjoying that. See you again soon" he says. "Bye Jack" I say.

Jack was a pretty great guy. It was nice to have one of Lucy's friends like me anyway. Josh still didn't seem to be too keen on me still.

I hear the front door slam and Lucy storms into the room. "Hey what's the matter" I ask as she throws her bag onto the couch. She looks like she's been crying. "Can I have a hug please?" she asks and I move to wrap my arms around her. "What happened?" I ask. "Tina and Josh got into a fight. Well we all did" she says. "It can't be that bad" I say. "She met a guy" she says. "And that's a bad thing" I ask. "She's meant to be focusing on her recovery" Lucy says. "Well if she's happy" I say. "Oh don't give me all that if she's happy crap" Lucy says pulling away from me.

"It's one of her counselors Cris" she says. "She's dating one of her counselors from rehab" I ask. "Yes. Josh was so worried that something was wrong with her today. But she was fine. Cos when we got back to mine she was busy going at it on the couch" Lucy says and I try not to laugh. "It's not funny Cris" she says crossing her arms. "I know. I'm sorry. What happened?" I ask. "What do you think? Josh was furious. They got into a huge fight and we all said some horrible things. She's been dating him for weeks" she says. "Wow" I say. "And I'm such a hypocrite. I'm mad at her for lying to me and I've done nothing but lie to her about you and I" she says. "Hey" I say running a finger across her cheek. "You lied to protect her. You don't want her to know what you were willing to do for her" I say. "Why can't she just focus on herself?" Lucy says resting her head against my chest.

"Maybe he'll be good for her" I say. "Maybe" she says. "Josh really isn't happy so" I ask. "He threatened to tell his bosses at the rehab facility and Tina yelled at him and walked out. We have heard anything from her since. She won't answer her phone" she says.

"You all just need time to calm down. Once ye do, then you can all talk" I say. "I don't know if it will be that easy" she says. My phone buzzes. "You going to get that" she asks. "Leave it till later" I say holding her. "You can see who it is" she says and pulls away from me to take a seat on the couch.

"Tell Lucy Tina is with Elena. These women are so annoying at times!" the text read. "Well" she asks "It's Jack. Tina is with Elena. Don't think he's happy about it either" I say. "At least I know where she is now" I say.

"Ye have all been through worse. I'm sure everything will be ok" I say sitting next to her. "Good game today by the way" she says resting her head on my shoulder. "You enjoyed it" I ask. "The fact that my man was the best player on the pitch and scored a great free kick. Hell ya" she says and I laugh. "I'll make a United fan out off you yet" I say. "And I'll give up all my shoes" she says sacristly.
"Everyone had a great day. I think you made Jack's day introducing him to your teammates" she says. "And he was sort of hoping Elena would make his night. But I guess Tina has changed that" I say. "Well maybe Elena can talk some sense into her" she says.

"I'd wait a while before ringing Elena to check up on them" I say. "Maybe after dinner" she says. "You still want to go out with Wazza and Coleen tonight?" I ask. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" she asks. "Thought after today you'd wouldn't want to" I shrug. "Even more of a reason to go. I need to have fun. Plus Coleen will kill me if we don't go. Apparently the others are all jealous of the double date" she smirks. "Why is everyone so interested in my love life?" I groan. "Because you have an amazing girlfriend who everyone likes" she says standing up. I smile at her. "Just as long as they all know that your mine" I say. "I don't think you have to worry about that" she says running her thumb over her 7 necklace.

"Hey Ronaldo. So how does Lucy feel being the new wag of interest?" Wayne asked as I walked into the changing room on Monday morning. "Huh" I say confused. "You haven't seen the papers yet have you?" he asks and I shake my head. Between breakfast and saying goodbye to Lucy this morning I was a bit busy. Lucy still hadn't spoken to Tina since Saturday. Tina had gone to Elena's house to shout about what happened before leaving with her new man.

"Oh shit" I say as I scan the paper he threw to me. I pull out my phone and quickly dial Lucy's number. "Missing me already" she says sweetly into the phone when she answers. "Naturally" I say and take a deep breath. Given her good mood she clearly hasn't seen the papers yet.

"But there was something" I say. "Are you phoning me to warn me or see if I'm annoyed?" she asks. And laughs. "You saw it so" I say. "Looks like Ronaldo has a new squeeze and he's very taken with her judging by the above pictures. Ronaldo and his brunette beauty were pictured out and about in Alerdy Edge yesterday and were clearly loved up. Rumour has it the footballer has had his lovely girl in the picture for quite some time and is a favourite among the Man United players and their partners" she reads laughing.

"Normally the papers write a load of crap, but they did get something right" she says. I smile. She doesn't sound annoyed. "And what is that?" I ask. "Well firstly I am a beauty and secondly your teammates do like me" she says. "Yes they do" I say watching the lads get ready for training.

"It's fine Cris. It's not like we could keep our relationship secret from the papers. In fact I wouldn't want to. I want everyone to know you are mine" she says. "It's going to be annoying for a while though. Are you going to be ok with the attention?" I ask. "I'll probably be a little annoying at times because of it but I'm sure you can deal with me" she says. "Plus Coleen said I can talk to her if the press and the paps are bothering me" she says. "Ok. I'm glad. I better go. Talk to you later" I say. "Can't wait. Should be fun when they find out you're dating a Liverpool fan" she says laughing as she hangs up the phone.

"Wow Cris, you've only been dating officially for three weeks, it's a bit soon to propose don't you think" Nuno says. "What?" I ask and he pushes the magazine to me. "I was just flicking through it" I say looking at the page covered in engagement rings. "Oh right. Just thought with your special surprise for Lucy this weekend, that you might be planning something else" he says. "Well I'm not planning on proposing so you can relax" I say. "I'm sure Dolores wouldn't mind. She's been planning the wedding since she met Lucy, I'd say" he says. "Don't give her ideas" I groan. "Would it be such a bad thing?" Nuno asks taking a seat on the stool next to me.

"Marriage or marriage to Lucy" I ask. "Both I guess" he shrugs. "I'm not against it" I say. "Just don't rush" he says. "No proposals this weekend Nuno. I just want to treat my girlfriend" I say twirling the seat around to stand up.

I make my way to the stairs.

"I'm not going to propose. Just yet anyway" I say smiling.

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