Chapter 67- Is It Worth The Hassle?

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  Lucy's Pov

"Lucy I don't know what has gotten into Rio tonight" Rebecca says as I take a seat in the living room with the girls.

What girl?

"He can be a bit of an ass sometimes" Coleen says.

Was she pretty?

"Thankfully I think Lorenz is taking after me" Rebecca says. "Lucy" Lisa says. "Sorry" I say stopping thinking in my head. "We were just saying to ignore Rio" Lisa says. "I will" I say. "Anyone can see Cristiano is crazy about you" Coleen says. I'm the crazy one I think.

I smile at the girls. What the hell am I meant to say?

"Let's talk about something else" Coleen says. "How are the wedding plans going Lisa" Rebecca asks. "Good, I think" she replies. I listen as best I could as the girls discuss dresses and flowers but all I can think about is getting out of here. I knew I shouldn't have come tonight.

"We should probably get going too" Cristiano says holding my hand as the rest of the group stand to leave. "Oh wait I want to show Lucy something" Coleen says before walking out with everyone else to say goodbye. I pull my hand away from Cristiano's and move to the fireplace.

"Lucy about what Rio said" Cristiano says. It's non of my business I think. "They have a nice home, don't they?" I say. "Who?" he asks. "Wayne and Coleen" I says "Ya I guess. Look about earlier" he says. Non of my business I think. "I won't be long with Coleen, whatever she wants to show me" I say wishing Coleen would come back into the room soon.

"I want to ask what dress you think I should wear to this charity event I am going to next weekend" Coleen says as we walk up the stairs to her bedroom. "Ok" I say. "Are you ok? You seem a bit quite" she says. "I'm just tired that's all" I say. "You sure" she says. "It's been a long weekend" I say.

"Look Rio was just been a muppet earlier. He was just annoyed that Cristiano never told him about you" Coleen says as we head to her closest. "So show me the dress" I say faking a smile. I don't why she needed my opinion as the blue dress was stunning. "I'm glad you came tonight" Coleen says as we make our way back to the men. "Thanks for having me" I say. "Anytime. In fact maybe we could meet for lunch soon" she says. "That would be nice" I say truthfully. "Remember when the press find out about you and Cristiano, i'll be here to help you deal with it" she says. I nod a thanks.

The press won't ever find out about me I think. Coleen really did seem lovely. Although I won't see her again after Cristiano and I's arrangement ends.

Later as Cristiano gets into bed. I try to block him out.

"Lucy nothing happened with that girl in the club" I hear him say. "It's got nothing to do with me. You are single. You can date whoever you want" I say and turn away from him.

It only feels like I have been in bed for a few minutes when the alarm goes off. I hear Cristiano groan as I switch the alarm off. I sit up in the bed before his hand reaches my stomach. "Go back to sleep" I say pulling the covers back. "Stay" he whispers. "Some of us have work" I say heading to the bathroom.

Oh I look like crap I think staring at myself in the mirror. I wonder does the blonde look this bad in the morning. I shake my head and throw water on my face. I head back into the bedroom to get my clothes for the day.

"Lucy" Cristiano says. "You should take advantage of having no training and go back to sleep" I say grabbing a blouse out of a drawer and heading to the closet. I quickly get dressed and head down stairs. "Mana" Nuno says as I walk into the kitchen. "Hi" I say. "Good dinner" he asks. "Ya it was. I'm heading to work. See you soon" I say grabbing a banana and getting out of the house as quick as possible.

"Feed me now" Elena says dramatically as she walks into my office later in the day. "This one going to be a blind date" I say looking up from my computer. "No. Never again" she says. Maybe it should I think.

"What's up?" she asks. "Nothing. Let's go" I say. "So any news from Tina" Elena asks not pushing me to talk. "Ya she sounds really good. I'm thinking off going to visit her soon" I say. A break away from everything and everyone might be good.

"Ok so I know no talk about your love life but does that mean we can't discuss mine" Elena asks as we wait for the lift. I have no love life. And that's the way it is staying I think. "How is the new man?" I ask. "He's not my man" she says. "Then why do you want to talk so?" I say. "Ok he wants to take me out tonight" she says. "No way. How strange" I joke.

"Very funny. But we have never been out alone without anyone in the office" she says. "Then maybe he doesn't want to hide you anymore" I say. "Am I silly to be worried" she asks. "He is your boss, so just be careful" I say.

"You ever think sometimes men aren't worth all the hassle" Elena says.

"Some" I say. Have yet to find one I think.

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