Chapter 13- What Solution?

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  "Oh hello, it's nice to see you" Nuno said when he realised it was me at the door. "Hi, is your idiot cousin in the house I say sharply. He takes a step back ushering me inside "Yeah he's in his room, it's the third door..........." "I know where it is" I cut in and storm up the stairs. I don't bother to knock as I barge into his room. I stop as I see him standing in his boxers. Just his boxers. "Lucy hi" he sputters.

"Don't hi me" I say and I quickly pick up the cushion on the ground and throw it at him. "What the hell" he shouts at me." You asshole, you stupid Portuguese hypocrite" I say still throwing whatever I could find at him. "All your talk about Tina been on drugs and telling me to forget her, when all along you never told me your brother did drugs" I shout. "Stop shouting at me" he says as grabs the pillow out of my hand and firmly grips my wrists.

"What is wrong?" he asks. "What's wrong" I say as I try to tug out of his grip but he won't let go "let's see apart from my best friend been arrested a cocky jackass footballer decided to take advantage of that arrest by trying to get me to sleep with him and never thought to mention his own brother was a druggy" I shout out. "Are you finished?" he says letting go of my wrists and walks away from me to sit on the bed. "Anyone every tell you that you are a selfish jackass" I say as I turn towards the door and down the stairs.

"Hey don't you dare call me selfish" Cristiano says as I feel his hand on my arm as he quickly turn me to face him. Marcosa appears at my leg and begins to growl. "Ok, is sleazily better" I say as I look straight into his brown hazel eyes. "I'm not a sleaze" he snorts. "What do you call a guy who tries to get a girl to sleep with him if he doesn't press charges against her best friend" I say.

"You did what" I hear a voice say. I look to see Nuno and another guy watching us from the couch. "Of all the stupid things to do" he says and I notice Cristiano's head drop a little. "Nothing happened Jorge" Cristiano says letting go of my arm. "Thank God" I say. "Hey you wanted to" he retorts. "Enough" Jorge says as he approached Cristiano and i. "Who is this man? I whisper to Cristiano. "My agent" he says. "Why don't we discuss this matter Ms..." "Smith. Lucy Smith" I say as I shake his hand. "Please have a seat Ms. Smith" Jorge suggests pointing at the couch. Ha this guy is worried. "I heard about your friend I'm sorry about the incident.
I'm sure we could work something out that suits us all" he says. I watch Cristiano as he sits opposite us. He had found his trousers and a shirt since I left his room. He just sat there as if he was used to been told what to do or decisions made for him.

I was starting to get a headache so I decided instead of having a bit of fun with Jorge I'd just tell him straight. "Look Mr...I'm sorry I didn't catch your name" I say. He straightens "Mendes, Jorge Mendes. I'm Cristiano's agent. His busy agent" he says shaking his head at Cristiano. "Mr. Mendes I know what you're thinking and you don't have to worry. I don't intend to go to the newspapers about any of this. "Newspapers" Cristiano interrupts. "Yes Cris. Newspapers. You seem to like appearing in them lately as your Maé would point out if she was here" Jorge snorts at him. Wow the room just got a lot colder. I'm even feeling a little bit sorry for Cristiano. Just a little though. "I only came here to tell him well what I thought of him" I say as I get up of the couch.

"I've got a solution for both of you". I look to see that it was Nuno who had spoken. "What solution" Jorge questions him. "Well Lucy wants Cris to drop the charges against her friend and Cris wants" "I'm not sleeping with him" I but in. Cristiano looks at me with a smirk. For once he's been wise and not saying what every he was thinking. "Wouldn't take advantage of you Lucy at all. Plus you could do better" he says and I notice Cristiano rolls his eyes.

"Get to the point Nuno" Jorge says. "Ok Cris you're sick of your family's thoughts about your love life and Lucy needs help. So you'll drop the charges against her friend and she will date you" he whispered the last bit but we both heard him clearly enough. "Hell no" Cristiano and I say I unison. For once we agree. "Now wait. That isn't such a bad idea. Both of you get something good from it" Jorge says. "Plus ye would only have to pretend for a while. Your family are planning to spend a lot of time in Manchester Cristiano" Jorge finishes.

Ok in a matter of a week I have gone from been asked well blackmailed to sleep with someone and now it's been suggested that I should date him. Who are these people? "Maé wouldn't believe we were dating for a second" Cristiano says as he heads to the kitchen. Wait was he actually liking this idea? "Think about it Cris, your family will be here for most of November all the time plus over and back before that" Nuno says. "And?" was the reply he got. "And, if Lucy was to pretend to be your madly in love girlfriend, your Máe might stop giving you such a hard time" Nuno finishes.

"Madly in love yeah right" I mumble and Cristiano stares at me. "Look this would suit both of you" Jorge says clearly likeing the idea. "How would it work?" I ask. Cristiano looks up clearly surprised I even asked. Heck the words were out of my mouth before I realised what I had said. "When his family are in town you and Cristiano would pretend to been a couple" Nuno says. "They won't believe we were a couple" Cristiano says. " I'm sure Lucy could act" Nuno smirks at him. "Ha but I don't think I can be an oscar winning actress" I say.

"Think of the good publicity Cris" Jorge says walking to the kitchen counter. "Publicity. No way. That's not what Nuno suggested. We pretend for his family not for everyone else in the country" I say. There was no way I was going to be paraded around like a monkey in front of paparazzi. "Just family" Jorge says. "Do we have a deal" he continues. "Your client drops the charges against Tina and I'll pretend to be his......" Girlfriend" Cristiano buts in.

"Yes that's what will happen correct Cristiano" Jorge asks. "Fine, but it won't work" Cristiano grumbles. "Well here's hoping it won't then" I say to him. I look at my watch and see I'm running late for a meeting. "I need to go" I say. "May I have you phone number to arrange details" Jorge asks. "Sure" I say and I search my handbag for a business card before handing one to him.

"See you soon darling" I hear Cristiano say. "Just to make it clear I'm only doing this for my friend because I'm a nice person unlike you" I say to him as approach him being the kitchen counter. "And just because I'm pretending to be your girlfriend doesn't mean I'm sleeping with you".

He leans down to my ear and whispers "But you really want to". I turn to face Jorge. "Another thing I 

won't be doing" I look back to Cristiano "is wearing his united jersey. I like red but I have taste" I say and leave before I lose my nerve.  

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