Chapter 29- You Support Them

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  Lucy's Pov

"Hey remember we are meeting at 9.30 outside the courthouse in the morning" Josh says placing a glass of water on my desk. "I remember. Elena says Tina's going to plead not guilty. I wish she would talk to us" I say. "Maybe she will tomorrow. You should go home Lucy it's gone six" Josh says. "I'm going in a minute. I'll see you tomorrow" I say and he leaves my office.

Home. Like I really want to go home. Every time I walk through the door I expect to see Tina and have a gossip about our day. I wonder what she would say if she knew where I spent my weekend. I had actually been looking forward to leaving Cristiano's house on Monday morning but when I went home on my own that night I felt so alone I guess that's what you would call it.

I'm so tired I think as I turn in my chair to face the window. I'm so tired of not been able to talk to Tina, not been able to tell Josh where I have been disappearing to when I have gone to Cristiano's more than anything I'm just tired. I haven't slept much this week. My mind won't stop thinking.
My phone buzzes. "Don't forget dinner tonight. Everyone is here" it reads. Thanks for the reminder Nuno I think. I should head to my apartment but I don't want to be alone tonight. Plus I did say I would be at Cristiano's tonight. I text Nuno back to say that I won't be there till after 8.

My phone rings and I pick it up. Dad. "Hi Dad how are you?" I ask. "I'm good sweetie. I can't talk long we are about to board a flight to Malayisa. I just wanted to say best of luck tomorrow" he says. "Malayisa this time sounds lovely. It's not me that needs the luck Dad" I say. "It will all work out. Elena is a good attorney. Look Lucy I have to go. Bye sweetie" he says and the line goes dead.

Bye Dad. Surprise surprise he's going on holiday. I don't blame him I wouldn't want to be at home next week either if I was him. Cristiano might have a strange family but he really doesn't know how lucky he is.

"Lucy. Did you miss me?" Rodrigo says as I open the door to Cristiano's house. "I missed you a lot Rodrigo. Give me a hug" I say picking him up. "I brought you some brownies" I say and he smiles. "Let's go find everyone else" I say walking towards the living room where I'm met with a bunch of faces.

"Lucy bought me brownies" Rodrigo shouts to everyone. "But you're not aloud eat them till tomorrow" I say knowing that he had already eaten his dinner. "Hey" Cristiano says as he begins to trace my thumb with his finger. "Hi" I say. "I like when you bite your lip" he says and next thing I know his hands are in my hair and his lips are on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands move down my back.

"Put her down Cris" Zé says appearing from behind us. Cristiano smiles at me before placing a kiss on my forehead. "Hi Zé" I stutter. "Have you eaten" Cristiano asks me as I watch Elma and Katia laughing together. "I'm not hungry" I say. "You look tired" he says as his knuckles move across my cheek. "Is that your way of saying I look rough? Jezz thanks Cristiano" I say and pull out of his grasp. "So Elma what have you been up to" I ask as I sit beside her on the couch. "Never mind about me. What have you been doing? I hope these boys haven't been annoying you" she says. "She hasn't been here all week so how could we annoy her" Zé says. "You'd annoy someone even if they weren't in the same country" Nuno jokes. "Oh you haven't been here" Elma asks looking at Cristiano. "I've had a busy week at work so it was easier to stay at my place" I say picking up Rodrigo so he sat on my lap. "But she's staying here all week now so we'll have plenty of time to annoy her now" Cristiano says laughing as he sits beside me. "Eat this" he says handing me a cup. "What is it?" I ask. "Máe made soup. You should eat" he says. "Thanks" I mumble. "Look at my book Lucy" Rodrigo says. We spend the next hour chatting about Portugal and how everyone was excited about the game on Saturday. "It's nearly someones bed time" Katia says as Rodrigo yawns. "He's not the only one" Cristiano says pulling me against his chest. "I hope you're not working too hard Lucy" Dolores says. "No I haven't I've just not slept that well that's all" I say. Come on Rodrigo bed" Katia says and he shakes his head. "Yes I think I'll go too" Dolores says taking his hand.

I stand and head to the kitchen followed by Cristiano and Nuno. "Wow Zé and Elma have found a new show to watch" Nuno whispers as I wash the cup. "Do you have any idea what Nuno is talk about" I ask looking at Cristiano. "Think he's talking about you and me been the show. And I think they need another show" he says smirking as he wraps his arms around my waist. "I don't think so" I say shaking my head and pulling out of his arms. "They've left the room if you can see" I say pointing to the couch. "So" he says looking bewildered. "So no kissing unless your family is in the room" I say. "But Nuno" he starts to speak. "Family who aren't party to our arrangement" I say and he frowns. "Nuno could you do me a favour" I say. "Anything" he says. "Don't tempt me Nuno" I laugh. "Could you get the suit case in my car? I want to read Rodrigo a story" I say. "Ahm sure" he says looking between myself and Cristiano.

"I'll follow you up soon. I have to ring Jorge" Cristiano says as Nuno leaves. "Is he coming to the match this weekend" I ask knowing he problay was giving how big the match was. "Yeah but don't worry you won't see him to match day" he says. "I wasn't worried" I say.

I read Rodrigo a story and head to the bedroom to find my suitcase at the bottom of the bed. I put on my red bottoms of my pjs and a black tank top and start to unpack the suitcase. I didn't really plan to bring many clothes but I couldn't decide what I should wear to court tomorrow so I ended up brining a lot more than I had planned. "You ok" a voice asks and I turn to see Cristiano sitting on the bed looking down at me on the floor. "Why wouldn't I be" I say. "Jorge says hello. He's surprised you've put up with me for as long" he says. "Me too" I whisper looking up at him and he frowns. "Although it could be worse. I could be sharing at bed with Zé" I say and he laughs.

His laughter suddenly stops and he stands and picks up a top that was on top of a pair of jeans. "You must be joking" he says holding the top. "What" I ask. "Please don't tell me you support them" he shouts. "Why wouldn't I support them? I can support who I like" I say pulling the top of off his hands. "But them" he asks. "Oh shut up Cristiano. If you want to go act like a child go talk to Rodrigo. I'm too tired to talk about this" I shout at him. "I'm not acting like a child" he says. "Look i'm tired can you just put up with the fact I support a descent team" I say.

He storms into the bathroom and I place some of my clothes into a drawer. It shouldn't matter what team I support. He won't have to put up with me for much longer anyway. "Marcosa down" Cristiano yells as he walks to the bed put the dog doesn't move from his position on the middle of the bed. "Marcosa bed" he yells pointing to the dog bed near the couch and yet again the dog doesn't move. "Marcosa bed" I say and the dog jumps of the bed to me to be rubbed before he walks to his bed. Cristiano frowns at me and throws back the covers on the bed.

"Are you going to sulk over what footie team I support" I say to him. "I'm not sulking" he says getting into the bed and turns away from me. "I'm sorry I snapped at you" I say. But he ignores me. "I'm a bit cranky when I don't get much sleep" I say. "A bit" he says. "Careful or I'll wear that top you hated so much to bed" I say and he looks at me with disbelief. "You wouldn't dare" he says. "Stop sulking and I won't" I say. "Why are so tired?" he asks turning to face me again. "Just couldn't sleep much the last few nights" I say.

"Missed me that much you couldn't sleep" he says and I look at him. "Or was it all the dreaming you were doing about me" he says and I laugh. "In your dreams" I say. "Well hopefully you'll sleep better tonight" he says as I turn of the bedside lamp. "Maybe" I say.

"For the record you're still cute even when you are cranky" he whispers. "And I'm not acting like a child" he says. Trying to get into my good books by pretending to think I'm cute. Even I'm not cute when I'm tired I think as I try to drift off to sleep.

I turn and see the clock is reading 2.30. Oh it's still night. I stare at the ceiling. The room is quiet except for Marcosa's snoring. I can't stop thinking about Tina. How is she feeling tonight? Why won't she plead guilty? If she pleads not guilty there won't be a trial and she can move on. I look over my shoulder at Cristiano. His back his facing away from me and his arm is above his head. He look so relaxed and calm.

I quietly get out of the bed, pick up my laptop and head to the door. Marcosa makes a noise and he comes over to me. "You want to come with me cutie" I whisper and it must be the tiredness because I swear the dog nodded at me. I head down stairs and I pour some milk into a pan. Some warm milk may help me to sleep. Once it's ready I sit on the couch and open my laptop. Marcosa sits at my feet. I open a folder labelled pictures. How life was so easy back then I think as I look at a picture of Tina and I on a night in all dressed in our pyjamas.

"What are you doing up" a voice says and I look up to see Cristiano.

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